
Has anyone seen the music video for Avenged Sevenfold's 'Nightmare'?It's fucking amazing. You can see it on Omg, just go watch it.And I would just like to add, I'm extremely jealous of Zacky V's hair. :/But hey, it looks better on him than it would on me. But it's a good song and video.I shall say Syn looks amazing as always. ;)& the end it just.. Gosh! Go watch it. The end made me a...
July 18th, 2010 at 09:54am

One Day, Robots Will Cry.

Hey Everyone, well, I'm just here sitting, thinking.Maybe I don't belong on here? I mean there are much more amazing people with much better skills than me. I know, I love this place. I love the community feeling. I love how you can just forget about everything and sit for hours in another world, even though it feels just like five minutes.What I am saying is, should I just leave? Should I just...
July 13th, 2010 at 09:37am

Another Anniversary. :)

Well, it's about 3:42 pm.Way too early to get up.I think I went to bed around five.Still tired..So, guess what?TOMORROW IS OUR ANNIVERSARY!!And guess how long it's been?!!Guess!!On year, six months.That's almost two years!:DDI'm like really happy we've made it this long.:)I hope I get to see him.Like, really cause I'll be upset if I can't.But Ehh..Last anniversary was like whoa.Okay, here it...
August 2nd, 2009 at 10:51pm


Hey anyone who is reading.How was ya'lls day?Mines was pretty.. okay.My boyfriend came over and helped give my kitties flea baths.[BTW, we have five kittens. We found them like last month.]First it was Jonnah, my sister's cat.And then Mikey.And then Bunny, my kitty. ^^And then Cosmo, my brother cat with a dumb name.And then it was Jonas.My sister named the last cat. -_-So anyways, we were looking...
August 2nd, 2009 at 05:21am


Well..Recently, I've been wanting to hear a good ghost story.I don't know why.I've just been wanting to hear one.Like real ghost stories, not ones that are made up.Like ones you've experienced or legends or whatever.Stories you've heard.If anyone knows a good ghost story, please let me know.Like if you know a haunted place, road, cemeteries, houses, anywhere or anything.:)PLEASE.Does anyone have a...
August 1st, 2009 at 08:09am