DanielleOhhhh / Comments

  • vices

    vices (100)

    United States
    Ahh, I know(:
    and Chris Kamrada is so adorable! <3 :D
    He's my favorite c:
    March 24th, 2011 at 02:35am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    Oh, that sounds like a nice line-up! You don't like ATL? They're going on tour w/ Yellowcard here and I want to go bc I want to see Yellowcard. x) The Summer Set is on that tour, but I honestly could care less about them now. :S

    Aw, I see, but he wasn't a homewrecker like Jules was he? :P
    March 23rd, 2011 at 02:05am
  • vices

    vices (100)

    United States
    I'M SORRY! D:
    But thank Google Translate for that(:
    I noticed that GleannBusiness
    loves There For Tomorrow.<3
    March 23rd, 2011 at 01:15am
  • vices

    vices (100)

    United States
    ahaha, see what I did there?(x<
    NO D:
    I DIDN'T D:
    I used Google Translate D:
    March 23rd, 2011 at 12:20am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    You'll have to stop by here. If you can. I used to really like them, but then their music was like eh okay?

    Yes, that's the bands I remember the most. Every Ave. and TFT. Lol. And I just want to finally see Simple Plan. :) Nice. Were they good live?
    March 19th, 2011 at 06:20am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    I'm in Houston. :) FTSK lives in Dallas. Lol. If you like them. Haha.

    He does though. I know I'm not the only one that he's suckered in. Have you seen his commercials for those cameras? ;D

    I think the summer tour is here in US. Our summer starts either May or June and till August. I don't know I'm still in school when they tour here. Lol. You'll be around here though anyways yes? :) People are saying Warped is gonna suck this year, but really I just want to see Simple Plan bc they're one of the first bands I was into.
    March 18th, 2011 at 06:20am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    It's like 2:30 PM here. x) Sleeping in is so good! But then I'm like ah I wasted my day!

    I only wanted to see The Downtown Fiction I've already seen Allstar Weekend for free last year and met them too, but also it was my friend's birthday 4 days before and he loves them so we went as a birthday thing. & mom's and children at shows are a no-no. Mom's are rude! and kids spaz out too much. The Summer Set's merch guy, Dylan was there and he was laughing at a kid that got AW's set list. The kid was like I GOT THE PAPER! and Dylan was like OH SHE GOT THE SET LIST!

    I do blame Ashton Kutcher! Lol. I always tell ppl that. I'm like ah FUQ ASHTON AND HIS GOOD SELLING SKILLS. :P

    I can't wait for summer either! :D I'll be done w/ high school and staying up all night. :) + Warped Tour. OH yay! :D I hope you get to come over here. It'd be fun to meet you. :)
    March 17th, 2011 at 08:30pm
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    They are expensive. I got my camera for my 16th birthday. I want a new body, but that is still a lot of money. :S I'll just get a job and save up for it myself. It's all about light and it's annoying, but I like taking photos. :P I got a message from this girl that asks me for advice often and she wrote me the sweetest thing about how my pics help her see the art in photography or something like that. I don't remember, but it made me smile. :)

    I have a digital as well, but I hate it. Lol. I think it sux. Freaking Ashton Kutcher commercial convinced me to buy it. :P I use it for trips too bc it's more compact and weighs less. Haha.

    The bands that played besides Allstar Weekend was We Are The In Crowd, The Downtown Fiction <3, You Me And Everyone We Know, and The Ready Set.

    Did you get to sleep in today? :D
    March 17th, 2011 at 07:34pm
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    OMG. I didn't know I didn't reply! I got home on Monday. Ah, well I would've understood your Italian name just fine. :) My middle name is Rae and usually you say my name Gleann Rae, but a lot of people call me Annie actually. It's just my friends in high school and online people call me Gleann. That's my real name. Idk my parents came up with Annie. x)

    That would be true, you would be seeing the Maine in a way by going to that wall. :D Ahhh! I can't wait for some shit to go down though in that story, but I don't want him to be attracted to that biatch who is trying to lure (sp?) him. She already messed w/ Kennedy. :(

    I went to the Glamour Kills show last night and it was so much fun! I got to shoot for the bands, but I had left my camera bc I got told late and I was at the venue already so I used my friends camera and I wasn't so familiar w/ Canons, I'm a Nikon person, and her lens was standard and I needed one with a smaller aperature. So most of the photos came out shit, but it was fun. I even held up a sign at the end of Allstar Weekend's set asking Zach, their singer, to prom and he pointed to me and my cousin was like he wants you to go up there! I was like what?! Either way I couldn't make it, it was hard to get out of the crowd. I left during the last band and I saw Zach outside he was like I saw you, but you didn't come over. I was like I couldn't it was hard and then he signed my prom paper. It's funny bc their band is promoting a movie called prom. :P
    March 16th, 2011 at 05:33pm
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    Hopefully you'll be able to! & if not the M is good enough bc just being in the presence of it will make your year. :) THE MAINE WAS HERE. ;D

    Awesome. I added you! :) I get on facebook a lot to talk to people. Your Italian name is pretty. I have another name people seach me under. Lol bc a lot of people called me Annie, but I'm Gleann now. xP

    Back to work. Ah, have a nice day. :) I'm going home today.
    March 14th, 2011 at 04:02pm
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    Austin Gibbs is amazing. I love that man so much. & his stache is everything! ;D Foreigners are always awesome to us Americans. x)

    I know, I don't get how John is almost like perfect. I don't know, no one is really perfect, but he seems like he knows so much and has the right things to say to people to help them and he's fucking talented. I know I mean the fact that their fanbase is growing is what is keeping the band on the road to tour and produce more music for us. If it wasn't for all of us, fans, as a whole new or old, we're keeping the band basically alive and doing what they want.

    Are you going to be in the same place here when they tour?

    Dude, I know. Kennedy makes my night all the time. He's so funny and sweet. His smile is the cutest thing ever too! It was the 2nd day of November last year and he shaved I asked him if he was doing no shave november and he's like yes. Lol and he doesn't shave still. xP

    I visited the haunted hotel here again in San Antonio, TX and I took this photo of my family in front of a mirror apparently they saw a ghost in it. I posted it on tumblr if you wanted to see it.

    Do you have a facebook by the way?
    March 14th, 2011 at 05:48am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    Ohhh. Lol. I see. I see. I found out about The Maine a few months before I was going to see them, but I was going to see them bc Good Charlotte was playing that was like in 2008. I was like okay I like one song from The Maine and then I met John after the show and he was so fun to hang out with I was like aw I like him so I'm going to listen to the band and look where I am like 3 years later? It's crazy! Haha, Pat talked about TC a lot and then I checked them out they are so good though! Ryan is he's nice. Haha. He was kind of drunk when I met him and my cousin was like freaked out bc he was always looking at her and asking her about her rings and idk she was freaked out about him. Lol. & you could smell the alcohol on his breath. So strong.

    You're right though. It doesn't matter how long you were a fan of them. It's just some fans do get like that. They get like somewhat possessive of a band they've been following for a long time and they don't want to like "share" them I guess. I don't know I'm not making sense. I was watching Justin Bieber's movie and his manager explained it well about how fans get like. I have this video I recorded of The Maine playing Daisy and John was talking about the whole being a fan thing.

    OMG. I was going to mention that. I saw date and I saw the Texas ones are first. I don't like being first, but at least I am on the list right? I'm the Houston one, but I think if the Austin one is a Friday I'll try to go to that as well. If not then I can't bc I'll still be in school. I wonder who they're going to tour with. x)

    March 11th, 2011 at 10:18pm
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    OMG, This Century. I miss them so much! I want to see them next month, but idk the venue seems eh. Lol. You said you've only known The Maine for like a year? Or TC?

    Haha, that happened to me with The Downtown Fiction. My friend was obsessed with them and then I knew that the singer was okay looking, but when he got a haircut he got even more good looking. Besides that, I was going to this show to see another band and I read that The Downtown Fiction was playing and I'm like I only have 1 song from them and I liked it, but that was the end. They didn't even play at that show, but like a few months later I got addicted to them and I am in love with that band rn. I can't wait to see them next Tuesday! x) I'm gonna die. Lol.

    I'll totally get you one if I can. The guys are so sweet they'll do it. I've called my friends before and had them talk to the guys. One time Garrett told my friend that they were breaking up. Lol. He said We'll stay together for you.
    March 11th, 2011 at 05:46am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    Oh you went to one of the shows they had at Six Flags? I wish I still had a Six Flags in Houston. They tore it down back in 05 though. D: After that I was convinced that this state lost all things fun. Ha.

    I don't know when I'll be starting school again and usually in August my bros start school so there is a possibility I can't. :/ I hope though I can visit again in the summer. I only had a week to drive there and back and it wasn't enough. I know, next time I'm not letting a hobo stop me!

    I think you might have a chance in seeing The Maine here over the summer. I can't wait to hear them release the dates for their tour here. I heard they were doing Bamboozle and hopefully it's the Roadshow bc I love the roadshow and we don't get the actual Bamboozle event that is like 3 days or so. If they do come you know I'll be there. ;) If I can. Haha. I haven't missed a The Maine show except once and that was only bc I was on vacation. :P I couldn't do anything about that. If you don't see them I could always get you a video shout out. :) Those always make things better.
    March 10th, 2011 at 05:45am
  • am0rtentia

    am0rtentia (150)

    March 9th, 2011 at 06:35pm
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    Yes, that's me! :D I went there on November last year when I was going to California. I was so lucky that we were driving through Phoenix and my mom knew how much The Maine means to me so we stopped there. :) It was just amazing to be at the presence of it. Like you know it's more than just their logo on a random building in Phoenix. It's like everything. Unfortunately, there was some creepy hobo walking around I didn't get to spend much time around it so I took a few pics and then we left. I look sort of bad in it though. Ha, but oh well. STUPID HOBO though. Lol. I might go back to CA soon so we'll probably drive through Phoenix again. :) I even drove by so many cities I got to know through bands. Lol. It felt like I knew that place. :) Arizona is really nice though. I've been there a few times, but this time I like truly liked it. :) I stayed like 2 nights there.

    The anons on my first tumblr were stupid. They asked me dumb shit and now the anons I got here are like just great I guess. They haven't asked me dumb shit. Mainly bc they are my friends haha, but there are some people I've never followed before that follow. Haha, I like your tumblr icon ;D

    Awesome! :D I'm going to Six Flags on Saturday and I'm so excited. Rides and everything!
    March 9th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    Ha, I don't know. She's weird sometimes. She really wants me to go with a guy. My friend and I would go in a group, but we're just afraid that one of us will find a date before then.

    OMG. That's gonna be awsome. I wish you were visiting here. x) But those cities are way better than here! You have to see the M in Phoenix!

    I followed you! :) I'm sure you'll know it's me. I'll just message you though on it. I apologize if I get annoying on there. xD
    March 8th, 2011 at 05:43am
  • heyisaidhow

    heyisaidhow (100)

    United States
    nice =D i cant wait. love all your stories :)
    March 7th, 2011 at 11:15pm
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    I just wonder what his design will be. x)

    I don't even know if like other states have Spring break in March. Apparently they fuse it with Easter I think. Or it's somewhere in April, but I'd still have a break in April too. I guess that's a good thing about schools in Texas. Lol.

    At least you'll be getting healthy. x) I'm a junkie, but I like salads though. It's not like I care about my weight a lot. I think it's good. I do care about my weight bc I'm not satisfied with it, but then again no one really is. :P Ah, no you didn't tell me you were coming. Where are you visiting? :D

    Did I tell you I re thought about my decision on prom? I'm going again and I just need a new date now or find a group. You know what my mom told me? She was like you need a date bc you'd look like a lesbian. I was like what? She was apparently upset I ditched my first date, but I felt like going with him was a bit awkward even if we are friends. :S

    Yes, I do. I made a new one this year. What is your's? I'll follow you bc I was trying to be all personal with this new one bc I had some people following me I didn't like. :P
    March 7th, 2011 at 03:19am
  • littlemisslonely

    littlemisslonely (100)

    United States
    No, I would read it regardless. There's much more to find out, I'm sure. :)
    March 6th, 2011 at 01:08am