Weopwop, Monkeys !

Things are crazy at the moment, so I'm going to ask you really random questions to take my mind off of things, alright ?Question One;Do you like Monkeys ?Question Two;If you don't what on earth are you on ? :P If you do, aren't they just awesome !Question Three;What is your favorite day, out of all of this year so far ?Question Four;Have you read this far or have you left already ? ^.^Question...
July 26th, 2011 at 12:59pm

Please Help Me ?

I need your advice, I’ve messed things up. I hurt people, I didn’t mean to. Will you help me? Please? I want to make it right, I want to be forgiven for everything, but yet...i wouldn’t forgive myself. It’s hard to explain, without letting myself cry but yet I need your help.Will you give me help? Will you give me advice? I don’t deserve it, yet I need it.I hurt someone I really like. I...
July 24th, 2011 at 10:50am