Drunken Rant about Love

Is love a necessity? Or a narcotic? It doesn't seem logical to depend on another one's affection to live on and keep going day to day? Is it necessary to let someone in and change our whole perspective of the world? And somehow we think the world looks just a little bit brighter?In a couple months or a couple years she'll leave you and what? You'll probably blame her for ruining your life, but no,...
November 25th, 2013 at 04:18am

Music Soul Mate

If you can name these lyrics (without looking them up, of course), you are truly my musical soulmate.1. "Wake up the dawn and ask her why? A dreamer dreams, she never dies. Wipe that tear away now from your eye"2. "This will be nothing tomorrow and that's exactly what I'll make it seem. 'Cause I'm still not sleeping thinking I crawled home from worse than this"3. "Remembering you, standing quiet...
January 14th, 2012 at 08:14pm

Four Faces

I always have these ideas and concepts, but I always have a hard time building a story with a strong plot. I came up with a really interesting concept earlier today and I think I need some help building it a story.The idea was a character who has four chances at life through the lives as four different people. At the end of the of the last life, there comes a moment of judgement on whether he...
December 11th, 2011 at 02:28am


I don't know about you, what's worst; feeling on top of everything for a moment with a comedown worst than ever or not to feel anything at all?I love to feel happy, but sometimes I get so hopeless it's unbearable. Would you trade it all for nothing? I couldn't feel as happy as I would. What if I want to feel sad? I want to feel something.Sometimes I wish I was born with a different brain. But then...
December 8th, 2011 at 02:43am

Can You Believe That?!

We have beds of flowers you can smell across the room. We have a ten year old girl who's learning how to dance. We quiet mornings. We have boxes wrapped in ribbon.We have cancer. We toxins in the air. We have chemicals in our smiles. We have gas in our conscious. We have people in the streets with cardboard signs. People in the streets with picket signs. We have signs that say "Niggers go home"....
December 2nd, 2011 at 03:54am

Time for fat people to show their colors!

This is what I really don't get. These days you see in movies, books and such, it's always showing how hard it is for the quirky, skinny guy. It's true. Catcher in the Rye, Looking for Alaska, It's Kind of a Funny Story, etc. It's overdone.Why don't stories and movies ever glorify the lives of overweight or fat people? Sometimes they do, but they're usually just making fun of them or not really...
November 25th, 2011 at 01:31am

My Holiday Gift for Everyone

The holidays aren't always happy for me. So I went for a walk tonight to get my head straight. I came up with an agenda, so hopefully I can keep myself together for the rest of the year and so on.1st week. My ears are yours. I'm dedicating this week to listening. I enjoy listening to people. We all have baggage that brings us down. I want to help share the load. That's what she said.2nd week. Find...
November 22nd, 2011 at 10:34am

This question has been bothering me.

It's been bothering me for awhile. I was walking around town and this question just struck my attention. Does love happen on purpose or on accident?If it happens on purpose, how does it work? Is there a quirk in me that just doesn't light a spark in anybody? Could it be true that there is really no one out there?What if it's on accident? If so what happens? What if I stop looking, just waiting,...
November 22nd, 2011 at 08:32am

McCartney Vs Lennon?

This has been on my mind lately. So which is your favorite Beatle? Most would pick John Lennon or Paul McCartney. I love both of them, but which is better?Personally, I really think Paul is the more talented one. He is very skilled at the guitar, bass, piano, and has incredible vocal abilities. Also writes great songs, has a beautiful voice, and just and all around great musician. Songs like...
November 10th, 2011 at 10:32pm

I Have New Songs To Be Heard

I had recorded some new songs today. I liked them, but I really doubt anyone else will. Whatever, check them out if you want. No one listens to my music anywayVan Gogh Tragedieshttp://music.sutros.com/songs/19288/Van_Gogh_Tragedies.mp3Saw you standing through winter fogged windowsAs you froze in halo-bound eyesFingers hang from your coat sleeve, so numbingReally loud, I scream from the skySomebody...
November 9th, 2011 at 03:27am

My Playlist this week

This is pretty much my playlist this week."Thirty Three" by Smashing Pumpkins."100 Years" by Five For Fighting."The Only Moment We Were Alone" by Explosions In The Sky."Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie."Raining In Baltimore" by Counting Crows."Half A Person" by The Smiths."Blame It On The Tetons" by Modest Mouse"Fake Plastic Trees" by Radiohead."We Used To Vacation" by Cold War Kids."I Can...
November 9th, 2011 at 02:59am

I'm Tired of This

I can't compete with this world anymore. I try so hard at everything I do, but I'm never good enough. I'm so incomplete in so many ways and have nothing to fill that emptiness with. I'm tired. But i can't sleep. I can't eat. I miss those days when I ate and thought nothing of it. But now, I just can't. I miss when people actually had faith in me, cared about me.My mother just told me she can't...
November 8th, 2011 at 08:48am

Letters Of Calyx Tristam

Well I just started a new story. It's called "Letters of Calyx Tristam". The story is told in letters (yes, I did get that idea from "Perks of Being a Wallflower, but different concept). There's a box filled with the protagonist's possessions such as poems, letters, etc. and the letters were written to a past lover about his two year struggle with compulsive perfection.I might need some help with...
November 6th, 2011 at 10:29am

Most don't notice, the rest don't care

I guess I only really know two type of people in this world. The ones who will never know and the ones who don't care. I been complete invisible from everyone this days. And I hate it. I can't stand it. I get these ideas, like I feel like the reason no one ever talks to me anymore is because I'm fat. I been starving myself and working out like crazy for the past month just so I can look decent,...
November 4th, 2011 at 01:55am

Calyx Tristram (New Alter-Ego)

I have created a new alter-ego. I already have two that I've written concept albums for. One was Cydney Romeo, the suicidal, hopeless romantic, that was shunned from society. And there was Val Raylene, who self-medicates through delusions and memories, but goes on a journey to find what's genuinely real.My next one I have named Calyx Tristram. He's a compulsive perfectionist who conflicts with his...
November 2nd, 2011 at 02:12am

Is it bad to want attention?

I really don't know if this sounds self-centered, but I really don't think I get enough positive attention. Is it healthy to go through life without it? I really don't know. I always get criticized for really stupid stuff but whenever there's something good about me, I feel very under appreciated.I'm not very good at many things. I'm never feel like I'm very good at what I do best. My mother would...
October 25th, 2011 at 07:25am

Broken Doorbells

When you’re singing to a sea filled with porcelain, you’d probably sketch out an image a lot more abstract. Puppets with no strings, a clock that can tell the future, or maybe the tiny dancer down the hall. It seems these days I haven’t got the chance to strain the words.You could tell me the moon is made of polystyrene, eyes are florescent, or the sky is a dense hole that inhales life from...
October 25th, 2011 at 02:24am

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

This journal is from the point of view of the narrator of the song "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out". I'm really new at writing from different points of views of people, but I guess the best way to do it is to keep practicing.It was probably past eleven thirty or so. I had never seen street lights so radiant and felt so surreal from the sound of music. She smiles at me and asks me if I was...
October 21st, 2011 at 07:28am

Ever Feel Like The Only Thing You Want Is A Hug?

Do you ever lay in your bed and felt so lonely you hug your pillow and pretend it's someone you miss? And watch the world turn over and it just feels like everything is slowly falling apart? Sometimes I don't get it. How does everyone get it and I don't?I can't even remember the last time someone gave me a hug. I don't get phone calls or just a simple hello anymore. I feel worthless. I really...
October 21st, 2011 at 03:28am

I Can Feel A Hot One

There’s an old book on the shelf. It looked excessively aged so no one bother to read it. There’s a desolate house at the edge of the street. Someone died alone there and it’s been empty there ever since. There’s a self portrait of a young lady on the wall. No one can remember who she was so they just pass on by.The floor was covered in broken glass and from the looks of it; I really...
October 21st, 2011 at 03:04am