MissMisfit37 / Comments

  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Yeah, there's not a lot you can do when it comes the 4th of July other than fireworks and shit like that, but I hope you have fun, in any case, and that you and your cousins are very careful when you set the fireworks off. Seriously, don't blow yourself up cuz I would miss you. :D
    LOL, but yeah, I def. agree with being excited about the plot changes. I loved the story in its original form, of course, but I think it'll be interesting to see the affect of Cadence being more mature, 'cause that'll def. change the way she reacts to the paranormal presence. Plus, that would be freaking awesome if you turned "Murders in the Rue Morgue" into a full story! I thought the vibe of that shit was fuckin' phenomenal and I also think there's a lot you can do with the whole storyline. Especially if you end up revolving it around the murderer. Not only would that be badass, but it'd also be a really unique way to look at those kinds of stories.
    Aww, and thank you so much for what you said! I mean, I know fan fictions can be pretty cheesy, but I don't look at it like, oh it's Synyster Gates, it's M. Shadows, blah, blah, blah. I try to make that secondary to creating the scenes that I see in my head when I make this shit up, because I want the vibe to be as true as the way I initially pictured it. LOL, and I'm glad you don't think it sucks! Seriously, it means a lot coming from you, cuz you know I have complete and utter respect for your ability to tell a story.
    But yeah, I know what you mean about shitty weather! I'm kind of the same way in that I hate it when it's not "just right", and it basically drives me crazy when it's either too hot or too cold. Plus, I totally get the whole humidity thing. To me, it feels like being covered by a sticky wet blanket or something like that. Ha ha, IDK, but I hope the weather gets better for you too!
    And I also hope that you can get some writing done soon! I can't wait to see the revised version of "Long Lost Words". And more of the zombie story!
    Basically, more of everything. :]
    But in the mean time: take care and have fun with fireworks, dear!
    July 4th, 2010 at 01:38pm
  • uBEAT.

    uBEAT. (100)

    United States
    Ah no!
    Don't go to the mental ward!
    Get a stick, beat them with it XD
    July 4th, 2010 at 03:53am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, well, I am kind of disappointed, cuz I'm sure that means it's gonna be a while 'til your next post, but I have to admit that I'm fairly interested in seeing what happens when you change Cade's age and all of that. I mean, it might not sound like a lot, but even that will drastically change the tone of the whole story, so I'm actually pretty excited to see how it goes. Not only that, but I trust in your talent enough to know that this probably gonna make the story even better. The only thing I hope is that it doesn't take to long to get all of it written. LOL, I really do miss reading your stories and it sucks, cuz it feels like you haven't posted in forever!

    But omg, at least you've almost got a chapter for your zombie story! Ha ha, shit, that's actually quite awesome, cuz the one that's been the longest with no posting or however you wanna say it. And well, you obv. know that it's one of my favorites. I def. think you could get it published! It has a really awesome storyline and it's especially great cuz it's not your typical zombie story where everything revolves around pointless gore and shit like that. IDK, but I fucking love it. And I hope you finish that chapter soon so I have something fabulous to read!

    As for me... well, there's not a lot going on here. There's a hurricane in Mexico that's fairly close to here so we've been having HORRIBLE weather and that's pretty much making it so I want to stay home and snuggle up in bed all day. Ha ha ha, oh, and I've been writing a lot, so that's a good thing.

    What about you? What's been going on besides this stuff with your stories?

    Do you have any plans for the 4th of July? Ya know, something fun?

    LOL, I hope so!

    And I hope you're doing well, of course!

    July 3rd, 2010 at 02:22pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    Yeah me neither his voice erks me sometimes, but Im okay with them. And when you were 6? damn. And haha, it's very good. And I have slight anger issues, so when Im all about to knock someone out I just listen to loud hard music and I relax. Yeah Amon Amarth are the shit. And Mastodon as well, if you know them. And yeah I like As I Lay Dying a lot. And that's cool, is Cradle of Filth industrial goth metal? I think it is. If you know them as well. I like goth stuff it's dark and gloomy most of the time and I adore that. And I've recently gotten into Melodic/Medival metal and all that, I have a weakness for it. Like a band names eluveitie. And I'm guessing you were raised with 80's metal and all that jazz. That's awesome.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 11:12pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    You're very welcome :) And really? You should post new picture then :D I changed a lot in the past year as well, last year, I looked way different.
    And yeah, if only. Although, it wouldn't difference all of us now would it? I mean having bimbo preps listening to metal. Metal represents us metalheads, we're way cooler like that. But yeah, some metal bands talk about violence and all, which I'm down with, they still are the shit. But some have good messages and are the shit. But rap and hip hop talks about ass and taking drugs. I personally find rap rediculous and boring. Im just 1000000000000 strong against techno. And it's not just you.
    And I listen to a little bit of Cannibal Corpse, not my favorite. There are some Metal bands I hate that like pig squeal. bleh. Im not die hard Cannibal Corpse lover, but I do have some songs on my ipod. How about Amon Amarth? or As I Lay Dying.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    Oh god, same here! Preps look at me like I'm an unwanted marshmellow in a Lucky Charms box. And there are a lot of wanna-be's and crap. I have nothing against like emo music, although I personally think some of it's pathetic :\ But yeah rap/hip hop/pop/ and fucking techno! Is it just me or isn't that not real music. People talk about house, techno and all that crap blasting it and im like thats not real music it's just some electronic toy making it for you, douche. And yeah, guitar riffs, drums solos and the voice! That's what makes and creates a song. Not some computer. Well with the help but you know. And yeah, I think I'm the only one who has music in that range. I know some guys from another school who like my music but not in my crappy school. And that is completely true. We're unique for it. Justin Bieber makes my ears bleed with Kesha along with it. And Metal makes my ears cum. That's why I'm partially def now.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 10:12pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    I know what you mean, people don't appreciate my music either. They think it's fucked up. Mhhmmm. And god Alexi IS droolable! With his long sexy hair. And gorgeous eyes Mwahaha. And yeah I know, Bieber is not real music, Metal is real music \m/ all the way. And yeah people at my school think I'm a freak for that as well. Apparently i'm a loser for it. And it does make you want to punch people! And that smexy guy in the picture is no one other than Gus G. Well his name is Krokus but yeah. He's greek and sexy XD Well, if you do decide to stalk him, I'd understand, I mean he's totally jumpable.
    July 2nd, 2010 at 09:45pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    And AHH I know he's delicious! You should totally check out the band Firewind :)
    July 2nd, 2010 at 05:33pm
  • ohrwurm.

    ohrwurm. (100)

    Thanks for the journal comment :)
    I hate staying alone, well, when it's dark out D:
    And I'm working most summer, and on the computer most of my summer, glad your enjoying yours. I hate the heat though, been loving the rain.
    And btw, you have a fantastic taste in music, Dethklok, Iron Maiden, MEGADETH, In Flames, Annihilator. And is Alexi Laiho hot or is it just the heat waves here blinding me?
    July 2nd, 2010 at 05:33pm
  • Train

    Train (150)

    United States
    Haha, thanks for the journal comment. Hope everything works out for you too! :)
    July 1st, 2010 at 06:32am
  • one man wolf pack

    one man wolf pack (100)

    United States
    Thanks Fo' Da Luv
    Haha, but no seriously thanks. It means a lot.
    Especially since I like your work so much.
    June 30th, 2010 at 08:10pm
  • iiMzNunu

    iiMzNunu (100)

    United States
    You're correct! I can understand you.
    June 26th, 2010 at 11:04pm
  • tholomew plague.

    tholomew plague. (200)

    United States
    Thanks for the journal comment.
    June 26th, 2010 at 07:45pm
  • gunner

    gunner (100)

    yeah, I guess its not that common to find people with a good taste in music nowadays...
    and you like Deathstars too! Cat Casino, what a man... I listen to Annihilator every day, especially when I'm on the bus so weird people will be intimidated and won't talk to me lol

    and the pic where you're asking if its for real; its not, its just my head on Axl Rose's body, while I'm pretending to lean against Izzy, the guitarist xD
    June 26th, 2010 at 06:36pm
  • gunner

    gunner (100)

    hey, you commented on my journal thingy.

    (and Children of Bodom from what I hear haha)
    I'm Anna, great meeting you!
    June 26th, 2010 at 05:30pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, well, that's good that things seem to be dying down. I mean, the whole situation was quite shitty, but it sounds like your mom might be easing up a bit, and I'm sure your ex will get over you at some point. Guys are just fuckin' whiny. LOL, but yesssss! I'm glad you're gonna be getting back into your stories! Seriously, I haven't had jack shit to read these days and it would be nice to have something that would keep me occupied. I've been bored and I need some poltergeist goodness or some shit like that! Ha ha, seriously, I will totally keep my fingers crossed that you can get some writing down. It's been a while, so you probably got some fantastic ideas stored away somewhere.
    I HOPE you do, anyways!
    Especially for Long Lost Words, cuz I was really getting sucked into that story.
    June 26th, 2010 at 10:24am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, don't worry about it, dear, cuz it sounds like you already have enough to worry about.
    I mean, this shit with your family thinking that you're hooking up with your best friend! That's just fuckin' ridiculous. They should believe you when you say that you're not, ya know? And even if you were, it's none of their business, like you said! You can date (or not date) whoever you want and your relationship status isn't really any of their concern. Especially to the point that your mom sends your brother out there to wait for you. Honestly, they need to get over it! You deserve your privacy and space just like anyone, and besides, it's not like things aren't shitty enough with your ex being a creep about the whole situation.
    Like him spying on you! Jesus Christ, that's fuckin' obsessive! I mean, it can be hard to get over an ex, but is spying really necessary? And listening to ya'lls conversation and shit like that? I just think that's really creepy, like you said. And as with your mom, I also think it's a huge invasion of privacy. He's not your bf anymore and has no right to be up in your shit or anything like that. He seriously needs to get over all of this.
    The only good thing is that your stepdad is being supportive. That's so funny, though, that the only person being normal about this is your stepdad. LOL, he must be a cool dude. :]
    But yeah, fuck, I'm totally sorry that you're going through this. I know it can be lame as fuck when people are trying to involve themselves in your personal matters, cuz I mean, how the hell does it involve them? Ha ha ha, IDK, hopefully they back off a little!
    You're old enough and mature enough to not have to deal with this kind of shit, if you ask me.
    June 25th, 2010 at 02:38am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, I'm glad Word is finally working again! Hopefully that means you'll be posting soon. :]
    LOL, I mean, I totally get that you want to do some editing first, cuz then you'll have things more perfected and you'll probably feel better about it all, but still, it's weird, cuz none of the writers that I usually read have been posting lately. Everyone's been so busy! And it sucks, cuz I tried to look for other stories but I always give up really quickly. A lot of them are so ridiculous!
    But OMG, yeah, that Big Four thing sounds fuckin' awesome! Those are seriously four of the best metal bands ever! Kinda know what you mean about Metallica playing for so long, though. I mean, Metallica has come out with some epic fuckin' music and they've paved the way for subsequent metal bands, but they're waaaay too overrated and I I agree about the sell out thing. Plus, I would have wanted Megadeth to go on for longer, because their my favorite out of the four! But yeah, gosh, I'm glad you had a good time! I bet it was fun as shit!
    Ohhh, and def. do wish you luck on getting more written! No pressure or anything, but honestly, I'd love to back into reading your stories again. :]
    June 24th, 2010 at 10:26am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, that's good to hear, in that case. :]
    Especially about the whole thing with your boyfriend. Not that I'm happy that ya'll broke up, cuz that's never a fun thing, but still, I think it's better than the stress you've been dealing with && I'm also glad that it's helping to get your creativity flowing again.
    I've been so fuckin' anxious for more of your stories! LOL, so I basically hope that you can get Word working again and that you can write something soon!
    Oh, and yeah, that's awesome about the job thing! I mean, getting guaranteed a job is a pretty big thing, although, I can see it being frustrating since you have to wait for a few months. I totally know the feeling, cuz it's like, summer is already boring as shit and there's a lot fuckin' less to do if you don't have a job or something. So maybe that convenience store will hire you after all and everything will be fantastic!
    LOL, I'm hoping so. And for me too! I'm getting really close to giving up on the whole job thing cuz no one seems to want me. Ha ha ha.
    But aw, it's almost your birthday! Happy early birthday!
    You gonna do anything fun for it?
    Ohhh, and I hope you get a laptop!
    My parents got me a laptop for XMAS and it's the most convenient and amazing thing int he world. LOL, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
    June 22nd, 2010 at 12:51pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    LOL, well that's at least cool that you're doing that, cuz it'll probably make the story even more interesting. I mean, you usually come up with some pretty awesome things!
    But yeah, shit, I hope you can post soon! It's weird, cuz the people that write the stories I read are not really posting these days and so I have absolutely nothing to read. And it sucks cuz I was starting to get really into the whole poltergeist thing in Long Lost Words!
    But I'm sure this break will at least help move some ideas around.
    And be sure to listen to more 80's rock and metal! If that's what does the trick, then so be it!
    June 21st, 2010 at 10:41am