LaikaM2 / Comments

  • Wey, no se si sigues leyendo la zombie historia...espero que si/ Eres TEam Jessie verdad? La autora esta trsite xq no hay personas diciendo que son Team jessie. Ella encesita amor ya que yo soy fan de Bob Y ella lo sabe. Dale amor a Jessie...pero no les digas que yo te dije qey. hazlo xq kieres (no se si quieras o no) no xq yo te dije
    Brain ya
    October 20th, 2010 at 05:41pm
  • Dude! So Justin commented me on my profile and I cracked up so bad (btw, he is the author of the zombie story). This is an excerpt with why I cracked up.
    "I have a question. You and your stevie twin I think have this inside joke. You say "I brain you." I had that in my head today, and have to ask what thats about. Is it like a parody on "I heart you?" Because [b]I feel if I said I brain you too, there'd be a 69 happening...[/b] I've been waiting all day to say that. Keeps making me laugh. Yea, I'm weird. I admit it."
    I had never thought of it that way...epicness. Just though you would get a laugh out of that.
    October 15th, 2010 at 08:45am
  • Well you know what? My pony is gonna stab your pony and your mommy if you dont read and comment on the zombie story!
    Little kids scare me too.
    dude, your comment on my story...weird teacher. I love that saying. i had already heard it...the funny part is that it is so true...:P
    my day was ok-ish.
    October 13th, 2010 at 04:37pm
  • Dude! That song is so old! I used to sing it in like the 6th grade and it was taught to us by old mexican people. How do you even remember that shit?
    Oh julie la vaca eres tu, si te jalan de la cola que nombre dices tu?
    October 12th, 2010 at 10:07am
  • Dude!You dont need to breath when you are as awesome as me!
    Show me the wasy master! For reals...teach me to sign! And any other amazing things you can do...
    Wait a Tortilla flippin' moment! A singer? Where? For what? No offense but...singing is not your forte...unless there is something you are not telling me
    October 12th, 2010 at 06:12am
  • OK, I am just throwing this out there. But you know how on Mibba there are certain main ideas that you will find stories about, right?
    In the fan fics area:
    You have pretty much AX7, BMTH, All Time Low, MCR and Hollywood Undead, frikin Justin Bieber end the damn Jonas brothers for Music.
    For books you have a lot of Harry Potter and, of course, Twilight.
    And in sports you have a few ones about soccer but an obscene amount of Hockey player ones. Specially about Sidney Crosby. Oh, and a few that do some extreme sport or another.
    And when you see story plots what you see the most is: Slash, regular, Student teacher and/or vampire/human romance.
    As for spicing up the stories you will find a sprinkling of bad boys, emos, princes, arranged marriages, vampires, werewolves, people with fucked up pasts, rape, pregnancy and sex that could make a porn star blush.
    Now taking all the above into account you will find yourself with hundreds of odd stories that combine one two or even eight of those aspects, yet the story lines are pretty much the same.
    Here are a few thing I have not seen stories written about but would totally crack me up if I did:
    - A hockey fan-fic that was a slash. I mean really, with all the slashes going around you would think someone would have made hockey player gay by now.
    - A story with an ugly vampire as the hero. Seriously, why are they always total hotties? Ugly people get bitten to you know!
    - A band fan-fic where they DONT get the girl/boy and they have to suck it up like the rest of the none famous world. (this one just be my bitterness talking cuz I know I will never have a famous singer in my bed)
    -An arranged marriage where the do not end up happy and in love at the end...seriously. Who would really end up like that now-a-days?

    But that is just me...
    If anyone has actually seen something like any of those, please pass me the link. It should be an interesting read :p
    October 11th, 2010 at 05:34pm
  • lolness! I love that song.
    I hope you read it!
    btw..he is not my man...that is like saying that my cousin is my man...and that is just sick.
    ttyl biotch
    October 10th, 2010 at 03:54pm
  • Ah, hell to the motha fuckin' no!

    haha...made mi giggle
    October 7th, 2010 at 10:22am
  • Stevie!
    Me rompes el corazon!
    No le has dado un comment a la historia de zombies!
    Es poca madre!
    Si te gusto Jessie?
    October 7th, 2010 at 09:16am
  • Dude, if you arent the horrible Stevie...does that make me the horrible one?...I dont like where this is going...
    Guess what?
    I am sick too!
    You can tell by the see of tissues around me...
    It is problematic seeing as how work starts tomorrow and I am supposed to be able to sing.
    Monkeys are not scary!
    Centipedes are...(insert shiver and gag)
    Soo, I have a new Mibba amigui, he makes my days...sigh.
    I am so pathetic.
    October 7th, 2010 at 08:41am
  • pshhh!
    trying to by my happiness with brownies and comments...
    I am ashamed...that it is working...
    October 6th, 2010 at 08:38am
  • Omg! Thankyou for the comment! I appreciated iiit! Oh ty for teh cookiess!
    October 6th, 2010 at 01:14am
  • Dude, when you read the zombie story please remember to comment and tell them if you are team Bob or Jessie. I am team Bob cuz he was depressed but is still hard core. But I think you are more pro like Jessie, yes yes.
    October 5th, 2010 at 04:27pm
  • My brain!
    Of course me must discuss important things!
    Like the zombie story.
    Have you read it?
    Do you love it?
    Does it freak you out?
    I commented you yes
    October 5th, 2010 at 08:02am
  • Scratch that. Go read all stories by "the blinding." and "xlaura17x"
    September 26th, 2010 at 04:03pm
  • Go read a story called "My Calamity", the author is "the blinding."
    September 25th, 2010 at 07:36am
  • Miss you hoe.
    I wanna go back.
    I cant get my damn time differences straight so I keep missing my Hockey games.
    I want ink.
    I need ink.
    It is all I can think about.
    I keep telling mself that if I get through this alive I will reward myslef with beautiful ink.
    How fucked up is that?
    September 24th, 2010 at 06:30am
  • Where the fuck you at girl!
    Ye best be coming online soon or imma smack you down hoe!
    I will explain the tat later.
    Life just sucks period.
    I fucking hate my job and have decided I will never have kids.
    I cant remember what else I was gonna say.
    i bought stickers yes, to decorate my journal.
    I was bored.
    And I am hungry :P
    September 18th, 2010 at 05:02am
  • Biotch!
    Brain you!
    Miss you!
    Have been thinking of the Tat and came up with something I think you are gonna like :P
    Life sucks!
    Wanna go back to Utah!
    (Yes...thing are THAT bad that I actually want to go back to UTAH)
    Write me hoe!
    Thank for the comment!
    You are the bestest Twin/Friend eva!!!
    September 15th, 2010 at 08:01am
  • Hey,
    I know this is random, but could you check out this chick's stories?
    I think they're pretty good and I just want to spread the word.
    Maybe you'll even comment if you like them?
    September 7th, 2010 at 08:43am