Addictions and Brokenhearts

I had to delete my story because I'm dealing with an addiction. You all don't know the whole story but its not pretty. So basically, Dakota and I were FWB and I fell in love, we both did, but he was too hurt to let himself love me. So we stopped talking for months and then we started talking again and became FWB again but then we started dating and we dated for four months. But he just broke up...
September 11th, 2012 at 03:41am

Forgive me.

Forgive me, but I must say: I can't take it anymore. I'm reading all your messages to her and... You may be in a relationship with me, but you LOVE her. And for good reason. Hell, just reading this I almost love her too. She's beautiful, healed, knows what it means to feel pain, wise. You really need her. You're grounded without your phone... So I can't tell you this now, but I'll write it so...
June 19th, 2012 at 05:03am

Letter to my Not-Boyfriend

Hello Love,First I'd like to say that I know we were never in a relationship, so technically you can't break up with me. But I hope you know that when I said I love you, I meant it with every piece of my broken heart.At first, well really just anytime before I went to camp, I felt your love as strong as my own. It would reverberate through me and warm me down to the tips of my toes. You made me...
August 12th, 2011 at 04:07pm


I've been writing a lot lately you might have noticed I'm writing a lot of poems about love and hurt and a boy. Well, I "like" that boy. I'm in "like" right now. Hes in pain. I need to save him and one day I will.Also, my Stepmom is driving me insane. Who the fuck does she think she is? She doesn't own me and I don't have to take her bull shit. Read "Friends are Family."Sorry this is a fuck ass...
July 19th, 2011 at 02:57pm