AestheticStar / Comments

  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Yeah, Matt requested to be let go. I think he needs to lose a bit of weight. I mean, he isn't huge or anything, he just needs a bit of muscles I think. Not like, Chris Masters, but you get what I mean. ;)

    I agree. I mean, after a certain age, you shouldn't sit over your kids, but the younger kids shouldn't be left alone. I mean, sure, they might go and try it at their friend's house or something, but parents should be watching them there, too. There's so much violence in the media anymore. Me? It doesn't bother me, because I know not to steal a car and shoot some hookers up. But younger kids don't understand that anymore it seems like.
    November 3rd, 2010 at 04:01am
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    All that I've been listening to at the moment is Avenged Sevenfold, so I have no motivation for the All Time Low story. I'm hoping I'll get it back soon.

    Same with me. Though I found out she had been on TNA before. That's where she started out I think. Raw does get of my nerves sometimes. Though usually when I'm watching it, I'm not paying that much attention to it.

    Same here. Its annoying watching the edited ones. I have to say I loved House of 1,000 Corpses. Now Devil's Rejects, not so much. That was stupid.

    They probably are. I mean look at all the help they'll have.

    BTW, how do you like my new layout? lol.
    November 2nd, 2010 at 08:41pm
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    Haha, thanks. My guitar was feeling a little lonely in the corner of my room so I might as well hand it to someone who actually gave it attention :p Oh and I saved your website to my favourites, never know when it will come in handy ;) Since I quite like jb and I love to sing along to his songs, I'll certainly start with his songs, when I get to that level! Haha, what a stupid hairdresser. She should just do what's asked without the comments. If I was your hairdresser, I would have said everyone would hugh/kiss you for dressing up like jb for halloween xD I knew you wouldn't let them bother you!! I would have certainly giving you a high five for playing a jb song too. How awesome would that be, dancing with 'jb' on a jb song for Halloween. Ow how I wish I could time travel!

    Wow, dress-up parties seem like so much fun for a b-day! I bet your frieds love your b-day, haha. And yes, all mcr fans pretty much changed Halloween into Ieroween. I quite love it to be honest xD I'm getting pretty sick of school to nowadays. I just try to remember myself it's for the better to have a diploma and graduate from university. Did you hear anything about the permanent job yet? Otherwise, still good luck! I'm hoping for the best :)
    November 2nd, 2010 at 06:46pm
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    " I have been a fan of Jeff Hardy for twelve years now, going on thirteen. Long time fan & always will be!"

    This. <3
    November 2nd, 2010 at 04:31pm
  • Fun Ghoul.

    Fun Ghoul. (100)

    United States
    I went to my cousin's house for dinner then went to this street with scary decorations, it's a popular street. I saw this guy that dressed up as Michael Myers. That totally made my night.

    Oh, and nice default. If I wasn't straight, I'd say you look hot as Justin. Ahahaha.
    November 2nd, 2010 at 04:14pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I'll have to look up some Youtube videos sometime. I mean, I'm pretty sure I knew he went heel, I just never watch it.

    Did you heat Matt got let go? So he's probably gonna come to TNA now.

    I agree with you. Parents should know what their kids are doing. I mean, if you have a kid who you think would pull stunts that are done on TV, I think they shouldn't allow their kids to watch it. However, if they're a more mature fan, who just watches it for the entertainment like mainly everyone does, and not to be violent, I think they'll be fine.

    It was a few years ago. Like, it didn't happen when I was in 8th grade, my teacher just told us of it when I was in 8th grade. It happened a few years before, probably when I was still in elementary school.
    November 2nd, 2010 at 01:41am
  • Fun Ghoul.

    Fun Ghoul. (100)

    United States
    Nice to meet you too.
    I'm good. I see you like Justin Bieber.
    I LOVE him. He's my guilty pleasure. Haha.
    November 1st, 2010 at 02:50pm
  • Fun Ghoul.

    Fun Ghoul. (100)

    United States
    Hey. I'm Danae.
    November 1st, 2010 at 07:24am
  • HeyJessicaLynn

    HeyJessicaLynn (100)

    United States
    Hmmmmmmm,ok. I'll try to figure out lol
    October 31st, 2010 at 02:51pm
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    It's ok. I've been reading a lot.

    I'm hoping I get the first couple of chapters wrote up first. Though I don't really have motivation for it. I usually get inspirartion from listening to the bands music, but since I haven't listened to All Time Low in a while, I don't really have inspiration for it.

    I loved the beginning of TNA this week. It was funny seeing Mickie James kicking Tara's ass like that. I was surprised though that The Beautiful People came to help her though. Yeah, its not bad so far, but I still don't like the way he is acting. So hopefully this storyline won't last long. I just watch Raw. And I barely pay any attention to it. I just watch it for Randy. lol. Ah, I didn't know about that. I can't really say anything though cause I can't stand Justin. I haven't been on Twitter, so I don't know what his default looks like.

    They really did. But I still love it. Though Seed of Chucky, not so much. I'll have to try and find that. That's why I love having OnDemand, they have all those movies and you don't have to worry about them being edited. I agree, the second one did drag on. I actually like Rob Zombie as a director.

    I didn't know if you knew it or not, but Jeff's girlfriend had the baby. It was a girl.
    October 31st, 2010 at 04:31am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I'm saying I never read anything where he said he wanted to be heel.

    I think it can be ridiculous as well, but they're mainly doing it for the kids. I mean, even since they went PG, although they did lose a lot of viewers, they gained some as well, because more parents allowed their kids to watch it. (Yeah, I don't understand that either.)

    I think it was toned down a bit because of the fact that kids kept trying to do all these stunts, and a lot of them were getting hurt by it.

    I remember in English in 8th grade, we were having a class discussion about it, and my then English teacher always disapproved of it, always trying to get her son to watch the Discovery channel and all, and she was saying how this one boy, he was really young, like 8 or something, I guess he was supposed to be watching over his sister or neighbor or something, and he did all these moves to her, and he ended up killing her.
    October 30th, 2010 at 10:06pm
  • pezzie

    pezzie (105)

    United States
    Your profile pic is aceee! xD
    October 30th, 2010 at 06:13pm
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    Haha, just as I want to comment you back, justin bieber's 'Never say never' starts playing on my radio, no kidding! Coincidence, I think not! xD

    Thanks for the motivation speech. At the moment I borrowed my guitar to the sister of my boyfriend. She actually uses it more than I did. But she's getting one of her own soon so I will try and find more time for it. On thing's for sure, I will not die before I learned to play the guitar decently :p And if I ever get to playing whole songs, I'll start with jb since you said they're not that bad to play :)

    I see you changed your default picture, and really the costume rocks! You really look like him (the haircut & style). That party seemed like to much fun. It's suck that some haters had to keep laughing about it, some people really need better thing to do with their lives... But I'm pretty sure you're the type of person that didn't let them ruin the party with their stupid behaviour! I know, how can people not like Halloween over here? It's not like we act like it doesn't excist. But people don't give halloween parties and there are no little children in cute customes neither :( But I always try to have the halloween feeling on the internet, like mibba. I'll certainly be dropping by on the mcr-thread, because it's frank iero's b-day tomorrow on halloween. We like to call it Ieroween xD

    School is finally getting of my back, I have a whole week free next week. Kinda of a break I guess. Still have work to do, but now at least I have more time to do it :p
    October 30th, 2010 at 11:46am
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    I just realised I hadn't commented you back, even though I thought I did o_O
    Anyways I agree with you on the U Smile video. How's your attempt of playing it on guitar going? I have a guitar too but I havn't gotten the time to really get into it so I could play desently, a shame. Yeah I'm seeing the difference too, when I watch his older videos he seems so young compared to now xD

    How did the shopping for Halloween go? I wish I could celebrate Halloween to but they don't really celebrate it around here >.< What will you be? Yes, I'm that curious :p And I'm still totally jealous of your house with the occasional deer, haha.! Why can't I live in a peacefull house loved by deers?

    I'll pray with you so that the job turn into something perminant! ;) Meanwhile school still hasn't forgotten how to kill an innocent girl by burrying it in a gigantic pile of work... xD
    October 20th, 2010 at 04:32pm
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I agree. I mean I do eat healthy but now as I should. Its hard eating healthy, I could if I really wanted too. But I don’t eat all the junk food I can no. The only time I really eat is when I’m on vacation but who doesn’t do that haha. I always wanted to veggie burger but a lot people told me that it was nasty, and wanted to try a turkey burger. He would never try something like that, if it’s not ‘real” food you can for get about him eating it. You would think after this it would make him realize he needs to eat healthy but yeah it doesn’t. I haven’t work out any this week since I’ve been sick. That’s cool, I hope you get back into it.

    I agree it is, and it’s not use to try when those friends could careless. It’s like it would kill them to be away from their boyfriend/girlfriend to hang, you know?. I wouldn’t either I couldn’t, I am my own person and that will never change, I would never change for someone. I think so too and it sucks that it happens. I think he just wanted to be a asshole and ruing everyone fun, since he was in a piss off mood he was going to make sure so did every one else. And then part of you wants to say something but you know if did then it would only cause a big problem, you know?. Yeah he should, he should at least help her out he is her boyfriend, so he should do something. Wow, that’s really sad that ya’ll have help her out more then he has, but that shows you’re an awesome friend who helps friends out when they need it. That’s what sucks when someone is so in love that they just can’t see the bad in the ones they love and no matter how hard you try and everything they won’t them, you know? Your welcome hun. <33

    I sorry hun, I know that sucks. I’ve been having headaches too and what sucks I can’t take it anything for it cause it never helps. All day I felt bad but I’m starting to feel sort better which probably won’t last. Alright. I really need to dye my hair but I’m trying to wait until it fades a little more.
    October 14th, 2010 at 05:58am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I don't know if Jeff ever wanted to be a heel in WWE. I never read anything about him saying he did. I know Triple H wants to be a heel when he comes back.

    Mr. McMahon banned the Flair Chops because he hates when the crowd goes "WOOOOO!" after one of the chops. Also, chair shots to the head have been banned as well.

    That's all I remember. I feel like there was something else, but I don't remember.
    October 14th, 2010 at 02:52am
  • HeyJessicaLynn

    HeyJessicaLynn (100)

    United States
    Otayy:) Haha welcome.
    I wish I knew who the other character
    October 13th, 2010 at 11:21pm
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    I didn't know there were Nightmare on Elm Street books. I'll have to check that out. It takes a lot for me to find a book I'm interested in.

    I didn't know that. I'll have to do that then. I just need to finish writing down the first chapter though. Then I'm gonna try to get some of chapter two done before I post anything.

    I don't either. Just as long as Madison didn't win. I can't stand her. I liked her as Victoria too. I'm happy he won too. I want to see what he's like when he goes heel. It should be interesting to see.WWE just flat out annoys me anymore. They have a lot of good wrestlers that they don't use. TNA so far has had some really good storylines, so hopefully this one will be good. What did Shannon say on Twitter? I don't go on there much anymore so I don't know.

    I've never seen the originals of Chucky. Though I have to admit that I loved Bride of Chucky. I've wanted to get a Tiffany doll for a long time since I first saw it a Spencers. I've seen some of the later ones of Friday the 13th, but not any of the earlier ones. I should try and find My Bloody Valentine and watch it then. That's the only bad thing about remakes.Though in the Halloween remakes, they were pretty good. Rob Zombie was a good director to do those.
    October 13th, 2010 at 03:41pm
  • Lifelines

    Lifelines (100)

    United States
    Plans usually fall apart or come together for me at the last minute. It kind of sucks, but I like it that way.
    October 13th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    No offense taken, opinions are opinons. ^-^

    I know they don't have a large fan base, but I just like the roar of the crowd and all. I just don't like sitting there hearing the mat bounce around in silence for 15 minutes before the ref screams the pinfall.

    :O Jeff? Heel? Sweeeeeeet.

    That's what I said when they changed their ratings! I mean, if you didn't let your kids watch it when it was PG-13, why would you watch it when it's PG? It's the same stuff, except they can't say as many curse words, and some of the moves were banned and stuff.
    October 13th, 2010 at 04:01am