Jepha Howard from The Used was talking to meeeeeee.It was soooooo amazing.He says he'll dress in drag for me at the next LI concert.omg. I'm so excited. I gotta go to that concert now. Now I just have to go to it.Oh geez, I'm so worked up right now.I need to calm down.
September 11th, 2007 at 06:44am

>_< I'm pissed.

Agh. I'm so pissed, because I just got a haircut, and I don't think I like it.I mean, I've gotten really bad haircuts before, but the last bad haircut I had, half the school laughed at me the whole year. I cried for a week about it.But this one isn't so bad, but the fact that Im finally seeing it be a little bit guyish looking, well, I know I'm gonna gert somew lame ass stuff from all the jerky...
September 2nd, 2007 at 07:06am

MCR: Saving peoples lives is what they do best.

My Chemical Romance: A band that wants to save your life.Though in all truth I never was a suicidal maniac, to the point where I was like five seconds away from death, they did arouse a new spirit in me.They literally saved me from myself. And they saved me from the other people in my school, who have all branched off into different groups, People who did drugs, smoked, and had barely legal sex,...
August 31st, 2007 at 02:48pm

My pokemon game is annyonig the crap outta me.

>_<God. I can't even go to the one gym leader, because I gotta level up my ghost and psychic pokemon, but they all take like five years to level up.And the my brother, whose pokemon suck worse than mine, was able to get past the same gym. Yet, I can easily beat his pokemon team easy. >_<I really don't understand the logic of this game. Maybe I should do my summer reading instead of...
August 31st, 2007 at 01:13pm