To Any Who Cares / Passing Looks...

I can't update for a while. It's not because I don't have the means to; if I'm able to, I will. However, I've got to be completely honest: I can't focus on anything at the moment besides school and home.My dad's a fucking alcoholic now. It started off as a beer or two but has escalated to him coming home late, shit-faced and stumbling down the hall to sleep for hours until he can get up again. I...
April 26th, 2008 at 01:12am

Hard to Say

Yet another journal and, though I thought I would never put out my feelings in such a public domain, I find it a great relief to get out all these emotions I harbor inside of me. They may be petty things to other people but to me the smallest details make the biggest differences. It's frustrating, quite, but I must learn to deal with it.Let's start with some cool news I guess. People from Anguilla...
March 1st, 2008 at 01:57am


I thought I was strong; I really did. I thought I could surpass all my problems and survive. I was so very wrong, it's unbelievable. How I could have let myself get my hopes up in such a way is simply amazing. How I allowed myself to believe that I could pull through my problems is just so ironic. Because I fell back, like an idiot. It angers me so much but most of all I'm just disappointed in...
February 9th, 2008 at 12:07am

Turn On Me

Everything seems so overwhelming nowadays. School work has been piling up on my shoulders, crushing me under the weight of so many books and papers. My personal life hasn't been very easy lately either. Despite the fact that I've finally become more social, I'm having so many problems that sometimes I'd really just like to commit another mistake. Because that's what they are: my mistakes, my...
February 2nd, 2008 at 12:32am

Wake Up

This isn't something recent, just to clarify. This is something I have carried with me like a weight upon my heart that brings me down. I just want to say it all now"I'm on the wire again, teetering over the utter abyss with depths unknown. I'm hovering again, trying desperately to find my balance and failing miserably as I continue slipping. How soon until I completely jolt awake from my happy...
November 7th, 2007 at 07:30am