.. And Then I Found Ten Bucks.

So I just moved with my family, from a megatropolis to a slightly smaller city to the North. It's such a nice house! I love it! My room is much bigger, brighter and just better.I'm sitting in my non-furnished room on the floor with my laptop, I'm just waiting for the movers to bring my bed up and stuff. The closets have doorknobs that don't turn, explain that one to me.Our house has a pool in the...
August 17th, 2010 at 02:20am

Help a brother out!

Hey guys,(11 readers, and no comments... so far! Please, suggestions!!)So, I'm moving tomorrow! Oh man. It's so intense.. and so much work. :(We had a very informal dinner tonight, it was awesome. Ordered in pizza.Ooooh, and I get my g2 (for you Canadians) in a couple of days, so I'll be driving on my own.Look out world.But I have to say, I'm sort of sad because I'm not very popular on here.. I...
August 16th, 2010 at 01:10am

3oh!3 = love

Hey folks.So I'm moving up north in 3 days, isn't that exciting! :) I'm very very happy to be moving outta this megatropolis of a city.Currently, The Pack is being written, and the characters are being developed. I can't wait to have ya'll read it and view my drawings of each wolf. It's going to be very cool.As I said before, writing and posting will be slow over the next two days as I will be...
August 14th, 2010 at 03:24pm

Suggestions for Books!

Hey guys,Haven't been around in a long time, I know. I'm at my cottage for the summer and there isn't much to do up here but read so I want to know what you guys are reading! Comment with book suggestions, cuz I'm getting bored. If anyone is in the Muskoka region, hit me up! :P Hope everyone's summer is going extremely well, it's hot up here in Canada.I'm currently reading Under The Dome by...
July 23rd, 2010 at 04:03am

I Know You Can Suggest Bad Music, Mibbians!

Hey guys,So I know in my last journal, I asked you to suggest some good music for me, and I would like to thank the twenty-something commenters who suggested wonderful bands. :3Now, over the weekend I was thinking: how about I ask you to suggest the worst music you've ever heard? I'm not talking Gorgonian chanting here.. but just something that sounds terrible.So leave a comment telling me the...
April 7th, 2010 at 01:00am

I Know You Can Suggest Good Music, Mibbians!

So I recently acquired a iPod Touch, and I currently have about 3,000 songs stored safely on it. The thing is is that I'm getting a little bored by what I have on it. I have everything from Michael Franti & Spearhead to the Kills, from Taylor Swift to All Time Low. I would love for you to comment and tell me your 3 favourite bands/ singer, and I'll go check them out. I'm in desperate need of...
April 4th, 2010 at 04:25am


So I'm watching L.A. Ink and it got me to thinking about getting a tattoo. I'd want it to be designed by Kat Von D though, of course. I think she is completely sweet and amazing. This show is different from other reality shows because it seems more authentic. All the shows on tv now are 'reality tv' I swear. When did this start to happen? What happened to all the great sitcoms and.. other shows?...
April 2nd, 2010 at 04:53am