Hiya! Je m'appelle Soren :] I have sixteen years of living experience. I live in the greatest city on Earth, and dream about music. I have 3 older brothers and am ambidextrous. I am a junior. I love to write, and live in my own little world. You are welcome to join of course :]

bold italics underline strike link

Date: 04-06-10
Time: 7:21 p.m.
Mood: friend's seventeenth birthday!
Music: Little Bit-Lykke Li
Updated: conjuring up ideas ;]

Break Off the Chains
Featuring;; surprise ;]/Sam Beaudelaire
Chapters;; none
Status;; Active
Title Credit;; Savior-LIGHTS?

Link 1 Link 2
Link 3 Link 4
Link 5 Link 6

Layout by Sunny @ DLA.
Do you want a pack of rabid wolves on your trail? No? Then don't steal.
x o