
Hello. I just decided to make a random blog containing my ideas and opinions on many things. Its not going to be organized and I will not backspace so whatever comes out, comes out. Now where to begin? Lately I've been bothered by labels, cliques, and stereotypes. We all have to deal with them. I think if you like a style its fine to dress to that style but don't change your entire life and center...
April 3rd, 2010 at 10:07pm

What Could One Day Have In Store For You?

Today I asked myself, "What could one day have in store for you?". It could be the worst or best day of your life. It might be full of hatred and pain or love and giggles. Someone could die, someone could be born. All within a day. You could get married or divorced. Hit the lottery or become bankrupt. Find the one you love or develop new feelings of hate. Start a war or end a war. Establish peace...
April 2nd, 2010 at 11:13pm

Genesis to Oblivion

What if we were suspended in time and space. If everything just came to a standstill. A bullet haults moments before it penetrates a soldier's body. Time freezes leaving you breathless. No feeling, no emotion. An end to all suffering in a simple blink of the eye. What will happen is unsure to us all. When will our oblivion be? What was our genesis? What have you lived for? To be most popular? To...
April 2nd, 2010 at 11:12pm

Moving on and Letting Go.

I gave you my all and you walked away. I had to pay and now you're cliche. I am better without you and this is my clue. Finally left to die in my room.I've told you goodbye countless times. You don't get the hint that I want you out of my life. A forgotten soul. You walked, ran out of my life. Now I'm doing the same. Stop crawling back, like the bug you are. We are no more. Erase me. Rid me from...
April 2nd, 2010 at 11:11pm