tourmaline / Comments

  • BlazeRead

    BlazeRead (100)

    United States
    Dude I was totally kidding. I would so f up anything you write. Hence why everyone loves you. anyway. I'm not gunna continue masks for a while. I'm gunna work on immortal. I'm prolly not posting it tho so I can send you stuff if I write more.
    August 7th, 2011 at 06:26pm
  • BlazeRead

    BlazeRead (100)

    United States
    Can I co-write that for you? Pleeeease!???? jk. I'd just yuck it up with some stupid character. Anyway. I love it!
    August 7th, 2011 at 03:01am
  • iiLov3Yuhh!!

    iiLov3Yuhh!! (100)

    United States
    Heyy, ur totally welcome! :D
    Besides, ur stories are amazing. :)
    August 6th, 2011 at 03:03am
  • lazziebear

    lazziebear (100)

    United States
    Heyy! Can u plz read & comment on my new short story “Dirty Dancer”? I know izz not what I normally write…but I got an idea :) Thanks!
    August 5th, 2011 at 09:11pm
  • lazziebear

    lazziebear (100)

    United States
    Oh ok. Thanks!
    July 29th, 2011 at 10:02pm
  • Elephant PJs

    Elephant PJs (365)

    New Zealand
    Did you manage to find the Hunger Games then? :) Haha, I try to convert as many people as possible onto that book. Seriously.
    That's fair enough actually. It really was quite dance-club-ish. The lotus flowers were hilarious though. Logan's face when he starts that little giggle of his like he's high is just such a crack-up.
    I don't picture the Styx like that either. I see it as more a river of lava or something. But when they get ferried in and all you see is that establishing shot of the underworld, it's pretty cool I think. Persephone was a little annoying actually. Far too, as you say, prostitute looking. Hades was amazing though "STRICTLY MICK JAGGER!" Grover kind of annoyed me though, not that he wasn't funny, but he's just SO different to how he is in the books. That and Annabeth is supposed to have goddamn blonde hair.

    What's Pandora for iPod? Sorry, NZ. Haha. I'm gonna see HP tomorrow morning. What did you think of it? I'm asking everyone.

    Yeah, I love my goats. I've had one of them since I was seven. We just got two new chickens too. One rooster and one hen and they have feathers on their feet! They're so cute because it looks like they're shuffling all the time but kind of like they're wearing feathered parachute pants XD
    Oh wow, that is dramatic! It sucks that she's moving :( I ended up going to three different schools during primary (elementary as you yanks would call it) so I know what it's like leaving friends and stuff, oh and I moved islands almost 4 years ago now.

    Your dickhead cousin sounds a lot like how my brother would describe me actually XD Except I absolutely hate school at the moment as a result of the anxiety/depression thing. God I don't wanna go back.
    My brother's just so lazy and he can't go five minutes without trying to piss me off. I have such a short and bad temper too so...yeah. He's such a wanker.

    Brand New Eyes is such a good album. Well, I didn't like it that much at first but it's really grown on me over the months :)
    Pink hair! Oh my god, do it! I really wanna dye my hair blue come Summer holidays but I'm going over to Germany so I don't think that's gonna be such a good idea :/ Might want to make myself look a little more European.
    Dakota Fanning's a good choice! XD

    Last CD I brought was...well, with my money, Danger Days by MCR for my friend's birthday but for me it was There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It, There Is A Heaven Let's Keep It A Secret by Bring Me the Horizon.
    My favourite time of day is the morning when it's the weekend or when I'm on holiday, but it's the opposite time of day during school and stuff, so about 9 o'clock-ish. I start getting paranoid at about 10:30/11.
    Who I'd go gay for…hands down Sierra Kusterbeck from VersaEmerge. She's actually so stunning XD

    First thing I remember SERIOUSLY writing (because I don't remember anything like that from my childhood really, though I know I did) was a play called A Girl's Life (lame) and it was 110 pages long and the ending was a complete rip-off of the Mean Girls prom speech. I must've been about 10.
    I've liked writing ever since I learned how to. I know that much. But it was always very on and off with drawing for years until I was 13/14.
    Favourite thing to do online is go on Mibba actually. I check it daily whether I have time to reply to comments or not. It's more a compulsion to check it really. But otherwise, I'm pretty boring online XD Obviously.
    Yes, I've had one boyfriend. I was 6 and we went out until I was almost 9. I've still got Valentine's cards from him XD But that's it. I've just got no interest in relationships. Almost to the point of declaring myself asexual but that would be a lie because I know I'm straight. MAYBE bi-curious. I don't know. I've got gay girl friends but I'm not attracted to either of them despite them being absolutely amazing.
    I wear make-up on occasion. As in, when I go out to a party or something like that. Otherwise, possibly some mascara when I go to the movies but that's it. I believe there's no point in wearing make-up everyday because when you do want to dress up, you look no different! And I don't need concealer like most teenage girls either. Good genes, fortunately. That and I've got porcelain coloured-skin. Not blotchy-pale or anything. I'm lucky :) But that's pretty much the only thing I got lucky in XD

    Alright, same questions and also...what are you currently reading? What has the highest play count on your iTunes/iPod? What colour's your bedroom? (man I'm a stalker! Feel free not to answer that though I meant it in the least stalker-ish way possible) Favourite pair of shoes? And what subjects do you take at school?
    I sound like such a stalker, oh dear X( What a creep.

    No problem on the story comments, thanks for your ones on mine!
    July 27th, 2011 at 10:13am
  • BeautifulDestruction

    BeautifulDestruction (100)

    United States
    Well it was really great :) Sometimes great writing comes from personal experience :)
    July 22nd, 2011 at 09:48pm
  • BeautifulDestruction

    BeautifulDestruction (100)

    United States
    Wow. That poem is incredible! Seriously I love it... It's crazy because that basically describes our relationship only he's only 2 and 1/2 years older than me not three. Either way the poem is fantastic and o can totally relate!
    July 22nd, 2011 at 08:42pm
  • BeautifulDestruction

    BeautifulDestruction (100)

    United States
    You know I've honestly been waiting for a comment like yours on my story? I was hoping there was someone else who had my problem lol... See the story is loosely based off of my own life... All the conversations and interactions- minus the legitimate relationship lol. And yah I'm a sophomore in high school and in real life he's a freshman in college...
    July 22nd, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • BlazeRead

    BlazeRead (100)

    United States
    So I'm back for now, but i dunno if I'm posting anything. So... Hi! We should hang out soon!
    July 18th, 2011 at 07:56pm

    INACTIVExx (150)

    United States
    yeahhh i know, I kind of forgot about the abandonment I have writer's block on it. I might as well just re do it xD you should read my other story. Habibi. It's completed and a little less bizzare xD
    July 14th, 2011 at 08:39pm
  • Elephant PJs

    Elephant PJs (365)

    New Zealand
    Dude, you HAVE to read the Hunger Games. They're, excuse my French, fucking fantastic.
    Ooh, yeah, I love the Percy Jackson series too! I've got them all in hardcover. Admittedly, I read them after I saw the movie but the books are obviously better! Except for the Vegas scene in the Lightning Thief. That was so much cooler in the movie. Everytime I hear Pokerface I think of that scene. Oh and the Hades bit was just stunning, where they come in on the River Styx. Then again, I probably don't resent the movie as much as some people because I did see it before I read the books. Ah well, it's worked out better that way I think.

    I do that with songs too! Though probably more with albums as a whole. At the moment I absolutely love If You Think This Song Is About You, It Probably Is by Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows/D.R.U.G.S. XD Such a good song. My friend came over on the weekend and gave me a crapload of music. It's great.

    What?! She deleted all of her stuff because of some jackass? That sucks! That sounds like such a waste.

    Potatoes are my favourite food too!, Lys, Lyssy, Lyssa, Shred Girl, Teeny Tiny Genius...haha.
    I have three goats. Two girls, one I've had since I was seven, and one boy who's the son of the aforementioned. He's so gorgeous and follows me around like a dog. Oh and we just got two new chickens! They're so funny! They've got feathers over their legs and feet so it looks so funny when they run.
    I have two younger brothers. I refer to one as "the fat one" and the other as "the little one". I'm not actually that mean but the fat one is actually such a dickhead. Even my parents admit it.
    I don't have any weird talents...that come to mind. I don't know, I probably wouldn't even consider them talents if I could think of them, you know what I mean?
    As for strange habits, I have a mild form of OCD but I absolutely can't have a drawer out of place, I obsess over my bookshelf and when I say obsess I mean I spend hours organising it, go absolutely nuts if someone's touched it (I can tell) and if something's out of place I have to pull out the whole shelf and re-organise it. That's probably my only not disgusting strange habit XD

    So, what was the last CD you paid for and got in the hand? Favourite time of the day? What colour would you love to dye your hair? And who would you go gay for? (That's so Aussie of me...haha)
    July 13th, 2011 at 11:48am
  • (100)

    United States
    Hnx 4 the commnt!!! Hope u like the updates!
    July 10th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • Elephant PJs

    Elephant PJs (365)

    New Zealand
    Hey, don't worry about being spammy. I always like having something new to read and you definitely don't bug me :)

    Hell yes. Mean Girls is one of the most quotable movies EVER! That and She's the Man XD Which is also an awesome movie.

    I've never seen Mean Girls 2, actually didn't even know there was one. You can tell it's a flop if it's never made it to New Zealand, haha.

    Aw! Thanks so much. We haven't had a practise in a few weeks now and I'm getting kinda worried about things though :/ I don't really know what's going on.

    How did your hair turn out?

    Favourite book series: the Hunger Games. Hands down. Also, anything by Tamora Pierce, but in Particular, the Beka Cooper ones.
    Favourite book: probably the Riddles of Epsilon.
    Favourite song: too hard. I listen to so much music. At the moment it's probably To Hell and Back by Blessthefall.
    Favourite movie: Fight Club.
    Band music style: um, pop-punk combined with metal combined with jazz/funk basslines. It's a bit random actually.
    Story suggestions for Mibba: I've got over sixty written down in my notebook.
    And nope, not creepy. It's interesting stuff to find out a person so how about you? Fav book, book series, movie, song, and story suggestions if you've got any in particular. Also, favourite day of the week and why, what countries you wanna visit and your favourite food :D
    June 24th, 2011 at 12:56pm
  • BlazeRead

    BlazeRead (100)

    United States
    I added a chapter and two oneshots. CHapter to Oh but it is. Bleh Update? Soon? Maybe? Yes? Okay :)
    June 21st, 2011 at 12:43pm
  • BlazeRead

    BlazeRead (100)

    United States
    yes, yes I did indeed cry. <3
    June 19th, 2011 at 11:11pm

    INACTIVExx (150)

    United States
    I WILL kill you if you don't update soon! D: Haaaaaa! xD hahahaha nos vemos mujer :)
    June 16th, 2011 at 04:23pm
  • Elephant PJs

    Elephant PJs (365)

    New Zealand
    Yep, you got Mr Brightside right! :) Aw, don't feel bad. A lot of the songs that came up were reasonably obscure. Some I doubt anyone are going to get XD And yeah, number 48 is quite a well-known song if you listen to alternative music ;)

    Thanks. I'll really try and get another chapter up soon-ish, maybe even this weekend but I'm definitely not making any promises. I am feeling a bit better, way better in comparison to the past few weeks so it's definitely something :)

    Oh dear! That doesn't sound too good at all. But the end of the school year's like that too. I'd be doing something one minute and the next I'd be in an entirely different room of the house doing something totally different :/ It wasn't much fun but I guess that's stress/meltdowning for you. And you are most certainly entitled to feeling shitty :) You do sound quite busy.
    Gah! You went to Chicago? *jealous much* That sucks about your computer though.

    Tons of people think I'd never go near any movies like that but I own a good few dozen of them. Mean Girls is one of my favourite movies! I used to know this girl who was almost a complete clone of Regina George XD Superhero Movie is also great, probably one of the better 'movie' ones. I agree, it's freaking hilarious!

    Not too much is new with me. I've had so much schoolwork and stress that I really haven't been doing anything fun. I have really bad stress issues though. I've always been one of those really intense people who don't relax easily and with my sickness and stuff it's just turned into a [i]horrible[/i] anxiety so yeah, it's been difficult. At the moment I've got a ton of books to read and I've been writing where I can, so that's about it. I'm very boring at the moment XD No, I haven't fainted (thank god) but I have had to go to the sick bay during school to sleep a couple of times :/ Band's been pretty chill. We're all just relaxing and touching up our songs before we go to record an EP (done on Garageband, because we're that cool, haha).
    Hey, sorry for MY novel XD
    June 11th, 2011 at 06:57am
  • Elephant PJs

    Elephant PJs (365)

    New Zealand
    No problem at all! :) Plus I like returning the favour XP

    So what have you been up to lately? I assume school's over/about to be over for you, right? (See, I'm totally up with all the happenings in the US, hahaha)

    I know what you mean about having multiple story ideas floating around in your head. I do all the time. And yeah, not fully formed ideas either. I've started writing this story based on this dream I had the other night. It's kind of weird but it's all about perceptions of life. Not in the sense of POV changes either. Because I HATE those.
    I'm glad you're still writing your story and sticking to it though! God, I've been so slack about Bleeding Wrath...and people have been asking about it and I just feel so guilty because I'm like four chapters out from the end but I can't really get into it! So, yeah. I'm so dramatic about my writing XD

    But thanks so much for your continuous commenting on my stories :) It makes me really happy! And yes, I love Mitch too. He's such a cute one, in a zombie kinda way :D
    June 9th, 2011 at 07:26am

    INACTIVExx (150)

    United States
    i might do it tommorrow or wednesday cuz they already got on my ass at work for using the internet hahaha :D thanks for keep on reading! kisses!
    June 7th, 2011 at 01:27am