MissMisfit37 / Comments

  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, dear, that doesn't sound good!
    What exactly happened, though? Did you guys get in a fight or something?
    Or was it about him liking you?
    Not that you do have to tell me or anything if it makes you uncomfortable, but yeah, wow, I'm just wondering what it could have been to make things so tense and awkward, especially since ya'll are best friends.
    And whatever it is, I hope it doesn't mess things up for ya'lls friendship. :[
    Oh, and well, don't worry about that chapter, hun.
    There's now way I'd ever expect you to write when there's something wrong, and believe me, knowing that you're okay okay means much more to me.
    So yeah, at least tell me if you're okay now and all of that!
    LOL, I'm slightly worried now!
    June 14th, 2010 at 04:20am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    OMG, that sounds fuckin' fun! I know a lot of people are freaked out by the whole ghost idea, which is understandable, but at the same time, I think there's something really interesting about being in a house where there's a supernatural presence cuz you can totally feel it. It's so creepy, cuz it's like that "someone is watching you" sensation. Ha ha, IDK, I hate being scared, but I also love it. :]
    And doing a seance! LOL, it's cool that something actually happened for ya'll, cuz nothing happened when me, my sister and our friends did it. :[ But then again, IDK if we did it right. Ha ha ha, I don't know, but that's cool that the lights flickered! I would have been so freaked out, but slightly exhilarated.
    LOL, you need to visit that house frequently, cuz I bet it'll end up giving you a shit ton of cool things to do in your ghost story. I mean, you prob. already have a lot of great ideas of your own, but IDK, it would be cool to document real life type things too, ya know?
    It makes it even scarier when you know that it's not fiction!
    June 14th, 2010 at 12:15am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Lmfao that girl is my hero. XD
    June 13th, 2010 at 06:53pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Someone should slap her. D:
    June 13th, 2010 at 06:45pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I agree, but for the most part, writers keep the old rule.

    Did she start a new line for every time someone new began talking?
    June 13th, 2010 at 06:09pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    None at all? Not even while they were talking? Well, my sister's roommate is trying to write, and she says that rule changes all the time, but I dislike that. I mean, I know we can't do it on Mibba or whatever, but in a published book, seriously? D:

    And yes it is. x]
    June 13th, 2010 at 06:05pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I understand what you're saying, and I agree. The way you described the book it just sounded like someone was drunk and began watching LOTR or something, and just began typing. XD
    June 13th, 2010 at 05:56pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    OMG, that's actually deeply fuckin' disturbing, cuz I wouldn't want to imagine any of my fam. living in a place where people got murdered. LOL, but it's weird, cuz it's also really fascinating in a way. Especially that there are bloodstains and bullet holes! Ha ha ha, omg, you guys need to hold a ghosthunters investigation type thing over there! I'd be interested as hell to see if ya'll find any ghosts!
    LOL, and even if you don't... well, at least you still have a badass story. :]
    June 13th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, yay, you're finally home! And that's good, cuz I really missed talking to you!
    But I mean, I'm glad that you had so much fun on your vacation thingy. LOL, it's lucky as fuck that you got to go the beach and all, although, I hope you didn't get too sunburned.
    Oh, and about your boyfriend. Jeez, that's kind of shitty, cuz it seems like everything else was so perfect. But it makes sense, cuz guys are always a shit ton of fuckin' drama. What did he get pissed about, though? It seems like he wouldn't really have a reason to be upset since ya'll were having so much fun and all.
    But yeah, IDK, try not to let him get to you too much, cuz it's fuckin' summer and you should be having fun, and if he wants to keep being a little bitch about shit... LOL, well, that means you have to kick his ass! Ha ha ha, jk, but you know what I mean. Like honestly, I don't know him and have no right to judge him or anything, but I'm saying this, cuz I think it's a shame that he should take away from the good time that ya'll were having. You don't deserve that at all. :[
    I bet you feel Oh and I started typing a bit for my zombie story too. Hopefully I can have something for that up soon as well. I know that would love that, so keep your fingers crossed that my thoughts and ideas keep flowing!
    But on a lighter note: I'm so glad that you're getting back to writer already! And it's even cooler that you're starting to work on your zombie story again, cuz seriously, you haven't written on that one in soooo freaking. LOL, I'm gonna be really excited to start reading it again!
    && of course, to go read your update on your ghost story as soon as I'm finished with your comment. :]
    June 13th, 2010 at 12:35am
  • delicate to love

    delicate to love (100)

    United States
    I knew it came from a dream but that's it.
    June 12th, 2010 at 09:22pm
  • delicate to love

    delicate to love (100)

    United States
    I actually have no idea if that's how Twilight got started. But Bree Tanner was an on and off thing for her. Then I guess she decided that she would put it in that Twilight Guide but it was too long. So, BAM! Now it's a novella.
    June 12th, 2010 at 09:14pm
  • delicate to love

    delicate to love (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I had read about it a while ago on when it was first announced that this novella was coming out. She had wrote that while she was editing Eclipse, she was thinking a lot about the newborns and just started writing it from Bree's point of view. She was writing it just for fun at first.
    June 12th, 2010 at 08:58pm
  • So Mi Shught

    So Mi Shught (100)

    United States
    Oh, you're welcome. I meant what I said. ^^
    June 12th, 2010 at 08:41pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    LOL, well, I actually live in Houston, but San Antonio is only like 2 hours away, so we used to go there a lot for vacations. But still, that's pretty fuckin' far away from Pennsylvania! IDK, it's kind of cool, though, cuz my friend Tara lived in Pennsylvania for a while and she said it was really cool as long as you don't live in the country? LOL, IDK, but hey, it really does sound like you're having a shit ton of fun! Arcade games and the beach = awesomeness, if you ask me. Ha ha ha, seriously, though, I'm glad you're having fun && that summer is starting off so nicely for you.
    But honestly, I can't wait for you to get back! None of my fav. writers are posting these days, so it's like I have to go search around for stories if I want something to read and there's honestly NOTHING. I looked for like two hours last night and couldn't find anything that looked even remotely interesting. So please, come back and save me!
    Ha ha, well, just kidding, cuz I know you're having fun, but I really can't wait for your next post. LOL, luckily Friday/Saturday isn't too far away. Ha ha ha ha.
    June 11th, 2010 at 02:50am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    LOL, I'm actually pretty glad that you'll be coming home in a few days, cuz I totally need someone awesome to read. :]
    && it makes it even better that you're really getting into this new story too, cuz that means you'll be more likely to want to write all the time and thus post for my entertainment.
    Ha ha, just kidding. But I really can't wait!
    At the same time, though, I'm really glad that you're having fun. It sounds like this little vacation thing is just what you need, ya know? And aww, going on the boardwalk! Man, I bet that's awesome and really pretty, too. There's a boardwalk here in San Antonio and it's always fun, if you ask me. But I know what you're saying about the beach. LOL, pale people have to watch out for stuff like that! But if you do end up going, I hope you have fun && that you don't get too crispy or anything!
    As for me... well, my summer is going pretty well. LOL, IDK, it's mostly been boring and hot and shit like that, but it's still been pretty good && at least it's giving me more time to write. :]
    Ha ha ha, yeah, IDK, but I hope to hear from you soon && of course, that you post when you get back. I'm really excited for more of your story!
    Hope you're having a great time, dear!
    June 10th, 2010 at 05:29am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, well, I'm def. sad that you won't be posting for a while, but at the same time, I think it's really awesome that you get to have some beach time, cuz I know that'll end up being really fun! Ha ha, fuck, I wish I could go to the beach!
    But I mean, it's cool and all && I honestly think that's just what you need after having a kind of sad last day of school. LOL, I always loved getting out for summer so freakin' much, but I know what you mean about missing your friends.
    An awkward hug, though? Ha ha, aww, that sounds kind of weird, especially knowing that your friend likes you, but it still sounds nice too, cuz friends are always the best.
    Even if they wanna get all up on your shit.
    Ha ha, IDK, but I hope you have fun at the beach and that you update as soon as you get back!
    LOL, I'll miss your stories!
    June 9th, 2010 at 02:11am
  • iiMzNunu

    iiMzNunu (100)

    United States
    Awww! Why don't they skip him? Well,he was born smart I suppose. Some of my cousins are genius too. You can always get his help.
    June 9th, 2010 at 12:26am
  • iiMzNunu

    iiMzNunu (100)

    United States
    Your welcome!Good you had fun. That sucks! What did you get? Don't feel that way!
    June 8th, 2010 at 10:27pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Ugh, that is lame! Summer House sounds like a lame ass fuckin' romance movie or some shit. And I know what you mean about the "minion" thing. LOL, that's a good way to describe it actually, cuz it's like Twilight fans are fuckin' brainwashed or some shit. It's so nazi-esque!
    But honestly, I say fuck her and her stories. You're already a far better writer than she is, and you're what, like, ten years younger? Plus, the thing about her is that most of her fans are 12-13 year old girls that have never been in a relationship and are probably mildly turned on by the thought of kinky vampire sex with Robert Pattinson. So boo to all of them!
    But aw, man, that's sort of exciting that tomorrow is your last day of junior year! It's so crazy, though, cuz you seem like you should already be in college. LOL, but anyways, I hope it's fun for you, dear, and I hope you have a good time if you end up hanging out with your friends.
    And yeah, I sort of know what you mean about the job thing. Like honestly, working sucks, but it helps a lot to be able to have money and all that to get the things you need. And anyways, it'd be sweet as fuck if you could get a car!
    But um... oh, yeah, you're totally welcome for the story comment! I think commenting is so freakin' important if you really respect what someone is doing as a writer, because people need feedback and encouragement and all of that good stuff to keep them going, and that's obviously something that I want cuz I love your stories! Don't worry too much about posting if it's really hard for you, though, cuz there are times that I get, like, really burned out and writing and I find that it's difficult to keep myself motivated. LOL, and speaking of my stories. Well, I'm def. trying to keep writing, it's just that I'm feeling like my stories are lacking direction and it's sort of getting me bummed out. I might have something up on "Warmness..." tomorrow, though, cuz I'm already about halfway done with the next chapter, so I guess we'll see how that goes.
    June 8th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Aw, yay for more talking && posting!
    LOL, but mostly the posting part, cuz I'm really excited for more of all of your stories. I mean, the whole job thing sucks, cuz believe me, I know how it is to put out apps. and to NEVER get called back (happens to me ALL the time!), but honestly, I'm pretty amped up to know that you'll have lots more time to spend on writing.
    And about the Stephanie Meyer thing. LOL, IDK how anyone could think that you're copying her in any way, cuz your writing style is so different and lot more awesome and unique.
    I mean, all of her shit is about stupid love affairs and gay ass shit like that, whereas, you actually put real thought and emotion into your stories and consider things other than dumb fuckin' chicks that don't EVER SHUT UP!
    Ha ha, okay, now I got hat out of my system.
    But ugh, yeah, that whole wedding thing sounds horrible! I mean, I bet it being rainy and humid must have made it significantly less awesome. LOL, shit, humidness sucks so much && I bet it made it worse that you had to wear a dress for 8 hours. Ugh, I agree on the dress thing! Ha ha ha, man, I hate dresses.
    But lucky that's all over now!
    And now I have to go read your latest update!
    June 8th, 2010 at 02:33am