Poems: pimping and whoring

This entry is for none other than the pimping and whoring of poems!!I'll make this short and sweet. Please give me some good things to read, and I'll comment :)A.K.A. please do not have me read some random sentences blady blah you wrote down and posted, but other than that, I'm up for anything so don't hesitate.For an emotional poem: Click here, and visit No SoundFor anything else: click hereAnd...
December 30th, 2010 at 12:06am

Inspiration and Disappointment.

12/28/201011:41 pm.InspirationTaylor Swift's Speak Now AlbumIsn't it funny I found inspiration in the simplest thing? Most people find inspiration through music, but downloading this album on iTunes, I never thought, well when I listen to this, INSPIRATIONA few of my friends had been chatting up the album, praising it, etc. I had never really gotten around to looking it up until two days ago. and...
December 29th, 2010 at 05:41am