sports injury :p

well, i was ina soccer game october1, and it was tied...a girls knocked me down once, adn somthign didnt feeli right in my knee. i knew i was going to get hurt...well longs story short,i was pushed again, and uh, i tore my ACL adn MCl and i had deep bone contusions, adn bleeding. the doctors didnt read the mri untill 3 weeks after that day. when ifound out this happened, i broke down, sports are...
January 5th, 2010 at 08:30pm

people a who are mean to me 4 no reason @ all

dont u hate it when one of ur "friends" turn on u and suddenly hate you for no reason?!?!cuz i do. my good friend started to hate me cuz the guy she likes is my best guy friend.And during Art ( my fav class) she was talking shit about me to my best friend Ashley while i was sitting next to her! it was horrible. She called me a spazz ( in a really mean way) and was talking shit about my mom! (who...
June 4th, 2008 at 12:07am

Breaking Dawn

I CAN NOT WAIT UNTILL SUMMER! well actually august 2nd! cuz thats when BREAKING DAWN comes out! does anyone here read the twilight series!?!?!? i also cant wait untill the mivie comes out! i swear is they cut anyting from the book i will get extreamley angry!! i really hope Bell gets changed in to a vampire like Edward. And i Hope Rosalie becomes nicer to Bella. and i hate Jake...alot. Do any of...
June 3rd, 2008 at 11:47pm

mom banned me from wearing black eyeliner!

okay ever sense i started loving mcr my mom banned me from wearign black eyeliner!!! How gay is that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill tell you how gay really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY GAY!!!!!!!!! she is sooo evil!!! And she is a hippocrite!! she bought herself like 4 things of black eyeliner and even though...
November 5th, 2007 at 11:30pm


for haloween me and my beat friend Megan are going to be Zombie football players!(THE ZOMBIE PART WAS MY IDEA!!) I was going to be a vampire but my stupid braces wont allow me to were fangs so that idea went down the toillete,plus Megan wouldent be a vampire(shes stupid that way...) and my sister is going to be Gene Simmons from KISS! How cool is that?But What i want to know is... waht are YOU...
October 26th, 2007 at 11:40pm

Bad Dream

i had a horrible dream last night... This is it,Gerard was a mass murder and he was on the news and he was covered in blood with 2 DEAD girls in laying in front of him, Then i assumed he was in jail so i went to the bank or something adn i saw him there and i walked past him and said "nice hair' and a few seconds later he grabbed me and threw me in a car and bob wuz there and he tied my hands...
October 26th, 2007 at 08:02pm

8 am

it is 8 in the morning and im at school and im very tired and i sick and my dad is sick to and i dont know what to do and im bored, my best friend wears a lot of blue and her boyfriend wont stop picking on me an i hate him... i hope he falls down the stairs cuz he is an immuture jerk who picks on me to make him feel better about himself and i hate him. but yea now its 8:02 and im still bored and...
October 23rd, 2007 at 08:01pm


my mom and dad wont let me watch pg-13 movies and im like 14 and it is really starting to bug me, like im not aloud to go woth my friends to the movies if we watch one. and they took my copy of Life On The Murder Scene cuz Geradr was swearing and drinking and stupis stuff like that and im really mad... i tried to comprimise with them but they wont listen !!!!!!!! i mean the only pg-13 movie i can...
October 12th, 2007 at 08:01pm

The Bet

Today my best friends boyfriend bet me i couldent go one day with out talking and im halfway done. By the end of the day if i talk i owe him $20, and if i dont talk.. he owes me $20! but i really like to talk... alot and it is very hard for me not too, and now all o fhis friends and him are trying to make me angry at then so i can yell at them, then loose the bet, and this really sucks. ill show...
October 4th, 2007 at 11:43pm


i havent been feeling well lateley, but my moms a huge worrie wart, and i dont want to tell her cuz i know it will be over sooner or later, but the pain is really bad, and i feel like i should tell her , but i really dont, i just got rid of the sickness a year ago and its back, for lord knows how long, oh god ,,, help
October 3rd, 2007 at 08:08pm

bad day...

i hate math and i think im failing, this kind sucks cuz i had to run the mile today in gym and my legs hurt and its even worse cuz my MOM is my gym teacher. then i forgot to do my technology homework, and NOW my mean sister is coming home from college for the weekend with her boyfriend and all i want to do is sleep ... yea i like to complaine !OH...
October 2nd, 2007 at 08:11pm