My Dream

Well it started while Dillon was at my house, we were hanging around the day before school. Then he hugged me before he left, because we were apparently best friends.Then when I got to school the next day, we were picking out flowers to plant and we were waiting till we were told to plant them. And Dillon walks up with his hands behind his back and he asked me if I wanted a flower and I said no. I...
October 4th, 2011 at 02:28pm

My Summers/ Stupid boys from DC

You may be wondering why I posted this as My Summers yes as in plural.Well the reason is because for the last three years my summers have been the same staying at home on the computer all day doing nothing interesting because my parents are gone all day so its only me and my brother here sadly. Well this summer I am going to the challengers camp for soccer now its only a day camp and think its...
July 14th, 2010 at 06:44pm