Guns and Alex / Comments

  • Zzzzzzaaaaaannnnnnn! you in the us yet?
    December 24th, 2010 at 06:09am
  • That dragon is so pretty... I wanna pet it... Crabby Patties are good!!! ...Playing... Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I confuzed you!!! Wow... THAT IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You get to live it twice!!! ...You told your dad about my idea??? IT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!! Not like applesauce though... Applesauce was a terrible idea!!!! It's all mushy and babyfoodish and people eat it!!! THEY MURDERED INNOCENT APPLES LEXA!!!!!!!!! It was a sad video and song...
    TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so close Lexa!!!!!! I LOVE YOU TOO LEXA!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!!!!
    December 22nd, 2010 at 07:28pm
  • YAY!
    Stevie Twin special Gir Moment!!!!
    we must talk of random things now.
    OH! by the way. i named our chirstmas tree.....COCONUT!
    but we call him coco.
    brain you!!
    December 22nd, 2010 at 06:01pm
  • Oh Alex you sound so smart :)
    Well my brother is a nut case, and there is no changing him. Yes my family does love him but he is so annoying we (just me i think) want to like stuff him down the toliet and flush so he never comes back up.
    Tonight my mum was working and my dad was out. It was only me and my brother home. It gets to dinner time and i was looking for dinner to cook it and my brother rings up my dad asking him where he was because it was my dads "job" to cook dinner. It was stake and i was fine with cooking it but no my brother is wayyy to lazy to.
    So cut the long story short he says i punched him in the face, i punched him in the chest because im so small. And i said i would ring the cops because he was going to "Attack" a lady so yeah and hes like ARGG i think he has problems, big problems. And so yeah i didn't cook dinner for him but by the time i was finished i cooked it for my dad and some for my mum. They were both happy but my brother is in troubl again. Which is good for me, but means less internet so im sorry if my replies are so far away. BLAME MY BROTHER. so yeah :)
    Thats what happened tonight.
    But if i don't speak to you before xmas, merry christmas :) i hope its a great day :D
    December 22nd, 2010 at 12:28pm
  • Gah is this week busy or what???? On the plus side, i just got the last cake done (we ran out of oil on fri) so that's outta the way. Next up is shopping when my mum finishes work (any minute now).. Not looking forward to the crowds so much, but it'll be better than goin tomorrow or fri. And then I still have to bake some cookies and shortbread for my presents! But i'll fir that in around everything else over the next 2 days. No way in hell i'm missing watching the Hawks/Preds game tomorrow (any chance to watch OB against 1 of my teams is a must) and the 1st Caps/Pens game on xmas eve. That one is on tv tho, so i can watch on the tv in the kitchen/dining room if i have to.

    Oh yay, just heard that there's a huge fire blazing out near my house. That's gunna be fun trying to get it put out with the insane gusty norwester we've got atm.. that's a hot wind we get all the time and it is crazy strong.

    I love a bad boy as much as the next girl.. but no way in hell is Ovie ever going anywhere near that list =/

    Haha the Avery rule is awesome.. When u check out the youtube vids u'll see what i mean, but it's basically a rule that u can't stand in front of the goalie and wave ur arms or stick or whatever in his face to distract him. There was actually a goal disallowed a couple weeks ago cos of that rule! Pretty sure it was the Flyers who got done.. Don't see it too often tho, cos most guys aren't that stupid.

    Haha Squid is my nickname for Sid.. and when he's looking particularly fired up it's Squid Vicious lol. No real reason for the name, just the first thing that popped into my head as a substitute for Sid. I have quite a few nicknames i've made up for players and it's kinda habitual to type them instead of recognisable names, so just keep asking if u have no idea lol

    Have a kickass time killing time!! Lol I do love the ink plan tho.. U'll have to put up a pic of it when u get a chance =]

    If i don't get to talk to ya agin before sat.. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I hope it's a good one for ya =D
    December 22nd, 2010 at 02:50am
  • I'm glad you commented on my story! It would be "I have spoken my piece", btw. Why would you normally go for Corey? Because he's cuter?
    December 22nd, 2010 at 02:44am
  • YES WE DO! Like today, (I making cookies, wish me luck) Jeri was complaining about how I was moving really slow with the powders so I said "I have to go really slow, or it all won't go in." Or maybe that's jsut me being perverted.
    Oh noes! How will you feed your tummy?
    Standing is fine with me, it's just sitting in an unfamiliar seat that just...bothers me...? I dunno what my problem is!
    LOL. I want to do photography work, so I hope, I'm not too terrible. I love taking pictures. Just no of myself.
    I love asian cultural things. I swear, I was asian in a past life.
    Well, it's been called bunny baddler before! You know those little creatures can't hold it in for very long!
    December 21st, 2010 at 08:28pm
  • Yeah i guess your right. Well i would have yelled in my head! Hehe
    December 21st, 2010 at 07:37pm
  • Lol, opposites do attract! It's weird he's like the complete opposite of me but I love him for it *^.^* And I see what you mean about Batman, he's just a good guy doing some badass crime fighting, eh FINE Batman you have respect from me! lol annnnd I so told my bf that Batman would never kill the Joker because the Joker is smarter than the bat and always escapes, aha he agreed with me! Yay! He's beginning to see that the dark side is better! We have cupcakes!
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:34pm
  • Had I known about his read name I probably wouldn't have confused him for a girl!
    She was? It felt nice so I just let her xD
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:33pm
  • oh my jimmy???????
    and yeah, it is an old film, it came out the year i was born lol.
    i like the film avatar as well. =)
    i have never flown before.
    but i will next year, when i go to america for easter with my school. lol.
    it will be an awesome trip.
    i will run away with dvd's lol. XD
    i will go shopping and run away with the latest awesome fashions.
    check out this website:
    its awesome!!!!!
    December 21st, 2010 at 04:09pm
  • Lol, she's two :) That would be funny to see. She's too young and innocent to be evil! Damn her cuteness!
    And trueeee, I wouldn't have the guts to pull those scars off aha, that would hurt so bad! Probably worse than giving birth xD!!!
    Anyway, my boyfriend didn't the news lightly, you see he really likes Batman for some reason. Batman is like his favorite superhero (even though Batman doesn't have super natural powers) he said "Batman could beat the Joker in a heartbeat."
    HA! He wishes!
    December 21st, 2010 at 08:07am
  • Hm ...Poison Ivy? Sunny could be her! xD! She likes flowers and naturey things! Lol, permanent smiley face scars, hmmmmmmm........-mischevious smile-
    Muahahaha (I like writing that out) :D Oh I told my boyfriend that Batman is llaaammeee, I mean all he has is a cape and a utility belt! The Joker has makeup, and green hair! and kniivvveesss and a criminally brilliant mind!
    Batman ain't got shiiiiiiit. xD He is not worthy of the chocolate cupcakes!
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:51am
  • Haha Eve has nothing to worry about.
    His name is rather charming. O.o
    ick documentaries make me sleepy.
    I was told my mother was bipolar . :O
    I bet she was interesting .
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:34am
  • Schweet! (:
    Mm, I suppose I never went long enough with it to get used to it.
    :O Me too! I feel stupid when codes are used, cause I never et them. Even when I myself make them. I swear, I may be truly blonde.
    I couldn't even do one of those things. Especially since I can't sit in a seat for too long either. p:
    I'll get a picture of it next time. Actually, let me take that back, cause I'll probably not remember...
    Ah, yes, I've been there a few times. I like it. (: Makes me actually want to learn Korean.
    So do I. They are not real tacos. They are rejected Tacos.
    Cause I refuse to use the restroom. They're dirty. (And I have a little itty bity hamster bladder)
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:31am
  • Pshh, we wouldn't get arrested! We'd be too cool for jail, obviously! Alfred? Why not, he can join the par-tay! Ooohhh I wanna be...uh, hm... Scarlett! Can I chose her? She's not an original character but in my mind she should be lol, you would make a better Joker than I would, I suck at Joker impressions xD
    There better be cupcakes at this party! Everyone, good or evil, loves cupcakes ^.^
    My boyfriend was reading over my shoulder, like a creeper, and he said he would definitely Batman. He thinks he's so badass xD pshh Batman ain't nothing!
    We can all gang up on him and throw cupcakes at him!
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:29am
  • In which case.
    My vajayjay offers a truce and thanks him once again!
    Such a bipolar thing I have!
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:22am
  • I know right!
    It ate my brain!
    I guess that's why he found it so funny that i actually tried to figure it out.
    Saying the word odd makes me feel British. O.o
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:20am
  • YES! Then we are friends. ^-^ Now, I am happy.
    It was awful!
    Haha, metal leaves an after taste for me, so my tongue was not very happy. I will find out where it it from and share the secret information with you! (I feel like a ninja or a spy or something with the saying of that)
    Sounds like you get productive! I spend all my time looking out the window (if I'm awake) and I feel like I'm gonna pee my pants half of the time. It's an interesting sight I would think. Maybe! I wouldn't know...): I've only been to S. Korea...and well, just no.
    So no texas tacos for you? :3
    But in my mind, it would happen to me. I'm not allowed to drink anything on planes. lmfao.
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:15am
  • Awesome with a K.
    Reminds me when Kaden said I had thugarificness= you're a thug and your awesome.
    I literally took half an hour trying to figure out where the word awesome fit in there. Apparently that made him laugh so hard he needed lung replacment.

    How odd.
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:14am