Sixth Entry

Hey guys I'm back and thanks to those two who said they pray for me.....I guess you did try but the Higher Power does work in mysterious ways for now I am truly disowned. My nephew hates me and everyone follows him so no one will talk to me......But you know what I feel fine.................Really I do, I'm not faking it to look strong or anything but I mean it. I feel that I can really leave and...
September 11th, 2010 at 05:26am

Fifth Entry (Part Two)

Ok well here's the second part sorry it took so long well here's the major news I was worried about being prego O.O" so freaked out but false alarm and now being more cautious than ever.Anyhow, I'm listening to Nearer My God to Thee and listening to it I remember about who I once was. And it really really sucks to see who I am now.A sad depressed young woman with now job and no future. Guys I am...
July 30th, 2010 at 03:09am

Fifth Entry (First Part)

Yea this a two part entry...LOL....Don't you think your own life makes a better story than the one you write???o.o go figureOK so here's the scoopThings have been the samne except I have a mean dad he's dangling the opportunity for me to go back to school but then he takes it back and then he dangles it again....Can you say cruel......And I broke it off with the love of my...
July 17th, 2010 at 07:27pm

Fourth Entry

Ok so it's 11:38 pm.......And here's what I need to say.......I'm a bad friend like really bad.....and for some reason my friends stick by me....T.TI don't derserve themI love ya guys.....Anyhow, I am done and over with my family bad stuff went down 2 weeks ago and the stuff that followed made me realize that the biggest mistake I ever made was to try to get closer to my family.Have ya had that...
July 8th, 2010 at 06:42am

Third Entry

Hey ok I am so excited about this......................................I made a group on yahoo for witches and such to join in my local area so that we can be more active in the community......................But if you want to join go for it ok the link is.................... look at it, email me and what not..............all right so peace outP.S.Life...
July 1st, 2010 at 07:03pm

Second Entry

Ok so I decided to use the Entry title seems easier than to be coming up with titles every time I write.......Ok.....remember I wrote about those people in 3D well yup I got support there baby....=DOk so I got a job interview I hope it goes well....=DI got my truck back...............=DMaybe I will get financial aid maybe :/and still flat broke XDbut I'm good......Ok so well mom hasn't called me...
June 24th, 2010 at 10:24pm

First Entry

Ok so this is the first entry of my's kinda weird because I haven't written in a J so long...well if I stop writing is because of a phsycological problem I have...I start to write but never finish do to that my first journal was thrown away and I never finished it.... well so far so good......well life sucks at the moment ok well not life because life is a privellege (did i spell it...
June 17th, 2010 at 08:04pm