Just macked out on a breakfast hot dog || 5 reasons why Snow White is a thug || Comment Swap?

Just what is a breakfast hot dog?Well, I'll tell you!By breakfast hot dog, I'm not talking about sausage / pancake kinda corn dog type of thing.I'm talking hard core eggs, bacon, and cheese on a hot dog bun, legit.To put it basically, I just poured my scrambled eggs in a ziplock bag, added bacon and cheese (and chicken and rice, cause I like that with my eggs) and let it cook in boiling water for...
August 13th, 2011 at 04:25am

Bored. Had to come to school early || Hospitals don't mix with my grandfather || Comment swap?

Yesterday I went to bed around 2 in the morning because I didn't have a class until two in the afternoon today.So tell me why my mother woke me around eight o' clock this morning?Well, for the pass two (or so) months, our minivan doors weren't working. I'll tell you now, climbing in and out of a car with a 5'10" height isn't fun. So today we took the van to my uncle because he's a mechanic and can...
August 10th, 2011 at 07:21pm

Out of my comfort zone (-__-)

I want to write a slash. And I don't know why?Well, I can definitely tell you it's not because that seems to be the thing now, no I'm not a "follow the leader" type of person. Peer pressure just makes me angry. And I can definitely tell you it's not going to be all inapropiate like a yaoi series. If you don't know what yaoi is, don't look it up, and if you do, you know what I'm talking about."A is...
July 26th, 2011 at 02:36am

What's Wrong With My Layouts!!!!

I can't access them!I'm all like No!!!!!! in a dramatic movie ending type voice.Why can't I get my story layouts, and especially when I really want to make one now. Is this happening to anyone else? Has this happened to anyone else? I want to cry, I worked hard on all those things.By the way, how are all of you?Sorry, I'm just using you to distract my pain. I'm really sad.I'm going to keep trying...
June 21st, 2011 at 04:04am

Did I Not Tell You...

"Did I not tell you to clean your room?"It was a phrase that used to trip me up a lot. My mother used to use it all the time. "Did I not tell you to wash the dishes?", "Did I not tell you to get the bread?", "Did I not tell you to stay away from your cousins?", and so on. I was little and just learning english basics, so it confused me to say no or yes. Like,"Yes, you did not tell me to clean my...
February 21st, 2011 at 03:01am

Is this all Mibba has to offer?

Hello out there.For the past thirty minutes,I've been searching for something legit to read. But so far nothing has interested me (I got to page 78 under Original Fiction and decided to write this). So i'm asking, is there anything else to read on Mibba? You know, something that isn't a slash, or a cliche high school romance, or has vampires in it? Can you give me something to read and help a...
January 30th, 2011 at 09:16pm


Hi. This is my first journal. It's pretty random but I do get around to asking for help. I've got three things to tell you guys.First: My mother told me today that I am on the computer too much. My first thought was What? I've always been on the computer this long. Only now, since it's on her new laptop, has she began saying anything about it. So to try and make her happy, I promised myself that I...
January 23rd, 2011 at 07:47pm