I had to tell my little broken heart

Date:June 2011
Hearing: Monster - Paramore
Doing:YOU! jk
Thinking: When did life get so boring I wait for television shows to come on?

Updates: So I know that I have not updated in quite some time. Between work and finals I've been pretty busy. Since summer is here finally, I am going to be taking the time to write more chapters. But here is what I am asking you...my readers...if I still have any.... What do you want to see more of??? Fights? love scenes? ect. Anything? I really need your feedback so I can make this work. I'm pretty sure I'm stuck.... but the weird thing is I have a whole new idea for a sequal... So anyways message me or comment telling me your ideas and thoughts. To whoevers idea I choose will be (If you wanted) a new charactor in the story or I'll make you a banner for your story **If you have one** So have a nice day and thank you for taking the time to read this(: