MissMisfit37 / Comments

  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    Hey, you most certainly won't remember me considering I've changed usernames god knows how many times, but I just wanted to say I love the bands you listen to, Turisas, really? You're my new best friend, man.
    Mathias is one he'll of a man, pretty darn fine.
    And Týr? Fuck yeah. Folk/Pagan Metal is the fucking shit, and it's awesome to see another Metalchick with good tastes.
    Yup, that's all I wanted to say.
    May 14th, 2011 at 03:31pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Fuck yeah, dude! It makes me happy as hell to hear from you! I mean, I know I don't get on mibba as much as I should, but honestly, the friends I've made on here (you included) are like the coolest I've ever had. I love you guys. :D
    And of course, I'm also quite happy to hear you're gonna start writing again! You know I've always enjoyed the shit out of your stories, so you can bet your ass I'm gonna read this new one you put up. And I will definitely comment and let you know what I think! Which, by the way, you're totally welcome for the other comment. I love commenting your stuff. :)
    Oh, and congrats on almost graduating! I'm really proud of you, doll!
    But what else has been going on with you? Anything fun/crazy/exciting? Are you still with Johnathan? Hahaha, basically tell me everything! I really miss talking to you!
    Hope to hear from you soon. :)
    May 11th, 2011 at 07:23am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    LOL, sorry it took me a while to get back to you, but I've been pretty preoccupied with holidays and all of that. But luckily, that fucking shit's starting to die down now. Hahah, anyway, I hope you had an amazing Christmas and New Year's & that 2011's been good to you already. :)
    Everything's been awesome for me. On Christmas, I pretty much just hung around the house with my fam., but I got a shitload of A7X presents, so that was chill. Then, on the 28th (anniversary of The Rev's passing), I had about a million fucking candles burning and I just listened to A7X all day. It was quite emotional, but also quite amazing. :) Oh, and on New Year's, I stayed up all night talking to my friend on AIM. LOL, so yeah, pretty awesome, indeed.
    Ohh, and I'm fucking happy you got a laptop! I've actually REALLY missed your writing, so it'll be nice to see you posting stuff again. In fact, I believe I see a new story of yours, so I'll be sure to check it out!
    Other than that, you MUST tell me what's going on with you! I feel like we haven't talked in fucking forever, so we need to catch up and all that good stuff. Tell me how you've been, doll.
    I miss you and hope you're doing well! <3
    January 2nd, 2011 at 10:52pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Well, I read your new version of With No More Room in Hell and I have to say that I fucking loved it. I thought it was brilliant before, but you've taken a break to get your ideas in order, which I think has helped you a lot. It seems like the ideas are pouring out of you now! And I'm really happy about that. :]
    And duh, I'm also happy that things seemed to be settled down at your house. I know shit can get really overwhelming, but it's good to hear that you're doing better and hanging in there. Sometimes, that's all you can do, ya know? And hopefully you keep writing as much as you can, cuz that's always a really good outlet.
    But yeah, anyway, I guess that's it for now.
    Hope you're doing well, my dear! <3
    October 23rd, 2010 at 01:29am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, love, I'm really sorry to hear that things have been so difficult for you. It sounds like you've got waaaaay too much to handle for someone your age, and that's unfortunate, cuz you shouldn't have to worry about all the shit like that. I mean, it sounds like you're pulling through like a trooper, but I know everyone gets overwhelmed. So seriously, don't worry too much about writing/updating right now. You know I love your stories, but it's more important to me that you're doing well and that you don't have too much stress to deal with. Straight up, man, that should be your number one priority. I wish I could say more than that, but I know most shit won't make that much of a difference. The best I can tell you is that I've been in your shoes before and that it fucking SUCKS, but life always has a way of working itself out. It's ups and downs, but at least you're living, ya know? IDK, that's shit advice, but it's true.
    Anyway, I hope things get better for you and all of that, cuz I hate to see you going through this.
    But hang in there, chicka. I know you're too strong to let it all destroy you.
    October 7th, 2010 at 10:37am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    OMG, sorry this is late, but I just got back from spending the weekend with my grandma. She's fucking crazy, but it was actually kind of fun. :D
    Anyway, I'm super glad you're in the clear with the whole pregnancy scare thing. Believe me, I know those aren't fun, so I'm really relieved for you. I don't mean to sound all parent-like, but you gotta be fucking careful, man. You can be really mature and all that, but when you're fast with something so serious it kind of puts things in perspective and it's scary as fuck.
    Hah, but I'm glad you're all good and I def. hope you can write some more soon. :]
    September 20th, 2010 at 06:43am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, starting school sucks! And I can't blame you for being pissed, cuz it def. doesn't make it easy when it seems like things aren't going the way you want them to. Seriously, that sucks that you and Johnathan don't have any classes or even lunch together, cuz that'll make it a lot harder for you to have time together. Hopefully you hang out a lot outside of school to make up for it.
    LOL, but aw, I guess there's no way around your chef uniform, as sad as that may be. Don't blame you for being pissed about that either, though, cuz I've always been fussy about uniforms of any kind. Man, can you not even add like personal touches to it to make it less monotonous?
    Oh, and good luck on inspiration and writing, by the way! I'll be nice to see you posting regularly again, cuz man, I really fucking miss your stories.
    But for now, congrats on being a senior! I bet it feels great to know that you're almost finished with your four years of Hell. :D
    Ha ha ha, but yeah, I hope you're doing well, dear!
    September 5th, 2010 at 09:24am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, shit, I'm totally sorry about your internet! Well, it's good that ya'll have your own installed now, but still, two weeks without internet sounds totally horrible. But yeah, shit, it's cool cuz at least all of this means that you'll be writing more. You haven't posted in like a million years. :[ Ha ha ha, seriously, though, it sucks, cuz I miss your stories! But heyyy, hopefully there will be more stuff soon, and in the mean time, I guess just focus on whatever you need to do for school, cuz that's obv. more important, as much as I hate to admit it.
    LOL, but yeahhhhh, fuck, he's absolutely amazing. He's been through more than I would ever be able to and yet he's a lot stronger. Just being with him makes me feel so much better about shit and I have to say that I'm falling ridiculously hard. Heh, aw, and I'm glad that you seem to be just as content with your relationship with Johnathan. I don't know him, of course, but I know he must be a terrific guy to make you so happy and to give you that security that every girl wants in a relationship. I wish ya'll nothing but good things. :]
    Oh, and congrats on getting your graduation project done! I was always a huge procrastinator with shit like that, so I'm glad you've got yours out of the way and of course, glad to hear that you put so much effort into it. And I'm sure you'll do an awesome job with your presentation!
    But yeah, shit, about the writing again. I really do hope you write some more soon. I know life catches up with you sometimes and it's like writing is the last thing on your mind, but fuck, it would make my day to read something of yours after so long. But of course, take your time with it all and pretty much just focus on being happy for now, cuz that's a lot more important to me. You TOTALLY deserve it, chicka! :]
    August 26th, 2010 at 02:43am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aww, this Johnathan guy actually seems pretty fucking awesome! Not only does he sound super cute (mmm, tan and Italian, eh?), but it's cool, cuz it also sounds like he's got his shit together. IDK, but it's hard to find guys that are well-rounded and all of that, ya know? But at least Johnathan is working and taking care of himself and shit. If you ask me, that's totally the kind of guy that you need to be with. It seems like you've had to deal with a lot of immature guys, so it'll be a nice change to have someone that's just really cool and smart and an all around good guy. I'm really happy for you, dear, and I hope it all works out. :]
    Nowwwww, what can I say about Michael? Well, he's 20, he shares a house with one of his friends, he works at a warehouse, and he plays video games/smokes weed every day. He had a fucked up childhood, so he's not really close to anyone in his family and he also got in trouble a lot when he was in high school cuz he did that typical thing of acting out. I feel like he's come a long way since then, though, and has turned out to be a really sweet, chill guy. And he's hot as fuck! His mom is white and his dad is Israeli, so he's like tan and gorgeous and has all these deliciously manly features that just make me wanna rape him and shit. Heh, seriously, though, I like him a lot. The only thing is that he's had a lot going on recently so I haven't seen him much, but ehh, I guess it could be worse.
    But yeah, how have you been, dear? Hanging out with Johnathan and all that good stuff?
    LOL, oh, and how is your graduation project going? I know that's probably not very fun, but I mean, it'll probably feel really awesome when you've finally got it done and over with.
    Oh, and I'm actually feeling a lot better these days. This must sound pathetic, but having a guy that care about you makes a hell of a difference in your outlook.
    But yeah, enough about me, dammnit!
    Be sure to let me know everything that's been going on with you.
    And your man candy, of course. :P
    August 25th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    OMG, I know! I had a whole lot of shit going on for a while, but man, it was lame, cuz I really missed talking to you! And reading your stories, of course. :]
    So yeahhh, it's kinda disappointing that you haven't been writing, but at the same time, I know all the brainstorming and everything can be super helpful when you're trying to come up with new ideas and whatnot. I'm actually quite excited to see some of what you've been working on, cuz I know it's probably awesome as fuck! LOL, and love how you keep venturing out of your "norm" and trying new things. Not only is it great in expanding as an author, but it's fun for readers cuz it gives them variety and keeps them on their toes.
    And I'm happy to hear that the whole ex situation has settled down! Especially now that you've got a new boy toy. :] Heh, what's he like? Is he like totally cute or what? Better give me all the details, dammnit!
    LOL, and it's funny, cuz I've actually got a new boyfriend! His name is Michael and he's fucking amazing. He's like my sexy, muscular, pothead dream boy. :D
    But honestly, life has been kind of blah other than that. I've been a moody little fuck these past few weeks, but it's def. getting better. :]
    How about you, though? Anything going on other than boys and brainstorming?
    Ha ha ha, oh, you got your hair cut! I actually think that's really awesome. It sounds weird, but it can sometimes feel really liberating when you cut your hair shorter than normal. Plus, it gives you like a whole new head to work with. LOL, I bet it's super cute!
    Ohh, and I'm sorry about the whole job thing. IDK why it's so fucking hard to find a job these days, but believe me, I know your pain. Hopefully both of us can find one soon, cuz I'm sick of not having any fucking money!
    LOL, oh, and trust me, you'll be hearing from me a hell of a lot more now that I've got some of my shit worked out. Talking to you puts me in a totally awesome mood!
    August 12th, 2010 at 12:40am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Fuck, I think I might have lost your comment!
    LOL, it's lame, cuz this is my first time back on the site in a couple of weeks and I'm having a total build-up of comments and shit.
    But I didn't forget about you, I swear to God!
    Ha ha ha, IDK, it's just been weird, cuz I went into complete hybernation when A7X's new album came out and I seriously didn't leave the house for days. Listening to it was fucking entrancing.
    But okay, enough babbling. :]
    How have you been, dear?
    Been up to anything fun lately?
    Did you ever find a job?
    Oh, and have you been writing at all?
    LOL, too much questions, I know, but I haven't talked to you in a long time, so I feel like I need to catch up.
    Give me all the juicy deets, as Perez Hilton would say. Ha ha ha, ehhh, fuck my life.
    But yeah, I hope to talk to you soon, dear!
    August 8th, 2010 at 09:18pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    *Cries like a baby* You no write no more story!
    No really though, are you still working on your story long lost words? It's hard to find decent stories on this site that aren't fan-fictions, gay slashes, wacky and surreal love stories and incest. It's kinda getting on my damn nerve and I'm ready for CHANGE! Change it goooood. ==))))
    August 4th, 2010 at 01:05am
  • Castiean

    Castiean (100)

    United States
    yeah thats why i stopped readin it...i should sell my copy lol
    July 31st, 2010 at 02:44am
  • XConstantDreamerX

    XConstantDreamerX (100)

    United States
    haha yeeep!
    July 29th, 2010 at 05:42am
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    Oh yes, I understand. I'll be patient.
    July 19th, 2010 at 10:58pm
  • The Maine

    The Maine (100)

    United States
    Thank you (:
    July 17th, 2010 at 05:56pm
  • The Maine

    The Maine (100)

    United States
    The feeling is delightful if that person doesn't have a girlfriend.
    July 16th, 2010 at 09:01pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    LOL, aw, I can't be too mad at you, cuz I've totally been M.I.A. for the past week or so and I haven't been writing either. :/ I've actually been really moody and anti-social lately, so that's been really weird, but I'm back now and def. anxious for you to do some posting, cuz reading stories like yours always puts me in a good mood. It's nice to escape to a different world like that, ya know? But at the same time, I don't want to pressure you or anything, cuz I think it's cool how you take your time with your stories and really put effort into them. I mean, it's obvious that you take them seriously and it def. shows through in the end results. So yeah, I'd like you to post soon, but def. take your time if that's what works best! Althougghhhh... it'd be really cool if you posted in Cold Blood. :] LOL, I was home alone last night and I was thinking about it, so it got me totally paranoid. But that's a good thing! You know a story is good when it leaves an effect like that. And I don't think it's starting off slow at all! It's building the foundation for the story, of course, but that's necessary. And at least you do it in a way that's really interesting! Plus, it'd be cool as shit to see you writing some vampire stories again, cuz you haven't been at any of those in a long time. Or the zombie one, for that matter! But like I said, I've actually been completely lagging, so it wouldn't be fair to kick your ass just yet. Hahaha, oh, and by the way: I'm really glad to hear that this boyfriend drama is coming to a close! I know it's been hell for you lately, but now it'll be a huge weight lifted off of your shoulders and I think that's just what you need to get the ideas flowing. So hopefully you keep up with writing and get something posted soon! I'm especially anxious to see more of Cold Blood!
    Talk to you soon, dear, and hope you're doing well. :]
    July 16th, 2010 at 10:13am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    You're totally welcome, dear! I actually quite enjoyed commenting, if you want to know the truth (especially on Cold Blood), because it really got my mind turning. Which is a good thing, if you ask me!
    Plus, it's nice to see someone that obviously puts their heart and soul into what they write. You can tell by the flow of your sentences and your descriptions that you put a shit ton of effort into it, and it's basically awesome, cuz no one else does that these days.
    LOL, IDK, but it's great.
    And I'm really looking forward to more!
    So hopefully you keep up with the excitement and get a lot more written. Ha ha ha, yeah, no pressure or anything. *coughhintcough*
    Oh, and dudeeee! I think you would make a great character!
    You would be in a story called, "The Badass Metal Chick That Writes Awesome Fucking Stories".
    It would be totally epic. :]
    July 7th, 2010 at 08:36pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    LOL, well, I'm glad you didn't blow yourself up, but I feel really bad that you shut your hand in a door. I do that all the time so I know it hurts a lot. :/
    But I do hope it feels better soon! Especially so you can keep writing!
    I actually commented on the murder story already cuz I got excited when I saw that you put it back up, but unfortunately, I haven't gotten to "Long Lost Words" yet.
    "Cold Blood" was really awesome, though! And that's a really good title, by the way. :]
    Ha ha ha, IDK, but I love the vibe of the whole thing and I thought the summary was great for setting up the suspense of the rest of the story. Actually, it's gotten me quite interested to see how this man came about killing and all that. When we think of murderers, our first reactions are usually disgust and disdain, but if you look more into their lives, you typically see that they have reasons for doing what they've done.
    LOL, yeahhh, I'm rambling now, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying.
    As for testing out a new aspect of your talent... well, I'd say it's going pretty well so far!
    Plus, I'm happy that the writing is going well for you. And especially that you're so excited, cuz that'll prob. help you to stay interested enough to keep writing regularly.
    It's been kind of "blah" for me lately cuz I've had a lot of other shit on my mind, but I wouldn't say it's quite "writer's block" yet, so at least that's a good thing.
    Ha ha, but yeah, I'm glad things are well for you, dear.
    And I promise that I'll get to "Long Lost Words" as soon as I can! I would like to do it now cuz I'm really excited about it, but I got waaaaay too much sun yesterday and I'm actually feeling quite shitty today.
    But I should be able to tomorrow!
    And hopefully you've got some more stuff up by then!
    July 6th, 2010 at 07:13am