Stage Fright

I just found out that I have a rather important role in my school's upcoming musical. We are doing Honk and I am playing the love interest of the main chatacter. Honk is the story of the ugly duckling, the ugly duckling being the main character. I am so nervous because the description of my character, Penny, is a beautiful, caring swan. I will have to sing my first solo/duet. I have never been...
January 1st, 2012 at 11:29pm

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

My school is putting on how the grinch stole Christmas this year. Just this past summer hampton's amazing drama director moved away. So now we are stuck with a teacher who doesn't know what's he's doing.I have a pretty big part considering there are only 6 sleeping parts at all. I am a showcased dancer. I have to tap dance and do a showgirl number and much more but the director isnt communicating...
November 9th, 2010 at 10:07pm

School Swiftly Aproaching

Summer is coming to an end. I'm spending as much time in the sun with family and friends while it lasts. Deep down my stomach is churning.When I see a binder in Walmart my stomach does backflips. This is a huge year for me. My first year of High School.I don't know what to expect. One of my major flaws is I over analyze a lot. So I have been laying in bed the past few night deprived of sleep but...
September 6th, 2010 at 03:33am