My Weekend Was Funn

So this weekend I actually got off my ass and had fun and socialized. Lmao. Friday night I went to my friend Morgan's house for a partayy and it was super fun and lots of people were theree. THEN on Saturday, I spent the night at my beeeest friend in the wholee wooorld Brook's house, where we got new inside jokes and such... and basically we just acted like idiots like we always do =P. Oh and the...
March 14th, 2011 at 09:14pm


I've been super sick for the past two days, and it freaking sucks. Actually, I'm not even sure if I'm sick or if I'm anemic...I'm questioning if I am. It seems like I am. I've been constantly dizzy/weak, I'm short of breath, really cold, I'm super pale, I have no appetite, it's hard for me to concentrate, and I'm tired constantly. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up until this is over....
March 6th, 2011 at 02:26am

Green Eggs and Ham

So today we were all forced to watch the movie Green Eggs and Ham because of something along the lines of reading month [idek.]. Afterwards, me and three of my friends got into this whole "spirited debate" over why the guy kept saying "Sam I am." Me and my friend Madi were trying to ask the other two like, why did he say that? Was HIS name Sam, or was he saying that the other guy's name [the one...
March 3rd, 2011 at 11:25pm

Happy March! (=

Soo, today was March 1st! Woo! Actually, March never really has anything important in it for me [besides my dogs' and my moms' birthdays, lol]. And isn't St. Patrick's Day in this month? I think so. WAIT! Is EASTER in this month!? Cause I want free candy (= LoL. Is there anything important that happens for YOU in March? So earlier my BEST friend on here (she's awesome! We were like, instant...
March 2nd, 2011 at 04:38am

Yogurt Flinging

So today at lunch, I was sitting, minding my own business and talking to my friends Morgan and Ruth, when BAM! All of a sudden my face, hair, and shirt is wet..with ranch. From this dude sitting across from me. At first I was too stunned to do anything, then I was like "um...what was that?" and he was like "Oh my gosh Heather I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" and he runs off to go get me some...
March 1st, 2011 at 01:07am

Dancing Takes Effort!

Soo...I just got done dancing my butt off to songs, and it's defffinitely a work out! If anyone thinks dancing isn't hard/ doesn't really take effort...they're wrong. (= Dancing is FUN annd gets you tired if you get into the music. And it makes you feel good and happy when you were mad/sad/annoyed, like I was. xD. But now it's all good and I feel GREAT. Yayyy for dancing! Who else loves dancing...
February 27th, 2011 at 04:26am

Whoa Dudes, Some People Have Some Weird Addictions.

Hello fellow Mibbans! So I've been watching this show called 'My Strange Addiction' or something like that, for about 2 hours straight. Some of the addictions were tanning, eating toilet paper, and lifting huge amounts of weight. Dude, these people are INSANE. They do the weirdest things. This one girl makes full-body furry animal costumes, and she wears this one around that is like a pink and...
February 21st, 2011 at 02:46am

Bored As a Monkey Without Bananas.

Alright, nobody has updated stories on Quizilla, and none of the stories I'm reading on here are updated today. Boring. Secondly, my brother still has not told me Happy Birthday, and it's been three days. Sad, right? I know. All I have to do is listen to music...and trust me, it's getting boring. There is never anything happening in my town. It's small, and lame. The only semi-interesting things...
September 26th, 2010 at 07:54pm