So far, nothing seems to listen.

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion.Has it...
August 11th, 2010 at 08:15pm

Alright.. here goes;

Okay,I'll admit, I'm not very good with journals, or diaries, but it seems to be the only way I can get anything out without getting complained at, or someone butting it.So, really, I'm not that cool of a person.I get up,survive,then go back to bed.Simple, right?Wrong.Inbetween all that, is a lot of drama, and emotions. A lot of thoughts, and wants and wishes. Things will get hard, and I guess I...
April 3rd, 2010 at 08:20pm