Dumb_dumb / Comments

  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    Thankies sweetie :33
    Pffft. Do I have my license yet??
    Don't make me laugh.
    My parents are too afraid to take me driving because I failed behind the wheel at school...
    the reason: I had the most belligerent teacher, ever.
    He was such an ass... D;
    I allowed him to treat me like crap in order to pass my last driving test and he faaaaaaaaaaaaailed me so bad....
    So, the only thing I did wrong:
    We were on one of the main roads and there was a car that began to pull over and apparantly I didn't move away quickly enough!
    We passed them fine, with not jerks or derp moments...
    I don't even facking understand! I think he just didn't want to pass me because he's bitter D";
    I technically don't even need to pass that portion to graduate anyways....
    But my parents won't let me 'not' get my license...
    Even though I told them i'll be moving to the city once i'm of age and I can just bike, metro, bus to wherever I need to go...
    -public transportation, ftw!-
    Then again, I do have a dream to own an obscenely ridiculous car one day...
    Like.... Hot pink with writing and stickers all over it....
    I want to learn guitar so badly, but both of my teachers sort of bailed out on me....
    My uncle is pretty boss at anything to do with music, but I never see him...
    and one of my best guy friends -whoisort'vethoughtlikedme- likes my best friend................................ which is awkward because I'm the one that introduced them and he offered to teach me and I don't want him to anymore and ahhhh D';
    but f that...s'all good.
    I'll teach myself or something x33
    So far, the only thing I know how to do are very poor scales xDD
    August 11th, 2011 at 06:32am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    Don’t fall into them…
    It’ll be really hard to fish you out of all the letters and punctuation!~ xDD
    Awwh, well I just hope that you’re doing alright…
    And uhh, I’ll private message you, I guess… I really don’t like writing overly-personal shazz in comments… Anybody could be creepin’ O3O
    Mhmh! I love Glee…
    Though I do have to say…
    The first season was a lot more interesting than the second…
    I mean, I love that kurt has a bf and everything…
    But it seems like glee has turned into fan service :[[
    And thank you sweetie face! I hope that I can write something other than frerard…
    But I just love the pairing so much D’; it’s so hard not to write about Frankie ’n G.
    I’m actually learning the guitar now also!
    I’m teeeerrible though! But I love messing around with it x33
    Have you gotten your license yet? ;DD
    August 10th, 2011 at 04:47am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    Don’t worry your prettywittlehead! Gerard will not be harmed…well-
    At least, not physically ;3;3;3;3;3;
    (And hun,
    I’m sorry if I’m pushing you…But if you ever have a rough day or week or month xDD etc. you can tell me anything
    You don’t have to tell me, (ifyoudon’ttrustdehinterwebz) but feel free to tell me anything if you crave to unload something from your chest…<3)
    Some other gleek who isn’t a big huge creep!
    -I’ve met Gleek’s who would trample me to get the last amount of any glee paraphernalia-
    I was actually thinking about writing a Kurt/Blaine fanfic!~
    Are you in orchestra at your school?? What do you play? 833
    Oh! And I’m pretty okay, just confused about certain shit…
    (sorry it’s so short…)
    August 10th, 2011 at 03:31am
  • XrayPineapple

    XrayPineapple (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It’s nice that you’re even thinking about helping people, like it’s your duty, most would just turn a blind eye. It means you are a real good person. Your sister is ten and still gets her shoes tied? That is a little manipulative. Yeah, that kind of help is not the kind you’d want to help. Everybody is interesting when they start ranting, when you see the change in them, what truly makes them tick. You find out a lot of interesting things and even how they really think about you.

    It’s alright, I understand that sometimes it’s hard to keep track on mibba, I get lost so much! It’s always confused me that school in America starts back up in August, in Britain we don’t go back until September. I never intended Killjoys to be fully about the Frerard, it’s a story I want to tell, a warning as such, and considering the devastating things that have been happening over the last few days in London a dire warning. I find that once you’ve got the characters into a relationship you hit a plateau, and then to make it interesting you’ve got to add unnecessary drama and plot just to keep your characters doing something. I never thought anybody would thank me for letting a story develop before bringing in sex! Most people just want to sex! You are truly a wonderful person :D I’m grinning like a loon now, thank you. Frank’s character in Gerard’s Game was never supposed to be this confusing, originally he was just supposed to be pretty shallow, sex obsessed and rather stupid, but I found that as I was writing him (as he fell for Gerard) he began to grow so much more, into a fully formed, confusing character of his own. Grinning like a loon still! I love it when my readers can’t predict story lines, I want to keep you interested and guessing, it’s my goal.

    My mother had a couple of dreams about rather large events, like in the 80’s there was this disaster at a football stadium in the UK where hundreds died and my mum dreamt about it months before. She had dreams about the 9/11 attacks too. But the most accurate ones were about friends and family. She dreamt about my nan’s illness and death years before it happened. I find it all very confusing, yet very interesting and a little scary!

    Gah! The comment monster ate the end of your comment :(
    August 9th, 2011 at 08:35pm
  • PrinceMush

    PrinceMush (100)

    Hahahaha oh yeah; I'm fine. If you knew me, you would know I don't write poetry during a curtain mood. I find when I try to write with my present emotion; my poems just become too clustered with blooming ideas and imagery. Which I find to be too much of a hassle. So I create a more narrative backgroud and work my way up to the "character's" emotions. Which differ from my own.
    August 9th, 2011 at 03:11am
  • XrayPineapple

    XrayPineapple (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You’re a nicer soul than I am. I tend not to offer my help unless people ask, I think asking for help is a hard hurdle to get over and if they ask then they obviously really need help. The root of most egotistical people is an inferiority complex.

    Being impulsive is good, I want to see what exactly comes into your head when you read something, with no filter some of the best things appear. I didn’t want to rush the Frerard in Killjoys, and I think that’s why I’m not getting many reads or reviews anymore, it would be gradual, Gerard is far too worked up with rescuing Mikey at the moment, he wouldn’t just jump at Frank because he was there. The writers block has come back on Gerard’s Game, I don’t know how to write the conversation with Gerard and Frank, Frank knows that Julia was in trouble but I don’t want Gerard to tell him what’s happened with Julia yet because Frank would hate him, and I just don’t know what to say! I don’t mind your suggestions at all!

    I have horribly vivid dreams. My mother used to have dreams about the future. I think I’ve had one or two, or maybe just my paranoia being overactive. I accept your apology on behalf of the dreams, hahaa. I don’t know why I have them, they don’t seem to be of any purpose or use. Adrenaline is a very useful thing! I like how it gets my heart racing. I do find rhythm guitar a lot harder.

    I wish I had an x-box. I’d befriend your brother and beat his ass at games :D

    It’s all right to read into certain lines. Sometimes I pour tonnes of information into certain lines and nobody realises until I point it out. Sometimes I take hours to write a sentence just to make it right. I find that Frank is a very confusing character in Killjoys, he acts quite like a child and then he has this vast knowledge.

    I hope the comment eating virus doesn’t get this!

    Ah! Thank you so much for those ideas! They’re brilliant! Thank you!
    August 8th, 2011 at 08:47pm
  • PrinceMush

    PrinceMush (100)

    Thank you soooo much for your recent comment on my poem. It means a lot; your words of encouragement while deffinatly urge me to continue writing.
    August 8th, 2011 at 02:16pm
  • Forgotten;

    Forgotten; (150)

    Thankyouu for the poem comment ! I'm glad you liked it, if you like that style of writing my new poems are all like that. Once again, thankyou <3 It means a lot to mee !
    August 8th, 2011 at 09:20am
  • jazzy.

    jazzy. (100)

    United States
    Don't apologize for the long wait. It's no problem at all. :)

    That sounds like such a cute story with the both of you. Don't be sorry about the babbling because it's fine. It was cute to read. It sounds like you two really connected and were close. It sucks that it didn't end that well, so I'm sorry about that. :/ Trust is a really important thing to me. It may seem like I trust a lot of people, like most of my friends, but I actually don't. Yeah, I trust them to a certain extent, but I don't think that I fully trust anyone. There isn't a person that I can go to with EVERYTHING, and tell them it all honestly. There are some people that I can tell certain things to. I wish that there was someone that i could tell everything to, but I probably wouldn't trust them completely still. I have trust issues :/ But oh well, because it means that not everything about me will get out and it'll stay hidden. It's kind of funny. I was thinking the other day, people like my close friends and family probably think that they know a lot about me, but they only know what I show and what I tell them. There's a lot that's hidden about me. Is that bad? I could care less at this point. That's good that your parents back you up on that, but it sucks that you have to not talk to a whole part of your family. It's hard when that sort of stuff happens, but ultimately it's for the better.

    That's really weird about your dad. Why would he be so mean to you? And your mom was probably only trying to help. Things get stressful sometimes. Lately, things seem to not be going to well for a few people. There was that issue with you and your family, my other friend was having some drama with hers, and mine is crazy today, too. I don't know what's going on, lol. Maybe, you should tell him how you feel about it and just have a mature conversation? If he seems to get mad, then tell him to calm down because you want to fix things. I don't know. I've never been in that kind of a situation, because I have an alright relationship with my dad. It's not the best, but it'll do.

    Haha, yeah, I guess you could consider me a Killjoy. I mean, I don't have a crazy name and dress up in mis-matching clothes, but I listen to their music and I'm a proud fan, so I guess that's what counts, right? I honestly don't understand why people feel the need to dress up weirdly just to show that they're a fan. If you saw me walking on the streets anywhere, you would never guess the type of music I listen to. I don't dress in the stereotype, I guess you could say. I'm my own person. Hehe. But, um, I don't know. I've talked to my friends a few times. I've seen a few, but it's only been like one day out of the whole summer. I talk to some of them occasionally, but they're busy doing their own thing. And I am, too. We didn't go to the beaches yet (but it's only Sunday), and the marks are clearing up, slowly but surely. The forecast says that it's going to be rainy here until Thursday, and that's the day we leave. So hopefully it'll be fine, and if we do end up going, I hope that they're gone. I'm so scared. That's why I'm not swimming in the pools or anything. My mom would freak and my brother would probably make fun of me. That brings up another thing.

    I don't know what's up with him, but he seems to be worse than usual lately. Today, especially. I didn't even do anything. But we were talking about where to go and I kept saying "I don't care, mom," because she kept asking me what I wanted to do and if I wanted to go here, or there, or what. It was frustrating because there were too many people saying everything at once. So my brother just decides to make fun of me for saying my opinion ("I don't care!") over and over again. And it was just annoying and I don't know. He wouldn't stop, despite me and my mom telling him to. He just gets on my nerves and makes fun of me for everything, making me feel even more self-conscious than I usually am. It sucks. Why can't he leave me alone? It's people like him that make me cut myself, because they just irk me and never stop making fun of me. I don't like him a lot. But I left the hotel room for now and I am sitting by the pool on my laptop, listening to my iPod. It's better.

    My mom probably saw it but decided to ignore it. And my dad is...okay. We don't have the best relationship, and he doesn't have a great relationship with the rest of the family. Him and my mom fight a lot. Him and my brother are the exact same person, which isn't a good thing, because they butt heads over everything and then they're both too stubborn to make amends. So there's a lot of fighting in my house. But me and him don't really talk. I guess you could say that I'm the favorite, but not really. I just keep my mouth shut because I'm smarter than Zach. But whatever. He's not a people person and he's very antisocial, so he can just stay that way and we can have an "eh" relationship.

    :O You don't like bananas? You're crazy. I love them, but I can only have them once in a while. One time I had one and it made me sick, so I laid off of them ever since. :3

    Aww, your animals sound so cute. :3 I love animals and pets and everything like that. I'm going to become a cat lady. No one likes me, so I'm just going to buy a home and buy a hundred cats and sleep with all of them at night in a ginormous bed. That would be the life, huh? Hahahahah.

    Okay, so in my dream I was with my friend Erica. We were walking to the busses, I think, and then we had to stop and sit on the pavement. There were people walking around passing back papers from school (no idea...) and we had to wait until all of them were passed out. Then all of a sudden they said that there was a killer in the school, so we couldn't go anywhere, and we had to wait until they either caught him or searched the school and saw that he wasn't there until we could go on the bus and go home. Then they didn't find him, so we walked to the bus. All of a sudden, I heard a gun shot coming from the other side (towards the last busses, away from the school) and I grabbed Erica's arm and ran towards the school. We were at the front of the crowd, but there was shooting and a bunch of my dead classmates on the ground. Somewhere along the way, I lost Erica (I don't even remember how). Then I walked into the side of the school and I was trying to go to the bomb shelter that we apparently had. When I opened the door, it was this fancy restaurant. I kept walking, and finally found the bomb shelter. In there, there were three dinosaurs. One was yellow. But we were all in there and the door was locked and we could hear shootings and the killer was getting closer, but I don't think he knew where we were. Then the yellow dinosaur's cell phone rang, and despite our protests, he answered it. It ended up being the killer, so he found out our location, and broke in and was about to shoot us. But I woke up then. I don't even know, it was the weirdest dream ever.

    :) I enjoy talking to you a lot, too. When I got the email for this on my phone I wasn't in the best of moods, and when I read most of it, I was in a restaurant smiling like an idiot. I love getting your comments and everything that you said about it. It's all true.

    Aww, thank you! The chapters are getting more intense, and I have a few ideas swarming in my mind for what can be coming up. I'm sorry that I haven't updated! I would, but I have to catch up on my writing. And I haven't been able to do that because I haven't been alone in the hotel room and I don't like people watching me write (also my mom would go crazy if she knew what I was writing, lol). And I can not wait to post the other story! I love it so much! :) I hope that you will, too.

    Those sound like really interesting necklaces, and I can't wait to hear the story behind them!

    Agh, I cry in movies all the time. Maybe too much. Unfortunately, I don't know some of those movies you wrote about. And I absolutely HATE horror/scary movies. I'm too much of a wimp. The only movie remotely scary that I watched was Paranormal Activity, but that wasn't too scary. It was kind of pathetic, lol. I like my romantic comedies and normal comedies. Those are the best. Sometimes action movies are good, but not always.

    That paragraph = <3. Thank you for saying all of those nice things, it really really realllllly means a lot to me.

    Haha, yes, I am veryy interested in forensics. But more the science side to it rather than the police side. I would love to eventually go to the crime scene and get evidence, and test it in the lab or something. I think that it seems fun (even though I would have to work with dead people and things) and that I'd be good at it, hopefully. I'm going on a college visit on friday to a school that has forensic science as a major, and I'm really excited! It seems like an awesome school and it has everything I want/need.

    I've been saying this, but I promise that I will check it out! I don't have that much time to go on the computer, but I'll read it soon. And I'm sure that I'll love it.

    Hmm the grad party. I was really reluctant to go, because I've never heard of the kid-his name is Jake-and what fun would it be? I didn't know anyone there. It was mostly family. So I just wanted to sit for a few hours and then leave quickly. But we went, and my brother hopped in the pool, so my mom and I sat down and she talked to these people that she had met before. I didn't know what to do, so I just listened. After two hours or so, the dad and owner of the house decided to show us around. We had never gone, and he built it himself. He showed us the kitchen, and livingroom, and we were going upstairs to see the rooms. We went to some girl's room, and then Jake was there and he was omg so good looking. He came up and introduced himself, and shook our hands. Then we went back downstairs and outside to talk more. After a minute, Jake came back down (from the only room in the house that has air conditioning to the hot, muggy outside, might I add). He was talking and smiling and looking at me a lot and it was so cute and I was just like omg seriously no one has ever liked me. Then we had to go, but I wanted to stay longer, but that'd be awkward to be there alone. So we left. But before we did, he came and gave me a hug. Hahah it sounds like nothing but I was blushing and everything. It seemed like he liked me. Maybe he was just being friendly. Btu my mom brought it up and it was funny. Idk. I won't be seeing him again, though, so there's no point. It was just fun. :)

    My friend and I teamed up, and I think that we have another idea, since my first one didn't work out. Yes, chapter five! They're long. Like, I think in my notebook I counted past fifty pages (which is a lot), but I don't remember exactly. I'm probably going to fill up a few notebooks by the time that this story is finished, lol.

    Well it's almost seven now, so I should probably head back to the room. Sorry that I didn't touch every topic that you had written about, but I don't have time right now! I hope to hear from you soon as always, and I hope that everything is okay there. <3

    Word count: 2,208.
    August 8th, 2011 at 12:59am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    You’re such a sweetie!
    Thank you so much for the comment ^*^
    Though I would be a bit more worried for Gerard than Frank…. (allimmasay:33)
    And I wish I had that with somebody too…
    But I don’t really trust anybody fully…and I don’t believe in best friends….
    Thank you for that though…I do hope I didn’t make them come across too cheesy!~
    August 7th, 2011 at 05:11am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    Ow ow ;]
    Hopefully I won’t lose my polite and cutesy stance while writing that story ;DD (hopefully)
    I’m pretty positive that there will be smut…(andahellofalot) in the distant future…but for now its just awkward cuddlies and kissies ^3 (~myfavoooorittee~)
    I know! Just… -shudders- I watched some girl on you tube get a corset piercing….and if you don’t know… just imagine getting a corset installed in your back D’;
    Burning at the stake would be pointless, because if there is a god somewhere up there…. He created you that way and you’re beautiful as his creation…
    Who gives ten fucks about the bible…It was written to give people something to believe in when they should just be living the fuck out of their life….and hard.
    Views if you will hun?
    August 7th, 2011 at 04:41am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    and yes!
    I completely agree!
    Like nipple peircings!!
    You can be straight and have them...
    I absolutely dread homophobia...
    Just- put me in a room with a homophobic and i'll chew their ear off and spit it out D';
    So many of my friends are gay.... and I just feel like their over protective mother xDD
    August 7th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    surface peircings are like... when you stretch the skin to pierce it...
    Like piercing your wrist or the bridge of your nose... and eyebrows count as surface also...But they're snazzy so I don't mind too much xDD
    (they are little secret shows that only Gerard has to 411 about ;D)
    August 7th, 2011 at 04:19am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    G's 'little' friend already got free tickets and a backstage pass, baby ;DD
    And I think we understand eachother ;33

    and ah! I adore french script lettering...
    And it would be so classy on your wrists...
    My english teacher had both her children's names tattooed like that...It's so fancy and suprisingly they blend...
    There are certain places that tattoos look tacky... like on the face and I really don't like belly-button peircings while we're on that... they're just so... random...and sexist..
    Like, a guy would have to be gay to get theirs peirced, wtf?
    oh and between the nose is a septum....
    I really like lip and nose...eyebrow is okay for some...
    I hate surface peircings though ;FF pehhh
    I Don't even know....
    I used to want a tattoo all across my back, but I changed my mind...I wanted some on my fingers...but I changed my mind xDD
    You just never know.
    August 7th, 2011 at 04:03am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    And theeeeen Gerard would ask if he could get a closer view? :o
    -goes all perverted on yo assss!- xDD
    I don't think that anybody should get a tattoo before the age of 21...
    Because that's basically when all human beings stop changing....
    Like, there was this one chick who graduated at my school... about 2 years back...when I was a freshman...and she decided to get the japanese lettering for 'free' on her chest...to express her freedom and peace...
    It turned out meaning-
    Let's just say that you can get her reaaaaal cheap-like x333
    Which ssuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks...and now she's stuck with it!!
    August 7th, 2011 at 03:40am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    i'm lolololololololololing so hard!
    Frank getting one on his asscheeks would make the chapter so akward...
    Especially for the tattoo artist xDD
    August 7th, 2011 at 02:51am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    I don't even know who is getting a tattoo...I just know that I wanted to write a chapter about some skin-marking goodness ;DD
    And it's not a problem (I hate the auto-correct on ipods)
    That's the cutest ever!!
    omgsh...Should I have Frank be the biggest bs-er in the entire school?!!??!
    August 7th, 2011 at 02:49am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    Bahaha! that would be adorable!
    And yes, Frank is accustomed to the art of the bullshit already!
    Plus side: he tells great stories....and is a great liar
    Down side: Well- None of it is true... hence the 'great liar' part... xDD
    Umh...I wanna tell you a secret about that tattoo thing because I was planning something with it because my sisters bf just got a tattoo ;33 and uhh... I can't tell you because well- You're the only person who reads and gives me delicious comments...
    Why spoil my own fun?!!? 833
    August 7th, 2011 at 02:23am
  • XMorteXdeXRireX

    XMorteXdeXRireX (100)

    United States
    Doesn't Frankie always look the part? ;DD
    He walk da walk 'n talk da talk...
    for a 12 year old xDD
    August 6th, 2011 at 11:54pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    I agree im constantly starting new rps with friends because they bore me and ha my Pills made my insomnia much worse and haha i love thay kinda stuff in rp.. Well im gonna get off for the night my ipods almost dead and im eatimg a imagineary poptart and waching invadar zim soo night ttyl
    August 6th, 2011 at 09:11am