
United States
Joined date
May 7th, 2010

This Is Where You Learn About Me

hi, i'm oliver :)

I'm Jac's superhero, defending her against shitty boys that try to be jerks to her.

LSHMSFOAIDMT = Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off And I Drop My Taco

There is a girl named MEGAN and she is my twin and I love her moar than you

batman rocks. i dare you to contradict me.
if i could bake, i would bake so many cupcakes. i love cupcakes. they're so wonderful.
and they all have to have pink or blue or yellow frosting.
and sprinkles. rainbow sprinkles. not chocolate. those are gross.
don't talk to me about chocolate sprinkles.

i play guitar. it's fun. i don't plan on doing anything with it, though.
maybe i'll just learn how to bake so i can make cupcakes for a living.
that would be sweet.

"People think objects can't die, but they're wrong. Anything can die." - Carly

if adam lambert was my boyfriend, we would have kinky sex every day and every night and every second in between. oh. my. god. that man is a god in leather.

i thought i should also add the fact that harry potter is my everything, and draco malfoy is quite possibly the sexiest man to walk this earth. just saying.
Sexiest Story Evar

yeah, basically.

Oliver OUT.