
Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am 20 years old. I should be finishing up my degree in Network Administration at DeVry University but I've had a change of mind. Something I'm always doing. Now I'm taking a break and going to work as a Certified Nursing Assistant for awhile and then go to college to be a Registered Nurse. I'm currently expecting my first child. It's a girl! Her name is still undecided. I'm generally a friendly person, unless you piss me off. Then I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind because that's how I was raised. No worries though! Its takes a lot to piss me off. I love to write and to believe that I'm pretty good at it, even if you think I suck. It's something I enjoy doing and I shouldn't be criticized and told not to write just because some people don't like it. I don't know what else to say so just talk to me!

Date || November 16 2012
Time || 10:22 pm
Music || Avenged Sevenfold

I've been away for too long. I haven't updated in 4 months! But good news, I had my baby. She is 6 weeks old and a very good little girl. I get to sleep most of the night. She only wakes up once around 3 am to be fed. And she doesn't mind sitting in her swing or in her hoppy while I get things done. I'm going to try and not take anymore breaks in my writing like the last four months.

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