Rant: That One Friend.

So any of you ever had that one friend that you just want to slap silly and tell her to get lost?This year, I was recently befriended by a new girl in our school, and I was glad to accept her. She was definitely not shy, extroverted in fact and she was quite talkative. I didn't mind, I just smiled and contributed to her topic. She started hanging out with me and my friends, eating lunch with us...
June 1st, 2010 at 05:34am

People who "leave" on MSN/FB chat/etc.

One thing that really pisses me off is how people can easily blow each other off when you're supposedly "friends". And hahah, no I don't mean it sexually like that. What I'm saying is that when a person tries to be polite or is just curious about something, usually the latter, they'll ask somebody to find out the answer. But the person they're talking to has to be a total bitch/asshole about it,...
May 27th, 2010 at 07:02am