A journal about Satanism

I Talked To My Brother "Eff" today, and he's a satanist. My aunt freaked when I told her. Why? "Because its simply evil." But its not "evil" dearest aunt, you just have to open your mind to something other than "God" who could be fucking brainwashing you. (my opinion, Just shut up and listen) How can you call it evil, if there is no "Satan"? Isn't that the root of the problem? When your a...
September 2nd, 2007 at 07:13am


Do people tend to get excited over older people? I mean, guys dig older chicks, while girls dig older men. It's quite interesting really. I mean, What is it that is so appealing? Is it the experience? Is it... the wrinkles? Oh my. wrinkles, bulges, and exhaust, oh my.-Jacob Parker-
August 31st, 2007 at 01:55pm

So, Life is pretty good right now.

Well, i just got my allowance, and I'm psyched to get a new pair of jeans that I've been desparatly wanting. I've probably drank about seven energy drinks, and I'm so hyper. ha-ha. So today I asked about my brothers I've never met, and it's really sad, but the one in foster care is on cocain, and he has an eating disorder. The one with my biological parents is a heavy drinker, but other than that...
August 25th, 2007 at 01:15pm

dating older people?

Whats with these thirteen year old girls dating twenty three year olds? It dusturbs me so. I mean, wow. Its slightly scary, in a very non scary way. What is your thoughts on the subject?-Jacob P.-
August 25th, 2007 at 07:42am

♪If you still don't know the way we roll, We go;;♫

♪This parade still marches onLouder than it ever wasRight, left, right, c'monC'mon get up and just follow the tempoWhere streets filled with peopleThey sing on and on and on through the townThe beat goes on ♫God, I love that song. I also appologize for using that word.♥-Jacob P.-
August 24th, 2007 at 07:23pm

I'm new.

Yeah I'm new. So anyone want to explain all this stuff to me? it took me a while to figure out how to post a journal.-Jacob P.
August 23rd, 2007 at 09:35pm