What I'm Looking Forward to in 2015

I took a moment and thought to myself, "What do I have going on for me in 2015?"Here's what I'm looking forward to in the New Year!1. Passing 2 AP Tests2. Mentoring Freshman3. Hosting/ Planning a Pep-Rally4. Re-Designing a School Garden5. Being on Varsity Tennis next school year6. Singing in my schools choir7. Getting back into Writing on Mibba8. Catching up on my favorite Bands9. Falling for my...
January 1st, 2015 at 06:17am

I Just Can't Find This

Maybe not the best place to put this, but this is where I can rant right?So once, if you go back about two years in Mibba, there was this day where the site went flop. I mean seriously, the site went down! And many things weren't saved, stories that had been updated well, if you didn't save the crap you wrote, you were pretty much screwed.In fact I remember writing a one-shot about some guy...
January 5th, 2014 at 05:22am