Kissing.Sin / Comments

  • Hey!
    Am having issues with the net on my pc, am trying to get it fixed so I can't send you my entry till then, rest assured I am working on it :)

    September 19th, 2009 at 11:33am
  • hey, thanks for the reminder about the deadline. I have it typed up, but I think I'm going to rewrite it completely. I don't plan on it but if i flake and drop i'll let you know.

    thanks <3
    September 19th, 2009 at 05:29am
  • rofl i love how you say you don't have any money for textbooks...but you buy clothes instead lol i didn't go to school with any new clothes...
    and 50 bucks for a textbook is nothing...srsly. per semester, i've typically spent anywhere from 500 to 700 USD. My sister paid as much as 1500 for all her textbooks and equipment for her first semester of college also...
    besides, i thought you were getting all that excess money allowance cuz ...some sort or other of a loan or something was giving you more money cuz your living expenses were lower than you thought? i can't remember exactly what it was you were saying..but it was something kind of like that lol it's been awhile.

    wtf is this "freshers week"? ... srsly... i don't get it lol

    i should be going clothes shopping sometime soon also, as i was 140 pounds when i got here and am now 130...and shrinking my denim isn't really working out for me anymore...neither is my welfare belt that is being held together with tape. so alan said that we're going shopping sometime... and no. he's not gay. completely the opposite, fer rizzle. since we're...kinda...together...ish...haha we'll have to MSN about that sometime soon...idk if it'll be tomorrow cuz we've got class, then a break during which im assuming we're going to his place to watch american psycho, and then a lab at... im pretty sure 5 pm... which lasts til roughly 8 or 9.
    oo wait i lied. lab's at we'll probs watch the movie after that...or something.
    so going to a school that's majorly all like...more fantastic than anyone could know haha.

    Fanks about the iPod commercial ^.^ I gotta get up my Vans commercial sometime...and my sound design video that i have which is awesome... Gotta figure out wtf I'm gonna do for the other two as they are rather confusing haha And then I still have to make a song, do whatever it is we're doing tomorrow, finish my x-games radio spot, do audio postproduction on a minute long clip of a movie, and do a video edit for a preview on a horror movie...
    i swear that all sounds so glamorous to me rofl it's amazing, and i love it. i'd love it more if my due date for ALL of that wasn't the 22nd. as in... less than a week from now haha. and i have a test saturday, and my only free day is sunday. and i really wanted to go to the beach but unless i can get a lot of that done...i doubt that shall be happening. was supposed to go last sunday after a...tremendously successful party with my boys saturday night...and then it rained us out. weather is a jerk here haha

    My apartment is so quiet without Kate though. Cuz my roommate is rather quiet...and...yeah doesn't do much but watch tv and movies and stuff...doesn't go hang out with people from school or anything. so i kinda feel bad when i go off with the guys and stuff...but oh well =/ not...really my fault.

    gah...i really need to get going on all these labs ahah. tomorrow will be rather productive. i hope. could have been productive between class and open lab today but...alan and i went to his place and had a nap and... other things rofl of which you will know of when we chat on msn haha


    btw...i srsly thought you'd already moved into uni haha
    September 18th, 2009 at 06:28am
  • Yay!
    Thank you for commenting on my story ^-^
    It means a lot hehe, seeing as I was so unsure of whether to post it or not.
    September 18th, 2009 at 05:15am
  • How did you create your story profile for "Forever and Always"? I really want to do something like that for my Zacky story I'm about to post. Please get back to me ASAP! I will love you forever!!!! =]:
    September 13th, 2009 at 04:12am
  • saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
    yo dude. sup?
    September 6th, 2009 at 08:36pm
  • Hai! :D
    Thanks so much for your comment on my story, it means a lot to me knowing that you like it already! [[[[:
    The reason why you're confused is because I originally had a prologue to go with my story, but I didn't put it on here because it was way too damn long, but I've fixed the story to kind of go along without the prologue
    If you're still confused, go ahead and let me know, I don't mind clearing things up [:
    Thanks again! <3333
    September 2nd, 2009 at 02:55pm
  • Hey
    Thanks for letting me know :)

    September 1st, 2009 at 09:01am
  • i see, thank you
    September 1st, 2009 at 04:07am
  • Uh, Yeah i Think A New Pic Would Be Amazing.
    August 31st, 2009 at 03:11am
  • I'll think about it. I already entered one contest like that and I just started school again so if I have time I'll probably enter it.
    August 30th, 2009 at 08:06pm
  • Hey, I totally would have entered, but ever since the new rules started, I'm banned because I didn't get rid of my one shot folder....while on vacation. Sorry.
    August 30th, 2009 at 06:39am
  • Congrats!!!!! I smiled all wide when i read your comment ^.^ YAYYYY!!! No more fretting about having to go to...err..whatever other college that was lol
    August 20th, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • ahhhahaha I know EXACTLY what you mean. This is why I never have boyfriends. They seem fine at first and then I spend more time with them and nit-pick at every little thing I can possible think of finding...and it just doesn't work out lol Though one of them I WAS able to patch that up with...unbeknownst to him of course...but alas it was right before I was moving, soo....yah lol I miss him =/
    August 14th, 2009 at 02:01am
  • Bahaha I like the way you so blatantly put that. "I DO NOT want to do anything with him" hahaha Why the change in heart??
    August 14th, 2009 at 12:12am
  • The UTI seems to have gone; though the one cool thing about that is that the antibiotics turn my piss like...fucking...bright lime yellow-green. Like...legit. It's a pretty awesome color lol
    I know I haven't been on lately. I was working from 7 AM to 11 PM last night, and then found out about 10 PM that after my dad's surgery, they found out that he definitely has pancreatic cancer, and it's completely inoperable, so now there's nothing left for us to do but wait. And then today I was gone early and didn't get home til just now, going up to the correctional facility to see my cousin with my sister, and then stopping at the hospital to see my dad for like...6 hours on the way back through. So needless to say the last few days have been kicking my ass, I'm feeling completely stressed beyond belief, and I have to work two extra days during my last week home meaning I'll have less time to finish packing and cleaning which means I have to do it now so we can make sure all the shit is gonna fit in the car for the trip down.
    I DID manage to get a chapter of HMCIKAYF done yesterday. But that's the first thing I've written in a week, and I think I'm just going to hold off on the writing until I'm settled in my apartment in Florida. Cuz frankly it's nearly the furthest thing from my mind right now >.<
    I'll try to be on sometime tomorrow but my mom wants me to go help out with the garage sale, and I have no idea how effin long that's gonna take. So...we'll see =/

    August 9th, 2009 at 05:25am
  • Absolutely! That's what your comment made me say. It took a month for me to get the update right and that was one of the most important moments. I couldn't figure out the right way for Zacky to express the extent to which he loves Toni without being cheesy or what not. By the time I finally updated I was worried no one would get the importance and extremeness behind him relinquishing control. I've gone on way to long but thanks for the comment.
    August 7th, 2009 at 03:22am
  • aaaand I WOULD get on MSN right now but I'm o nthe downstairs computer making cds of stuff I don't have on a hard copy for when I move, and we all know how much my parents love to hear me type...
    though I think I'll bring the laptop upstairs, just cuz I'm getting tired and they're going to bed soon. And cuz I wanna lol
    August 3rd, 2009 at 03:44am
  • DUDE I SO KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN 0.0 I HAD ONCE OF THOSE ONCE. was a guy i was into, too >.< And he randomly tells me one day "Hey so just so you know, last winter I was thinking about you in sexual ways."
    And I'm completely flabbergasted and like...WTF?! hahah
    Aaaand now the guy is like hardcore into ministry and religion and church and yeah >.<

    August 3rd, 2009 at 03:42am
  • I'm also straight, but oh my, the things I'd do to that woman.
    She's absolutely stunning, but I'd still go for Gerard Butler, ha ha.
    He's like, the perfect man.
    July 27th, 2009 at 04:54am