I'm Sorry

I never understood why people say “I’m sorry,” like saying that will make everything better. It won’t, either you have done something wrong or you haven’t.For example, last summer my ex-boyfriend cheated and I found out. The first words out of his mouth were “I’m so sorry.” These words did not help. He had done something he could not take back. He had hart me, no “I’m sorry,”...
July 15th, 2010 at 07:31pm

Just Hope

Today in class we read a news paper article about a girl my age who killed herself after being harassed at shool to the point where two boys rapped her. Her name was Phoebe PrinceWhat happened to Phoebe was absolutely horrible. I’m glad that the teens will be punished for what they did. Bullying is wrong but the bully’s don’t seem to understand what there’re doing to the people they...
April 15th, 2010 at 10:14pm