tourmaline / Comments

  • Lol what story?
    September 20th, 2011 at 02:04am
  • I don't believeso. I've nver had the chance to ask. than again if I was close eough to talk to him he would be getting raped!!!!
    September 16th, 2011 at 05:04pm
  • Ferarded is sooo old. I was in midddle school when that started and now I am a sophomore in college.
    September 16th, 2011 at 02:26am
  • i's cuz people get way too obsessive over things. like how there is so many mcr fanfics. I used to LOVE MCR but i could only take so many fanfics.
    September 15th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • I know!! some are good but some just temporarly turn me off of reading poems.
    September 14th, 2011 at 05:38pm
  • Your comment made me squee.
    Thank you! ♥
    September 14th, 2011 at 01:38pm
  • No. she did not. Yet. She's thinking she will by the end of this year.
    September 13th, 2011 at 12:12pm
  • oh thank you so much!!! ya I kinda hate anything mainstream. I have in the past written about the popular topics but I got bored.
    September 13th, 2011 at 05:10am
  • Yes. I did make the box.
    September 12th, 2011 at 11:09am
  • oh it's really no problem and yay I made someones day. Ya I havent been getting responses and that kinda brought me down a bit that I started writing not so good.
    September 12th, 2011 at 05:29am
  • I'm not up to much. I love your user name! It is too cute.
    September 12th, 2011 at 05:21am
  • hey what's up :) I'm Andrea
    September 12th, 2011 at 05:15am
  • Oneshot.
    September 12th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • 30 books? Well, how's that gone? XD God I'm so mean. But definitely find the Hunger Games!!! See, I even used three exclamation points to emphasise the greatness of that series. Now you have to read it >D

    No problem on the story comment :) Ah, and I just looked but I forgot to comment on your one-shot :O Bad Alyssa! I'll do that afterwards.

    I agree with you completely on the Percy Jackson casting. I actually have to numb myself when I watch it, because I do like it despite all its faults.

    Oh that sounds pretty cool actually! God, normal radio's annoying enough without the back option. Seriously, they do this thing very year on the Rock where people vote and they go through the top 1000 rock songs of all time. So because I've had the past two days off school for mid-term break I've had the radio on waiting for Bullet With Butterfly Wings by the Smashing Pumpkins because it's probably one of my favourite songs of all time. Had it on all day. Went to watch Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide for HALF AN HOUR, got back, switched the radio on and they were HALF WAY through playing it! You can imagine my expression ae? Something like this ---> $:<

    Yeah, Harry Potter was great. I actually left right in the chamber scene because I had to pee really badly, so I only saw Ron doing the hissing thing into the door, which was hilarious. Everyone was so mad at me for missing Ron and Hermione's kissing scene but whatever! That stuff makes me uncomfortable anyway XD

    No, I've only ever been to Australia before, because I was born there XD I'm going to Germany for the exchange program they have here. Stay with a family for two months, then once we get back our exchange sister comes back and stays with us. Yeah, I probably would dye my hair blue. I dyed it fire-truck red two years ago for prize-giving just to piss my dean off and look cool >D

    Yeah! Those were definitely the days! I went from Mean Girls to depressing Tamora Pierce styled crap and then emo lyrics which sucked donkey balls. And no, definitely seen Mean Girls. When I say rip-off, I mean rip-off.

    Hey, your life goals are fine! I do the exact same thing ;) Yeah, Mibba, Quizilla (I know right? Lol), Facebook and OneManga. I've been re-reading Vampire Knight recently on there because I'm like two years behind on the updates XD

    No. I'm much the same with dating. Seriously, talk about unapproachable, I go to a girls' school and even then, I go out once every six months pretty much and even then guys seem to be a bit scared of me. Apparently I'm a very intense, cold and intelligent person which is very intimidating :/ What-the-fuck-ever! :P
    Aw, that's so cute! Na, three years ain't much at all. My mum's six and a half years older than my dad. And there's twenty years between my friend's parents O.O

    Loads of my friends just use mascara and with eye-shadow and stuff they still look really nice when they dress up :) Clearasil and all of those products are crap. I tried Clean and Clear once and had the same problem. Now I'm on this French tea-tree based cleanser stuff which is really easy on young skin.

    I'm currently reading Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (first Harry Potter in French) and Dearly Devoted Dexter, which is the second of the Dexter books. It's got this amazingly twisted, I suppose you could call him a serial killer, who chops off everything of his victims that sticks out. And by everything I mean EVERYTHING. It's kind of sick but fascinating too.

    Now don't laugh at the lack of amount of plays but I had to reload my entire library just over a month that's why there's a lack. My top played song is Build God, Then We'll Talk by Panic! At the Disco at 31. Second is Graveyard Dancing by Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows at 24. So yeah...ask me in a few months time XD

    My bedroom's only a temporary room while my parents are building, so no paint, just bare walls. I've just happened to cover almost every gap with music posters so when you walk in you're totally overwhelmed with faces XD Nothing special otherwise, whereas your room sounds amazing! *jealous*

    My favourite pair of shoes are my Dr Marten's. They're black ones that go just about my ankles but I put different coloured laces in them, at the moment they're bright yellow. They're just so much fun to stomp around in! Second though, would be my DCs. They're black with white detail and stuff and they're amazingly comfortable.

    I take Extension (like honours) English, Extension Mathematics, French, German, History and Classical Studies :) Fun Subjects. Just so happy I don't have to take science anymore. My god I hate it. SO BORING. For me, anyway.
    I love my languages though.

    What makes me happy? No matter what? Reading something really good, getting great story comments and watching Fight Club. I suppose. I don't know. Hard one to answer really.

    I suppose I'm known as the mediator, the wise one, the leader at times. Again, I don't know. Things have been really weird with my friend group which is going through a heap of changes and stuff so it's all very uncertain. But what sets me apart is that I'm really independent, like I don’t need to be around people all the time and I have lots of friends outside of my group.

    If I could do anything at this moment...I'd put my slippers on. My feet are cold XD

    Alright, same questions and favourite beverage? If you could be in any movie which would it be and who would you be in it? And your view on a controversial political topic :)
    August 26th, 2011 at 06:59am
  • Yeah. you can post it. Idc.
    August 23rd, 2011 at 08:33pm
  • Ohmygawd lol ty so much for the comment. They make me smile. C:
    August 21st, 2011 at 06:31am
  • Duuuudddeeee! Update! Or I think I might be alphabet! gaaaah! Ch. 9 is comming along slowly cuz I haven't been in quite the angsty person I need to be for that. but from then on it's not gunna really be a matter of mood. I'm gunna finish in about another 3 or 4.
    August 20th, 2011 at 04:35pm
  • You're welcome... I really like your story, though, lol it's really good!
    August 17th, 2011 at 03:50pm
  • Thank you very much for the poem comment :) It makes me ridiculously happy when I get feedback on my writing. So, again, thank you! :D
    August 17th, 2011 at 06:33am
  • I'm. In. Pain. Bleh band camp week! Ten hhour days on the field! Owwwwaaaa! So anywho, I've got massive writer's block. Nothing I type comes out right. I'm trying to get the main Char. in Immortal to have two personalities, but they arn't blending well. And the supposed gory death scenes aren't gory, or deathy at all :( I've lost my touch for now. I'm gunna do a writing exercise and describe a torchured death. Bleh for stupid spelling mistakes. I also want to write a happy story, but IDK how to go about it. Sigh. Too. Tired. To. Write. Well. That is My. Life. Story.
    August 9th, 2011 at 03:39am