Like a comet pulled from orbit, as it passes a sun...
The average girl does not spend her free time listening to Broadway, nor watch Mystery Diagnosis every day. The average teen would never think of protesting against spirit days, or spend most of her time writing blogs or making videos. Most people have free time, and if they have any after school activities at all...well, they wouldn’t spend it taking a Broadway Musical Theater class. But... I’m not your average girl, so I guess I defy expectations?

Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the wood...

I'm a Performer. I sing. I act. I dance. It's my life. Don't tell me how to live it.

What am I doing? Well, I'm probably either writing, or singing, or memorizing lines for my next play!

Mood:Um... I really don't know how I'm feeling. A bit of a heartache, but no idea why. Friend issues, possibly?
Music:Broadway songs, obviously.
Update:I'm currently typing up a whole bunch of random stories and musicals.

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?


Run-Away Starlets
Status; Active and Updating
Characters; Kassandra Harton & Megan Mills
Summary; Kassandra and Megan would do anything to become famous celebrities. When they run away to the house of a Hollywood agent, will their parents realize who they are?

Love Ya Like A Sister, Hate Ya Like a Parent
Status; Active and Updating
Characters; Tucker Hemmington/Sadie Campring
Summary;Tucker Hemmington's life is already horrible, but his parents and Sadie Campring's parents may make things even more troublesome for the kids.

The Best and Worst Year of My Life
Status; Active and Updating
Characters; Me, and everyone else who played a big role in this year.
Summary; I was so excited for another good year of school with my friends. But I was way wrong....this year was the exact opposite.

***NEW*** When Broadway Collides
Status; Active and Updating
Characters;Characters from Rent, Wicked, Chorus Line, and many other Broadway shows
Summary; What happens when a group of Broadway characters meet?

But- because I knew you...
When Friends Come Before Family
Characters; Spencer Carter/Joe Avery
Summery; Spencer and Joe have been keeping a secret relationship for a few years now, but a jelly bracelet craze and their parents may change them forever.">story title
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Short summery

I have been changed for good...
Layout by In Love