
Hmmm... A little about me?

I'm 15 years old! I'm a very happy-go-lucky person and I love the world and my life. I love indie style stuff. Indie movies, they're the best. Indie music, makes me happy. I'm completely obsessed with doodling although I can't draw to save my life. I love to be outside, especially in the spring and summer(: I'm (a bit) obsessed with Regina Spektor(I think she's amazingggg), Europe(Im determined to live there one day), the Beatles, and vintage stuff(: And I'm completely obsessed with online shopping, because the stores around here suck.xD I love to tell people their beautiful, it makes my happy to know they know(: I'm singleeee at the moment and am perfectly happy that way because I believe in fate ;) I like to make friends so ADD ME! Oh, And one day, I'm going to save the world ;D.


- I am currently posting a fanfic about the Jonas Brothers but its one that I wrote a while back in my "Jonas Days" (like, a year ago) so don't judge me! xD