just wanted to post up my relation to a trey songz song

ok. well I am IN LOVE with trey songz right? Ok, well sometimes i compare some of my real life situations with a song that he, or any other artist has written, or sung. Well this song is called "infidelity". This song describes how i feel about my ex keith (if you read my other journal about keith, then you should know who i'm talking about) ok here it is. oh yeah and i decided to switch up the...
June 1st, 2010 at 03:16pm


Ok, so I live in Ohio, and we have this big test during your sophmore year that determines if you graduate or not. It's called OGT (Ohio Graduation Test). You have to get a 400 on all the courses in order to pass. Well...my sophmore year i passed all of them except Math and Science. I missed Science by two points and Math by one! So that meant i had to go through a WHOLE OTHER YEAR to study for...
May 19th, 2010 at 04:10pm

Missing my boyfriend Keith Eugene Wilbourne, Jr...and hating him at the same time

Ok. So...I have a boyfriend (well..had if you will) named Keith Eugene Wilbourne, Jr. We were together for eight months (8-8-09). He was in the army since january of this year, and was still in all the way up until the beginning of April of this year. We were actually doing good: talked to each other every other day, writting each other letters. It was a bootleg version of 'Dear John'. We were...
May 9th, 2010 at 10:36pm

Today 5-7-10

Ok..so me and my best friend aren't talking at the moment. Why? Because something happened in KY with her and someone else close to me. I told her i wouldn't tell. Why? Because I thought she was scared that he would come and find her. But he didn't. I kept it a secret for only...five days. I finally told my father when he dropped me off at school. Why? Because i couldn't take it! It was all about...
May 7th, 2010 at 04:23pm

Sneaking on this website during my vocational school....

Well...for some odd reason, the school hasn't blocked this website--which totally works out in my benefit ^_^. I go to CVCC (Cuyahoga Valley Carrer Center) for legal secretary. So...all i do really is type up legal things all day long and just hope that maybe i will die from the boredom that my teacher is spreading around the room. But at the moment, he's out for the week and i have a sub (who...
May 7th, 2010 at 02:00pm

A Story I Need to Know if It's worth writing

Hey everyone...I was randomly writing something and it turned out into a little story. I don't really know if i should edit it, and keep writing it. I need some opinions. I'm working on my real book, and i will be posting that up soon. Just give me some ideas if you don't mind.Thanks,Chelso?The Year 2010Mrs. Jones sits back in her old wooden chair and opens up a cardboard box that's been sitting...
May 7th, 2010 at 01:08am