Trip and The end of a friendship.

Going to North Carolina made me so lonely. The two thousand miles to and from there made me weak. The father who wants to be back in my life, the grandfather who I want to go closer to, and the sisters I barely know. It makes my mind race with near regret. The thing that hurt me at the core of my being was a certain situation, or rather situations. My father was running for council on my tribe....
March 17th, 2011 at 07:57am


Everyday has seemed to tear me down more each day. Today happened to be one of those days. I never really remember the happy days. I can recall the bad days.Meanwhile forgetting the content days. I don't want to seem too depressing but my emotions seem to have a mind of their own. I can weather today and the next. I have hope for tomorrow and all the wonders it brings! The future can always be...
October 26th, 2010 at 05:22am