Things are really coming together.... Sorry Ive been gone so long

Wow so It's been MONTHS since I've been on here, but I have an excuse.In the past couple months I found out that my brother did not in fact 'abandon me' as I was lead to believe by my grandmother and aunt, he was made to leave by the said grandmother and aunt.They admitted it to me when I asked. Just upin said, "Your brother is a bad influence on you and we don't wnat him in your life."Those...
November 22nd, 2010 at 12:25am

He called me after almost a year.

So this morning i called my sperm doner and told him that I would NOT be moving in with him and I would spend time with him and his family every other weekend.He wasn't very happy that I said that I wasn't moving in with him but I told him it was either that or he can leave me alone because he stopped being in charge of me when he left.So I was pretty proud of myself today for being able to tell...
April 14th, 2010 at 03:45am

This is a rant but it has a point to it that I need some serious help with. Please???

Okay so I have abandonment issues real bad. Seriously who wouldn't when their father walked out on them?My brother knew that and last year after my mom killed herself he left me. It hurt and still does. Everytime I think about him I feel like I could cry. I love him so much yet he hurt me.I just don't understand why everyone keeps leaving me.I just feel so worthless like there's something wrong...
April 13th, 2010 at 03:29am

The real Marty.

Okay so I decided today to let your people see the real me and I put a picture of me up in my photos.Ya it's not that important but I was bored and this gave me something to do.So ya.Oh tomorrow is school and I don't want to go.Anyone else feel that way???I hate school.It's so boring.All there is to do is listen to the dumb as teachers ramble about how you don't meet their standards and how we're...
April 12th, 2010 at 12:35am

I took a chance

I've always been one of those people that doesn't like to take chances that much, but today I took one.I was on my way to homeroom this morning when my cousin grabbed me in the hallway and asked me to skip school with her. So of course I was a bit apprehensive.But she said that we would go shopping and she would pay for everything. (my cousin is filthy stinking rich and is a complete rebel)So I...
April 7th, 2010 at 11:31pm

I'm a ***ing shit magnet!!!!!!

Okay if you read my journal from yesterday you know that I got into a fight with these two guys who were trying to get me to fuck them by scareing the shit out of me. Well actually I'm not completely sure what the point of scaring the shit out of me was.Anyway, the ones really strong hot younger brother had to pull me off of them so I wouldn't kill them. His name is Derek, btw.So today there was a...
April 6th, 2010 at 10:18pm

Wierd calls....

So for the past month or so I've been getting these random calls from this unknown number and today they were really bad.I got them one to three times a week for the past month and then today the person called 8 times. Just today.So I got curious and answered the phone and some guy that i didn't know started to tell me that he knows about me and that he is going to come after me and take me.It was...
April 5th, 2010 at 10:21pm

I get a puppy!!!

This morning when I woke up my granma told me that she was getting me a puppy for Easter. And my granma hates dogs so she's probab;y only getting me one because she feels bad for me.We're going to go pick it out today because there's a humane society in town.Not sure what type of dog to get yet........ help?So I'm still having issues with my brother not talking to me or anyone. I'm starting to be...
April 3rd, 2010 at 01:40pm

My life story.

Okay so I used to have this great life. Everything was perfect, so perfect.That started to change when I was 7 and my dad left my mom my brother and I for his pregnant girlfriend. He came home really late one night while my brother and I were watching a scooby doo marathon and told my mom that he didn't love her any more and that he loved someone else.He waved to me and my brother and walked out...
April 2nd, 2010 at 01:03am