Things Do Get Better

Life growing u was never easy. I have two younger sisters that I helped raise and an older sister that was never home to help. My mother married my ex step father when I was six, but we lived together a year before that. He abused my mother for nine years sometimes leaving her in a bloody mess. It was my job to help my little sisters either hide or get far away from it so they would have t see...
May 19th, 2014 at 09:48pm

Thoughts of the Broken

I look in the mirror and I don't see me. I look and stare with hate filled eyes. All I can see is what use to be, what could have been. I look and see all the pain and everything that went wrong. Its hard just passing by my reflection and seeing even at a glance my lost innocense. I se the child that never got to be.Worst of all when the lights are out and darkness falls, I can feel the past...
August 23rd, 2011 at 05:12pm