
Do you guys ever get that really bad feeling when your fighting with one of your best friends? Well i am deffently having on e of those feelings.I guess it's wrong when you say how can someone be a friend and never want to hang with you, and them reading it on facebook.I mean were i was comming from was it hurts haveing your so called best friend never put an effort to hang out with you. I'm...
June 27th, 2010 at 03:19am

A friend.

Well have you guys ever felt the need to vault? I do and i guess this is what i am doing right now before i do something i regret.So i have this 'friend' and i mean I've known her for years, i call her my best friend, she calls me her's, we also call a lot of other people friends. The thing is she never want's to hang out with me and it is starting to get really annoying, i mean we met each other...
June 10th, 2010 at 11:31pm

Entry #5 April18, 2010

So i am not riding anytime soon.Not because of my mom at all. No this was my decison mine and my firends. The reason why is i trust my friends opioun and advice and if i took it a little more i would be owning my horse still :[. So i am doing what she saidWhat she said was when i get my job save up for a while. That is exactly what i am gonna do. We went over this by the time i ahve got the job...
April 18th, 2010 at 08:52pm

Entry #4 April 11, 2010

Well many things going on in my head now adays :]#1- Bamboozal *sp* road show.... MANY MANY! good bands :] including All Time Low <3 So i was searching and of course it is at the inconvient most horrible Tuesday of my life! June 15th and the dates are confirmed to :'[ Why it's so horrible because it's the 2nd of 3 days of my finals :[ i want to die my mom doesn't want me to go but i mean come...
April 11th, 2010 at 08:08pm

Entry #3 April 9, 2010

Well so many things are on my mind right now. Horses, School, family, and friends.Well i have been working the past 2 days. Yes i have a job :d To explain i work for 5 an hour (not even min wadge ik >:[ ) I got a Total of 60 dollars :] yeah...i went to the movies...then the store... then dinner...yeah now i only have 20 left... I am deffently horrible with money :] But i am thinking i get 10...
April 10th, 2010 at 01:25am

Entry #2 April 6, 2010

So i am going over to my aunts, which is also my job. But i do not plan on working which i proably am cause i need money. Cause I am looking into lease's i know i can't ride yet but i mean i have paid fro riding for years i have paid for 4 or 5 leases and 1 horse with no help. I think if i can just get my mom to get me rides now i will be fine :d So i am going to be kissing the floor she walks on...
April 6th, 2010 at 08:10pm

Entry #1 April 5, 2010

This is pointless i do understand that, there are plenty of other people out there with better writting skills. Well this i decided to make this like a blog tell you about something that i need to talk about. This thing might intrest you guys but it's something that means a lot to me, and thats my riding life.Well i have been riding for 9 years. First 2 litlle pony's w/t on a farm. 7 taking...
April 5th, 2010 at 04:49pm