Dumb_dumb / Comments

  • tator

    tator (100)

    United States
    Yeah people seemed obesessed with those bands, and I totally wasn't into A7x sslashes until I got onto this site. And yeah this site is way better than the rest.
    December 29th, 2011 at 02:47am
  • tator

    tator (100)

    United States
    Websites like quizilla, fanfiction, wattpad, archiveofourown, etc, oh and by the way I'm slowly figuring out that addiction only grows
    December 29th, 2011 at 01:28am
  • tator

    tator (100)

    United States
    Calm down, I wasn't offended or anything, and it does seem somewhat like those stories after I read them. And I do like mibba quite a bit. I've read stories on other sites and they aren't nearly as original as most of the stories on here. So, needless to say I'm kinda an addict for this site right now.
    December 29th, 2011 at 12:37am
  • tator

    tator (100)

    United States
    Well, when I started writing this I hadn't read the Dom/fertile story and I honestly don't know what House of Night is, but now I'm curious to find out. But, I do think that you should be thanked even though you say someone should just know that is being read it made me feel really good about it, which is what I thank you for.
    December 28th, 2011 at 09:44pm
  • tator

    tator (100)

    United States
    You totally made my day with your comment on my story! I'm so glad that you enjoy it and I will totally give you a shout out in the next chapter I write for making my feel freaking fantastic about my story!
    December 28th, 2011 at 03:21am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    People always say that you are biased when it comes to your own work, and I totally believe that, because I re-read what I write and I kind of grimace, ya know? Like, that could be better or what the fuck was I trying to say here and good lord could I have sounded anymore cliche there. I'm constantly doubting myself, but it's always nice to hear you say things like that. It makes me want to be better at it, ya know? I don't ever want to disappoint someone. And don't you worry, your comment was amazing- you should see Kelly's (WayTooObsessed), hahaha, she was so fuckin' pissed at me. I texted her just to make sure she was just angry at the story and not actually at me, haha.
    Oh man, I wish whoever had restrained you didn't- that sounds bad, but that would have been awesome to see you kick some ass. Dudebros need to learn to chill, like, seriously, I know most of us girls can handle ourselves, but do guys really think they're cool trying to pick fight with smaller, younger girls? Like, really, dude, we already know you don't have a dick, picking on a girl is not gonna prove that you do. Oi vey, it aggravates me. The last time I was seriously pissed off? One of my supposed best friends stole $135 from me and then proceeded to spread awful shit about me behind my back, that was a fun time. I think that was the last time I was legitimately going to rip someone's head from their body. What about you?
    Thank you, seriously, for saying that, it makes me want to keep doing it, <3.
    You haven't seen The Used yet? Oh my! I hope you do when they come around, keep a look out for what towns they're coming to. They're always amazing live. Ugh, how much do you love Sevenfold live? Aren't they magical? I was supposed to see them in August, but because of the huge hurricane, I had to stay home, I was so pisseddd.
    Getting arrested is not fun, I know from experience, so don't worry, I won't be doing that again, haha. I can't wait for the shows. Do you have any coming upp?
    The next one I'm getting is my Jersey tattoo. It's gonna be New Jersey, the ends are going to be green and its going to meet in the middle and fade out to a light blue with a tan banner wrapped around the state three times and in the banner it's going to say "I believe in the sand beneath my toes." :D I also want a scorpio tattoo and a Halloween tattoo, because that is my birfdayy. I want an All Time Low tattooo and maybe a good charlotte one, haha. I dunno, I want so many, it's ridiculous. I just wish I had the moneyy. Do you want any?
    December 22nd, 2011 at 10:07am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Hey, continue to babble, even though I don't think of it as babbling, it makes me smile to read about what you think! We've been over this, haha, it's discouraging to see someone just write Loved the update after you put your heart and soul into something, ya know? So seeing your comments are like HEAAAVEN, :P, <3.
    I just updated, so you can sit back in your seat, haha!
    Seeing that you say that, no grudges or ill will, shows a lot of maturity, I think. I know so many people that would be like fuck them fuck everything, etc, and trust me, I'd probs be there too, like Fuck every single thing ever created. I get very bitter at first, it takes me a little while to find my head and realize that I'm being an asshole, haha. I'm too hotheaded.
    Concerts are all done for now, ):, makes me sad, I miss the boys so muchh. But I've got the MSI tour coming up that my best friends and I are following around and then the Used is coming back in the spring, so I'm looking forward to that tooooo. Yes, I love my tattoo, and I hope to get another one soonnn. :)
    December 22nd, 2011 at 04:21am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Hey, I understand that completely, sometimes you just need a break and if staying away all together makes it better, I am completely behind it. I was actually with my best friend when I opened up your story comment and I was like "DFJLASJAKLJFLDS SHE'S BACK." and she just looked at me and started laughing. But like, she has no idea, your comments are ones I always look forward to, so it was refreshing to see it again! You light up my liiiiiife, :D.
    Hahaha, you'll just have to see what happens with Bert. It may or may not be what you think it is, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, haha.
    Well, those two people are shitty and don't deserve to have you in their lives. Shitty people like to take advantage of wonderful people, sometimes you just need to put up a bit of a wall to help yourself, ya know? My life is as boring as ever, nothing really has changed on my end.
    December 21st, 2011 at 07:21am
  • jazzy.

    jazzy. (100)

    United States
    brittani! oh my god, i miss you so much!! applying for college was nerve wracking but i got accepted and i can't be happier! it's the only college i want to go to so it's a relief that i don't have to worry anymore.

    and dear god he's just so attractive, i can't get over it! i'm taking my normal class and then auditing ap physics, too, because i love the class so much! it's really fun for me, lol, which sounds nerdy but it's true :*

    how is everything where you are? how have you been? i hope to hear from you soon, i miss you soo much! <3
    December 18th, 2011 at 07:31pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Your comment was so awesome, dude, seriously, I missed them so much, so when I clicked on my story comments and saw that monster, I didn't even have to look at the icon to see who it was, I already knewwww! It was such a nice surprise, <3.
    I'm sure Kelly (WayTooObsessed) would be happy to know that you agree with her, haha, she absolutely despises Bert.
    I hope everything is going better for you, lemme know how you are when you have the chance, okay? Keep smiling.
    December 18th, 2011 at 12:46am
  • jazzy.

    jazzy. (100)

    United States
    Ah, there's so much that you've missed! I don't know when I talked to you last! Umm, I'm in my senior year of high school and working at the pharmacy still. It's pretty good.

    I've been alright. But oh my God recently I don't know I'm ~fancying my physics teacher HAHA that sounds so weird but it's true! He is just a likeable guy! Like... he's so funny and nice and smart and witty and sarcastic and he rides a fucking scooter around the room while making noises like a dead cat. How can he get any better? But basically the reason why I look forward to physics every day. Hahah. This is really bad. But I don't care.

    ANYWAYS.... Um... I don't really know what to say.

    Oh! I'm going to Costa Rica in April! For our Spanish class, they set up a field trip, and I signed up early enough so I get to go! It's, like, over $2000, so I'm going to be broke by the time it's over, but I think it's worth it. It's a once in a lifetime experience, and I'm really looking forward to it. I can't wait!

    Uhh... I'm applying to college soon (by December 1st because that's when the early action is due)... my iPod broke so I got a refurb... I got a necklace today which I am in love with... I don't really know what else! Sorry!

    How about you, dear? :) <33
    October 7th, 2011 at 03:37am
  • Emotional Wind

    Emotional Wind (100)

    i just posted a book not long ago. i restarted an old story. plz if you have the time read and comment. thankyou
    October 6th, 2011 at 05:51pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I was in the eighth grade, or the summer before 8th, when my father sat me down and told me my mother wanted him out of the house, and everything went to shit after that, so I was... thirteen, I think? It's one of the worst feelings in the world when you realize your family is slowly falling apart and it sucks for a while, but everything eventually evens out.

    Don't worry, your grades will get better with time, I think that it's perfectly fine (in my book at least) to slack off and stop giving a shit for a little while when you're going through all of this bullshit. It's too much to deal with and you need to give yourself a break somewhere. A lot of people would probably say I'm being a bad influence by saying that, but let's just be real- you can't care that much about everything. Family comes first. That dumb bitch better not be giving you a problem, I'm serious, I fucking hate high school, dude, people need to grow the fuck up.
    I've been okay, getting into the swing of classes again and working. My My Chem concert run is all over so that's a little sad, haha.
    October 6th, 2011 at 05:48pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Holy crap, YOU LIVE! I was so worried! I'm so sorry to hear about the divorce, I know how awful that is, going through it myself, so if you need to talk, I'm here alwayys. I'm really hoping the suicide attempt had nothing to do with you, D: .
    As long as you're okay, I'm okay! And hopefully everything gets sorted for you.
    I don't wanna talk about me, I wanna hear about you! You've been gone for so long. How's school and everything?
    October 3rd, 2011 at 04:05pm
  • jazzy.

    jazzy. (100)

    United States
    britanni! oh my god, i've missed you so much. i'm sorry that all of this stuff is happening, but i hoe to hear from you and start our conversations again soon. <3
    October 3rd, 2011 at 03:54pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    You've been gone for so long! I miss our epic conversations.
    I hope everything is okay where you are.
    October 3rd, 2011 at 05:33am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    Hullo ma'dear :33
    I've noticed that you've been sort've gone for a long period of time...and I just wanted to say that I hope that you're okay...and that everything is working out for you...
    Message me any time that you're on <333
    September 11th, 2011 at 11:37pm
  • jazzy.

    jazzy. (100)

    United States
    Hello! c:
    I miss you, and I hope that you can reply back to my long comment soon. I hope that everything is going well over there. :) <3
    August 22nd, 2011 at 04:37am
  • Lil'GreenDayfanatic

    Lil'GreenDayfanatic (100)

    United States
    Thank you soo much for your help! I really appreciate it, it wasn't in the least bit mean, and it really made me feel better. Thank you soo much! :)
    August 20th, 2011 at 10:03am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I don't know where my comments keep going.
    This is bull.
    Hai, I miss you! Don't hate me for my awful computer skillz, <3.
    I hope all is well.
    August 16th, 2011 at 07:13am