Just remember every moment, every second with someone could be your last...

On Novemeber 15th at about noon, 18 year old Casey Butler was at her normal basson lesson at Peabody Conservatory when all of the sudden she collaspe and 2 hours later she was pronounced dead. She went my school last year she was our Field Comander in marching band, our amazing bassonist in band, played viola in orchestra, and sang and played piano for counter points. She was the #1 basson in the...
December 10th, 2010 at 10:44pm


So i really don't know anything anymore. A year ago i was enjoying my amazing summer with what i thought to be an amazing best friend. Just chilling and relaxing. Now one year later who i thought ot be a best friend ditch me for stupid stuff, i have AP work up to my nose (which i really should be reading the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin right now) and now my Youth minister asked me to go on...
July 23rd, 2010 at 09:10pm