HELP ME! It's all going to end.

It's hard to face depresssion and everything that comes with it. If it's scars, blood, or making others feel like you do. I can't help but notice that I have lost this battle with depression before and I have scars to prove it. I want a better life for me and the people in it. Even if they say that their life is perfect but I know it's not.And what I really hate is when someone says they'll be...
November 19th, 2010 at 03:06am

Sitting Ducks :]]

I was sitting in my room thinking about this guy. But then all of a sudden this other guy entered my mind. Like he burst through the door of the corniers of my eyes. And then all of a sudden. A smile crossed my face. But I promised myself that I would never think about another guy until this other one was too bossy and told me what to do all the time.Then I thought about a door. It appeared and...
October 8th, 2010 at 02:35am

School. Already??

Ugh. Stupid teachers. Why did school have to start now? I wanted to have like one more month of summer so I could go to more places. Like I'm going to New York but why do I have to go to school now. Boo to school. Lmao. I can't really wait until I got to see my girl though. They mean the world to me. But the thing is, I'm scared to see the guy that I love. And also I don't think that the teachers...
August 18th, 2010 at 07:09pm

I'm Not Sure Anymore :[[

There Is Alot That Has Happened Over The Few Days... Well I Guess I Should Say Weeks. I Love Him But I'm Not Sure If I Wanna Get Married At The Age Of 14. I Mean He Is The Love Of My Life But What If Somethign Goes Wrong?? What Am I Gonna Do?? I Mean I've Heard Every Possible Answer From Yes To No. But I Mean If I Say Yes I Might Ruin My Life. If I Say No Then I Might Hurt Him.But This Morning My...
May 13th, 2010 at 08:17pm

Life In A Big Town

Okay.. So Life Has Been Okay. I Just Wish That it Would Take A Right Turn. Because It Hasn't. Like My Friends Are Getting What Thay Wnat But Not Yet For Me.. So Just Waiting For That Right Guy To Ride In On A White Horse.. Lol. I Know He Wouldn't But I Guess That's Okay,, Right??The Things I Try To Say To Him Always Turn Out Wrong. They Always Do. Even When He Told Me His Dirty Little Secret. And...
April 15th, 2010 at 11:42pm