Kissing.Sin / Comments

  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    SO! Breaking news, at least in my world...rofl

    It was kinda freaky today. I went to see the New York Yankee's play today (which was awesome except for the fact that I was basically promised that I wouldn't be the odd-man-out or third wheel at all, and ended up kinda being ignored the entire time anyways =/) with my sister and a 'friend' of hers which, if how they were today was any pointing factor, they are soon to be dating if not already. But today was the first day I met the guy, he's really nice and it wasn't his fault that I was ignored cuz he was trying, I think it was more of my sister...I dunno. But anyway...the important part of this is that... Fuckin...I kid you not as soon as I saw the guy get in the car I was like "Holy mother of God" in my head.
    Because there before me, no lie (and this is strictly in my opinion only) was a fuckin spitting image of Zacky V. Like I'm not even kidding. He looks SO similar to the guy, it's freaky. Not to mention just similarities in their lives...of which I will list.

    1. He's got basically THE MOST gorgeous green eyes. Ever. Like...spitting image the same of Zack's. He's also got the dark hair. Not as dark, but dark. And think of how like...when Zack had it relatively short and used to stick it all up in the front, almost fauhawk/bouffant in a way? Yeah...that.
    2. He has the same slope in his forehead. Basically their heads are the same shape, and the slope of their foreheads into the browbone are identical. And I've never seen anyone with that exact forehead before. Creepy.
    3. His VOICE is not only relatively the same PITCH as Zack's, but he talks like he's from coastal SoCal. Which is Zacky in and of itself. rofl
    4. He was in a band and played/still plays guitar. Self explanatory.
    5. His job causes him to travel. ALL the time. In the States, and internationally.
    6. His laugh and his smile are like super uber close to the point where I was like "JESUS CHRIST HOW MUCH MORE IN COMMON COULD HE POSSIBLY HAVE WITH HIM!?"
    7. He smokes, drinks, and swears excessively.
    8. He really really likes baseball. Hence why he went with us to the game. (though lots of guys like baseball...but still. it's all just meshing together too well, you see...)
    9. He's got the same physical stature, not including height, of Zack. The broad shoulders tapering down into a (sometimes small) waist. Cept this guy's also got a bit of chub (though tasteful) on him. They also have the same double chin. And yes, it's cute.

    Basically, picture a Zack who's 6 foot tall, as tanned as Brian, no soul patch, no tattoos or piercings, and that's what this guy looks like.

    But you wanna know what just doesn't fit into all of this? ...I snatched his ID when it was getting passed back from being checked by the guy selling beer in the stands, and well...You'll never really guess what his last name is.
    Not Baker, oh no, that'd just be too awkward and would make me piss myself.
    It's Hayner. As in Haner. With a Y. As in...I've never met anyone with that last name, no matter how it's spelled, except for this guy and Brian.

    So needless to say, the guy is good to look at haha Not so much fun when he's making out with my sister who's seemingly forgotten I'm there...=/ Sometime I might have a picture up of him, so you can see just what I'm talking about here.

    Fucking tired now though, so I'm off to bed. xoxo
    July 27th, 2009 at 04:01am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    I sowwi =/ If it makes you feel any better, shit in America's none too cheap. Cuz we're all poor now. Cept for people like Madoff who "made off" with billions of dollars, and is now staying in the lap of luxury for his life sentence in jail. Morons.

    When is it that you typically find out when you've been accepted to a school? I feel like in the US, kids already know by now...but then again some of them start in August, so they can't kinda leave it to the drop of a hat >.< I really hope you get in to Leicester though <3<3

    I got perfume oils in the mail today...along with perfumer's alcohol. I'ma be all amazing and make my own for like 1/5 of the cost it'd normally be...actually probably 1/10 38 bucks for like...enough to make about 10 oz of various perfumes that, at 1 oz, cost like 30 bucks >.< ridiccccculous lol
    July 23rd, 2009 at 12:01am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Uhhh...couldn't you just tell the transfer place that you're going home on break, and to get time off? I DO get time off, right? 0.o or have you not been working there long enough?... idk. Basically like...stores and shops and jobs and whatnot at least in Albany are real good about knowing that the kids have to get time off for going home when they shut down the campus. Cuz you can't really stay on campus when they go through and make sure you're not there. They will physically remove you from your building and make you leave campus if you're found there, and aren't in the location for overseas students who can't go home. Eh...things here don't work the same as they do over there, I've noticed ,...haha

    Not really too much going on right now. Working, obvs. Should be home in 2 hours or whatnot. I WOULD be working on writing a chapter, which I have the chapter planned out at least, but my iPod died and well..I don't deal well with TV sounds which are distracting, and silence. Which is Sooo I'll probs read more of the book I've got, get the 50 pages a day thing out of the way, and then work on The Studio and...I can't remember which other one...when I get home. lol Ah, apparently it's The King. Which I also have planned out for the chapter. Which I also need to do more planning on cuz I'm only up to the part that I'll be writing as far as notes go lol

    Blah...hungry but can't eat cuz I'm not allowed toooooo >.<

    July 22nd, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Yeahhh...that's like how it was for me when my grandpa died. Cuz...he was my ONLY grandpa, and I was 12.'s still not something my family really talks about. Not unless we all want to be in tears, basically.

    So I went to my friend's grad party today and we had an industrial-sized slip n slide down this massive hill and it was mad fun. And I played soccer barefoot...I think I might have sprained my toe; it really fuckin hurts >.< But mmmm...cute boy there. ahfklahklah me for leaving.
    And I realized...I'm totally one of the guys. I will sit there and talk about which actresses are super hot and which ones of them I would bone. I legit said "I would tag-team Kate Beckinsale with three other chicks" today. But...she's hot rofl

    rofl My aunt that died had a 72 inch plasma tv in her living room, and a 56 inch in her bedroom, and she left the doors unlocked. AND she was dead. Ours is like...a 42 inch or something. Flatscreen but not like...plasma or lcd. wouldn't be able to move the thing without 5 people, it's that heavy. I mean...we've got loads of expensive shit in my house. Them two TVs...the one in my rent's room, my sister's room, the basement, the porch (flat screen HD) my room (flat screen HD), the spare one. Three laptops though mine doesn't work currently. The desktop. 2 ipod nano's. Xbox, guitar and electric keyboard, quite a few antique pieces that are irreplaceable, not to mention all the stuff that's set aside to be moved to Florida. And...we've never had anything stolen rofl tired. have so much to clean. Still falling behind in writing. I think it's time to go down to 5 a week; only on weekdays. I'm going to not get anything done this summer if I make it more than that. i think part of it is that it feels rather overwhelming sometimes, knowing that I have to make up 8 chapters in two days >.< So

    July 20th, 2009 at 03:44am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    And I'm really afraid that my dad's gonna be the next to go; and I just have a feeling that if the surgery he's getting doesn't do what it's supposed to or whatever, he'll go while I'm in Florida, and not to be selfish but that'll mess everything up for me cuz I'll have to come home, be depressed all over again at the funeral, and then just try to keep my head on school when I get back which will be hard for me to do, and then it might just blow the whole thing; but I'm sure there's definitely exceptions for family deaths. They do that at basically any school. But that's what I'm afraid of right now.
    I just saw him a week ago and ....I didn't even recognize him. I kid you not, his skin is about the color of your profile, maybe a little darker, cuz he's so jaundiced. He weighs about 165 pounds. And I'm 140. So...he's not much bigger than I am. he's so bony that he can't sit down on any sort of hard surface without a pillow under him. And he just looks so frail it made me want to cry. The only thing that kept me from not crying was the fact that he just acted like his old self again. He's 54 and he looks like an old, shriveled up 70 year old =/

    Anyway on a less depressing though...the packing's a bit hectic. I gotta go through the boxes we're sending out tomorow, mark what's in there on paper so I remember, and make sure I've got as much in there as I possibly can. Maybe after we send out the 7 boxes things will get easier cuz there'll be more room.

    I dont know why I feel so bad when I don't write for a day or I mean. I write/update a LOT more than some of the people whose stuff I read, so that at least makes me feel better rofl I obvs didnt' get anything done today, but maybe I'll do one tonight before bed and get a few more tomorrow. I wanna be o ntrack when the next week starts, instead of behind by a week lol

    July 18th, 2009 at 03:52am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    rofl redicckkkk you get way more money than i do! so basically you DONT have to pay back any money given to you for accommodation? or am I stll getting that wrong? rofl
    cuz yeah. i don't get any money for living in an apartment that, when utilities are added and everything's cut in half for my share with the roomie, will be about 500 a month. ...To give you en sister's apartment 20 miles away in Binghamton...cost 500 a month...with at least half the utilities included. AND they got to keep whatever furniture the landlord supplied (though had to leave it again when they moved out, but still) and like...yeah rofl Cept the place I'm at is like KILLERRRR and was recently renovated and is basically super awesome from what I've seen and from what this one kid that I assume might be in about half my classes (mmm he;'s cute...rofl) said; i think he actually went and looked through some of the complexes lol I wish I had gotten to do that, but oh well haha

    Hmmm...4k to live off in Cali... you mean for rent/food/etc stuff like that, while you're at school? Cuz I really have no idea, and lately Cali's in about as much financial shit as NY. Which is rare. cuz we suck here rofl I'm assuming by the time I get out there after school the recession will be...receding and things will be back to normal rofl Or at least I'm hoping. That'd suck. I need that 43k a year salary! haha
    Mannn the awesome thing about if I get a job in Orlando as soon as I'm the fact that my "cousin"...he's only "sorta" related...he went to the same school and never left Orlando, is a big-shot doing commercials with Tiger Woods, AND he rents out an apartment complex. So I believe he may have hinted that if I'm staying in the area and need a place to stay, I should def come see him about that. it's just so cool, cuz I've never met the guy in my life, idk if my mom even has, and just the fact that I'm so far from home and all alone down there, with my closest link to home about an hour away from where I'll be...he's like "Hey if you need anything at all while you're down there, feel free to call me!" haha Ohhh the small-town hospitality; still living on haha
    In a sidenote, I love the fact that I'm SO small-town that's NORMAL for you to keep doors unlocked even when you're away for the day, and family will just...come right in without knocking. Like one time my cousin knocked at the back door to come in and I kinda looked at her and waved her inside and I'm like "wtf are you, a city kid? we don't knock here." rofl it's just funny.

    nyaw I love the little nano's ^.^ Now, since it's the 4th gen one, with all the colors and it like an AQUA blue, or is it more of a darker, cerulean/navy blue? i can't remember, as mine is purple...but the one i had before was I think 2nd gen, before they made the hideous rounded blob ones...ew...and it was aqua. rofl

    Yeah the funeral was today. I hate funerals. I always cry. I could walk into the funeral of someone I don't even know, and I'll cry. They're so depressing >.<
    I mean we weren't really close or anything; she had issues with lying and stealing and drugs and meds and all this stuff. We found scales and shit for selling weed in her trailer when we cleaned it out. there were pipes and bongs galore when my GRANDMA went in; she FOUND them >.< But she just basiaclly had a lot of issues, and she was never happy, so now she can finally be at peace. But it's just...the whole idea of losing a family member. It's shitty; the only family member I've ever lost, in my IMMEDIATE family and whatever, was my grandpa, and that was basically a soul-crusher. That may have been what threw me into the whole depression thing when I was 14...cuz ever since I was 12 things have just been a lot sadder, cuz that's when he passed. And I'm really afraid that my dad's gonna be the next to go; and I just have a feeling that if the surgery he's getting doesn't do what it's supposed to or whatever, he'll go while I'm in Florida, and not to be selfish but that'll mess everything up for me cuz I'll have to come home, be depressed all over again at the funeral, and then just try to keep my head on school when I get back which will be hard for me to do, and then it might just blow the whole thing; but I'm sure there's definitely exceptions for family deaths. They do that at basically any school. But that's what I'm afraid of right now.
    I just saw him a week ago and ....I didn't even recognize him. I kid you not, his skin is about the color of your profile, maybe a little darker, cuz he's so jaundiced. He weighs about 165 pounds. And I'm 140. So...he's not much bigger than I am. he's so bony that he can't sit down on any sort of hard surface without a pillow under him. And he just looks so frail it made me want to cry. The only thing that kept me from not crying was the fact that he just acted like his old self again. He's 54 and he looks like an old, shriveled up 70 year old =/

    Anyway on a less depressing though...the packing's a bit hectic. I gotta go through the boxes we're sending out tomorow, mark what's in there on paper so I remember, and make sure I've got as much in there as I possibly can. Maybe after we send out the 7 boxes things will get easier cuz there'll be more room.

    I dont know why I feel so bad when I don't write for a day or I mean. I write/update a LOT more than some of the people whose stuff I read, so that at least makes me feel better rofl I obvs didnt' get anything done today, but maybe I'll do one tonight before bed and get a few more tomorrow. I wanna be o ntrack when the next week starts, instead of behind by a week lol

    July 18th, 2009 at 03:51am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Oh, and to clarify that even further, the 500 USD I get a year from the gov't...well...I only get that money if I'm going to school in NY. And I'm going to school in Florida. So now I don't get anything :( I just remembered that. Sucks. =/
    July 16th, 2009 at 09:26pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    I've only been replying back to story comments and other comments, sorry >.<
    That's been so fucking hectic round here cuz my aunt just died and we're trying to clean out her place and all this other stuff and the funeral is tomorrow. Like..okay...I'm a big calendar person. I cross off each day as it passes and whatnot. I looked at my calendar today, and it said that it was still Friday, July 10th. Yeah. I haven't had time to cross off the calendar, let alone talk much. I haven't been online for chatting at ALL >.< Basically I'm really fucking stressed and not running on a lot of sleep at alllllll. it's super gay. But hopefully the next month will be better. lol you just...get 7000 USD It's not a loan or anything? What, is it't assistance? Idk what you call it there, but...that's what we call it here. Not like a scholarship from the school or anything, but the gov't just giving you money.
    If so, you're friggen lucky. Cuzzzz yeah... I get 500 USD a year for school from the gov't. And I have to take out 22 grand in loans now, just for the two years coming up. Do you know how much I would have to make to pay off all that shit in 10 years? Basically 45 grand a year...starting 6 months after college. I highly doubt that is going to happen. So...yeah. That sucks. =/

    But yeah...sorry I haven't been around much at all lately >.< Throw in the fact that I'm trying to shed my 10-15 pound "winter coat" and well...I don't have time to live 0.0 I've had time to update, but that's cuz they're already typed for the most part >.< Pain in my ass...but I did get a chapter done yesterday and I'll be finishing a chapter I started earlier for your story later tonight, and hopefully write one more chapter... But right now I gotta call my mom and find out if she's still helping to clean out my aunt's place and if so, I'll probably be going over there to help her.

    I'm hungry.
    I need to stop eating so much >.<.

    July 16th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • BabyDollBlue

    BabyDollBlue (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment, it actually made me notice that Zack really isn't being treated fairly. Well that was going to change soon anyway. But I really didn't notice lol
    July 16th, 2009 at 02:22pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Skyyyy rockets in flight!
    Afternoon delight!

    hahahaha Ohhh Anchorman lol
    July 10th, 2009 at 04:54pm
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    Wowser! The banner you made me looks great! I love the style of it you decided to go with. The white font looks great on the background.

    One thing I would like though, now that I've seen the way the banner came out, I'd like to see what it would look like with two other pictures on it?

    Here's the links to both:

    (the girl)

    (and Johnny)

    But please don't change anything else about the banner because it looks AMAZING! I'd just like these two images to be added if you can? The picture of the girl should go in the middle and the picture of Johnny should be to the right of her.

    Thanks again! :D :D :D

    July 9th, 2009 at 08:50am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Bahahaha I was a cheerleader ^.^ But it doesn't really count at my high school. Cuz no one really likes the cheerleaders 0.o But yah...haha

    Dude...I had a bruise the size of a large apple on my friggen thigh...from falling on a couch rofl. AND I WASN"T EVEN DRUNK. Though it had a metal arm, and I REALLY fell on it. Most amazing bruise ever though. Bigger than my fist haha

    So yeah I haven't been online in ages *rolls eyes* Lately i go to bed "early", get up early, have to work (though now I have a nice break between 9 and 11 30 which I'm getting paid 25 extra a week to do some cleaning around the house...woopah!) and then waste all my time reading and writing updates, which I don't even get to all of.
    AND tonight is that'll suck up 2 hours of my life. Maybe I'll work on my Egypt book then...hmm. Would make sense. lulz. But uhh yeah. We'll chat sometime soon. And your story will up again on Fridayyyy!

    LOL American Highschool really isn't like...immensely great or anything 0.o Granted my high school is ranked quite high in the nation's public schools for the academia. Go us for being smart kids!
    July 8th, 2009 at 11:25pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Audrey or Katherine?

    Hepburn, of
    Neither related.
    July 6th, 2009 at 07:50am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States

    I'm sad. I took down your flag today. And Kate's. And Egypt's. :(
    Gonna pack em up so I dun forget them when I move. My room is like ....practically naked. my dvd stand and all the cases are packed bookshelf is nearly empty, my desk is practically bare, i have two pillows on my bed instead of the eight that i usually have, no comforter... :'( boooo.
    btw I found all the cards you sent round christmas time when you gived me monies haha I'm so bringing them with me.
    And the note where you drew the english flag, and then the american flag. darned stars :P

    July 6th, 2009 at 07:48am
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    Excellent! Well I'm not looking for anything TOO complicated.. I prefer simple looking banners, so I guess that would suit your style just fine. I don't generally care much what the banners look like; I'm never really that picky. lol.

    But anyway, here is the picture I'd like to be used:
    (minus the text at the bottom of the picture)

    and I'd like the title of the story Heartbreaker to be written in a fancy font that kind of looks like it's in handwriting but still readable. Lucida Calligraphy is a nice font, but I'm not too fussed. :D

    Sooo.. that's about it. Hope it isn't too complicated. :)

    Thank you!

    July 4th, 2009 at 04:52am
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    Hi thuuurrr! xD

    So you don't know me but I'm a friend of Amanda's (YouMomOnSteroids) and I saw the banner you made for her for her new story and thought it looked awesome! So I was wondering if you could make a banner for one of my stories? It's so hard to find good banner makers. I mean, you don't have to since you don't know me, haha, but I just thought I'd give it a shot and ask you. ;)

    xx Cat.
    July 4th, 2009 at 12:25am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    lol yah I heard about him like five minutes ago. Must have been a sexy streetcar, to be called Desire ;) He and Ed McMahon were at least old enough where death is normal. The other three were like 50-60 years old =/

    it's just about 80 here. not too humid. was breezy earlier...sweatshirt weather, overall. lol it's relatively colder this year than it really has been in quite some time. though July has just begun and this is typically our hottest month, merging into August.

    So yah...9 subscribers for your story. 6 people are recorded to have read the first chapter...though that thing usually has a lag on it. so

    i'm starving, yo.
    July 1st, 2009 at 11:11pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Do you know that I flood your comments area? It's allll me bebeh :P

    Dude I was gonna read that one shot the other day, actually haha I'm sorreh it makes you sad. It will probably be taking the piss, as you say, for me to tell you that I pride myself in the fact that that one shot had such a great impact on you, considering you told me you don't ever get that bad with a story >.<

    Go me. Seriously.
    June 30th, 2009 at 11:44pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    ahh yeah -.- doesn't help that i actually didn't get home til fucking 5:30, then had to go work out for half an hour, and then had dinner, and then they're doing a special on the Michael Jackson night from this season's American Idol.... We shall talk tomorrow, hopefully, if I get home soon enough. Srsly like...I haven't' had time to write in four days now -.- gay.

    Yeah I'll type up the new ones soon so you can see them soon lol

    Life is good. Getting huffed at and glared at because someone can't stand the sound of typing, but it's okay when my mom does it -.- so now I must go.

    June 30th, 2009 at 03:17am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States

    how would you feel about me posting the first chapter of your story on WEDNESDAY instead of THURSDAY? Cuz I'm thinking it'll take me like 6 effin months or more to post the stories if I do them 2 updates a I think 3 would be better, every Mon. Wed. and Fri. lol

    I'm sure you will be okay with this decision :P
    June 30th, 2009 at 12:37am