Anti-Social / Comments

  • meese.

    meese. (100)

    United States
    Well, thank you, but I definitely think you should post some things. :) I mean, I know it can be tough, but hey- if you're afraid it'll be bad,
    1) I doubt it will be bad, anyway.
    2) And this site is good with constructive criticism, anyway, y'know?

    Aw, well, thanks again. :) You're just so flattering when it comes to all this, haha. :arms:
    But yeah, I definitely know what you saying. I can't stand when I get a notification for an update, then I get all excited, and it's 200 words, with an apology for it's shortness in the authors note. But y'know... yeah. Hah.

    Sheesh, thanks for that, too. x)
    It was tough to visualize, but.. I guess it worked out, heh.
    Really though, I can't thank you enough.
    August 28th, 2009 at 12:56am