carcinojen / Comments

  • Exactly! When people call it that, I automatically cringe. pairing names are supposed to be a mix of the either the first names of those involved, or the last names. Not a mix thereof. It's just weird that way.
    And yeah, I heard about the CBS thing and am just miffed. I can't believe how shitty that is of them. And BBC even threatened them with sueing I believe, and so they're trying to change it up by making it in NY, sherlock is going there to get over an addiction and watson isn't a doctor as she (hurts to even say that) has had her license revoked.
    And I can guarantee that they're going to make the two hook up, and that's why they made John into a girl. I mean, really? Is america really so homophobic and obsessed with heterosexual relationships? I don't care if you believe there is a romantic relationship between Sherlock and John or not, but you don't go changing the characters just to make it 'acceptable' Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is rolling furiously in his grave, the poor man.
    March 7th, 2012 at 05:28am
  • Ugh, I know! And apparently he has another character he's playing in it, but they won't reveal who it is. so I'm fucking excited. And yes, the behind the scenes footage is a must! Haha, I don't really like the name either, but it's better than the other a lot of people tend to use. Schwatsonlock. I mean, really? How does that even make sense at all? wtf
    March 5th, 2012 at 01:17am
  • :C I already watched 'em all and I cried so much that I thought I would die of dehydration. And then, I cry still when I think about it. Dx And I wanna see The Hobbit and it's cool and all that he's gonna be in it, but still. Summer of '13?! Not fair! And you know Benedict is gonna be in the hobbit too?!
    I was so excited about then, until I saw that he's going to be a dragon... So we'll hear his voice, but he'll be a giant, CGI monster that is Martin Freeman's enemy. UUGH.

    And now I'm utterly obsessed and have even started writing random sherlock/john stuff in my notebooks when I'm high on my sleep meds. (haha)
    February 11th, 2012 at 06:35am
  • Wow, seriously? That actually explains a lot. xD I'm showing it to my friend right now and she loves it. But Netflix only has the first season D: So I have to find the second elsewhere.
    February 8th, 2012 at 05:17am
  • Ugh, why'd you hafta encourage me to watch Sherlock? I stayed up and watched the first three episodes cause I was bored and on netflix (and they had some episodes) so I watched and just

    The most freaking amazing show I've ever watched! One episode in and I was looking up the pairing and you're right. Once you actually see it, Sherlock becomes a lot more appealing. Now I'm totally obsessed. Obsessions aren't good for me cause I seriously just get hooked on it and it's all my brain can think of.
    (Like everytime I read a book in the Monstrumologist series by Rick Yancey, for a month afterward, I can't think of anything but. Fave books ever)
    I'm gonna sleep for a while and then set back into the sherlock episodes xD
    February 7th, 2012 at 11:37am
  • haha, I'll definitely check it out. I need something to do since I'm gonna be laid up in bed a lot lately. S: I have to start physical therapy three times a week and it really puts you out of commission.
    February 3rd, 2012 at 04:53am
  • haha, yeah. They're both such great pairings.

    Oh! I've seen gifs/pictures all over tumblr and at first, I thought "omg how could they get someone like that to play Sherlock? I'm sorry but he looks like a badger!" but the the more I saw it, the cuter it looked to me. I've actually been meaning to look up the series, but what is the actual name of it? It isn't just Sherlock is it?
    February 2nd, 2012 at 07:02am
  • Frerard was the first pairing I ever wrote, but Gabilliam came after and I love it too. They're just so precious.

    What show?
    January 31st, 2012 at 09:07pm
  • haha, yeah. I just really like slash.
    and my guilty pleasure is Travens! Though I've had people tell me it's a stupid pairing. I LOVE IT!
    January 31st, 2012 at 03:00am
  • Awesome! I'll go check it out. I'm waiting around until time to leave for college too so it's perfect! That's cool about the het story. Slash ruined me though. I've tried writing het but have never been able to -_- I have about 75 documents that are slash stories in the making. No one has even seen most of them before but me. haha
    January 30th, 2012 at 05:57pm
  • Barely! I've been doing a lot in the way of writing random crap ideas that will never be stories, but it hasnt stopped me so far. I write twice as much random junk now than I do to my actual stories.
    hah, but I loved the chapter!
    January 30th, 2012 at 06:36am
  • Yeah. It's ridiculous, and I don't even know how to do half of it. It sucks ass, actually. I'm just hoping that MAYBE I can get it all done this weekend....
    September 3rd, 2011 at 05:14am
  • Ahh. Cool. I'm swamped in homework this weekend. This is what I gotta do:

    Comp 1- Four descriptive paragraphs and four two page journal entries
    Speech-memorize and recite a 50-75 word poem.
    Create a product and make a commercial, trying to sell the product to the class.

    Biology: Do review questions 1,3,5,7,10,11,16,17,19,23,25.

    and I bet there's more somewhere that I should do as well. UGH.
    September 2nd, 2011 at 12:32am
  • Wow. See, I heard that if you plan to go into something engineering, it's like signing your life away. They reccomend that you dump whoever your with and everything because you'll never see them, you'll be too busy with school. It's crazy! And I have like 5 essays and four paragraphs due for Comp. 1 by next week, so I should really be working on that rather than being on the web but oh well. haha
    September 1st, 2011 at 02:27am
  • Wow, that sounds really difficult to do.

    I'm going for creative writing. (: Big surprise huh?
    August 30th, 2011 at 03:09pm
  • It's totally fine. I haven't been on much because I'm also in college and trying to adjust. lol
    August 30th, 2011 at 02:15am
  • Dude, I haven't even updated any of my story for months because I'm in college. It's kicking my ass so hard!
    August 29th, 2011 at 11:45pm
  • Sweet! You are my new best friend. Lol
    Oh sweet! :D Good luck. What ever you choose will be great.
    Oh have fun digging trough. There are so many myths you’ll have a field day. :D

    Again, have fun with it. There are so many stories and even the Lost Tapes did an interesting take. It’s not as good as some stories but its decent. I’m really stoked to see were you take it.
    July 25th, 2011 at 06:06am
  • Oh! The conversations we could have about Stephen King! I’m glad I found another fan! I LOVE Salem’s Lot. I just reread Christine actually. I was thinking about rereading Misery.
    Lol I’m glad you asked that because I could give you a whole list of demons/creatures and people.
    Strigoi vampires are always popular but you have a vamp already.
    I’ve always loved the idea of a chupacabra. But you can’t really use those either. But I was thinking maybe The Jersey Devil? That’s something you could use. Or something like it. You could even use something like a cambion (Half human offspring of an incubus and a succubus.)
    July 24th, 2011 at 04:14pm
  • lol I'm glad I can make your day. I try.
    I'm stoked to hear that. I can't wait. XD
    July 21st, 2011 at 09:47pm