AestheticStar / Comments

  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    Yeah, the things people say these days... I guess the new trend is saying before thinking instead of the other way round :p Luckily I've become pretty good at ignoring those people, not worth getting angry at.

    And sorry I didn't guess yet. I'm still too clueless to make a guess. And I don't want to look stupid when I make a guess that isn't even close or anything xD But it's also kind of weird. I used to read a lot of mcr-fanfiction and I constantly want to fit them in although it clearly isn't them. I guess it's like a habit or something :p But each time when it's just the two guys and no details I want to fit the mcr-guys in, haha. I'm really gonna have to stop doing that and focus more on details if I'm gonna want to make a guess.
    September 6th, 2010 at 05:34pm
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    That's the good thing about having OnDemand. lol. They have under the Nick catagory, Nick Throw Backs. It has Doug, Hey Arnold, Angry Beavers, and a bunch of Rugrats. My nephews that are 2 & 6 loved Rugrats when I played them an episode.

    Seriously!? That would be funny to listen to. I'll have to check it out.

    That is a good way to look at it. I never thought of that. I just read about certain people/bands. It's just weird for me cause I may not know anything about who the people are writing about. That's ok. It's good to get that stuff out. lol.
    September 5th, 2010 at 07:19am
  • MyWorstNightmare

    MyWorstNightmare (100)

    United States
    For the story To say goodbye, you can private message me your entry (entries) and I'll add you as an author. Thanks for reading
    September 4th, 2010 at 07:19am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    Same here. I still have some friends left but not like I had before, but Iam starting to see who my real friends are. I'm shy also it's hard for me to meet new people, I guess I'm just tired of friends using me and just sticking around for a while that I don't wont it to keep happening. I know I have learn my lesson with just not bring up someones boyfriend or girlfriend cause it only turns into a fight. I mean yeah I get sad thinking about it but I don't let it get to me, it's just hard when you had a friend for like three years going on four and just one day they decide they no longer want to be friends, you know? If they keep spending all this time together and everything I can see it too, I just have a feeling it's not going to last long. I know,right? I would go crazy also I couldn't hang with my boyfriend for 24/7 if I had one, I would need my space haha. She always said she would NEVER let a guy come between us that we would always be best friends, guess what happen she let it happen. I'm starting to see Iam better off without her before I wouldn't wont to believe it but now really thinking about it Iam better off.

    Welcome. Alright :)

    Haha it's all good, I already read it and left a comment.
    September 4th, 2010 at 05:28am
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    Haha, it's okay. We all have our 'blonde' moments xD Maybe even a few to many... I'll certainly check chapter two and desperately try to figure out who the main characters are:p

    I'm really starting to like All Time Low at the moment so I went on youtube to watch some music video's and I saw these comments asking people to dislike/flag/give bad comments/... on the 'baby' video. And if you did that, to post the comment under music video's of 'real' groups like AC/DC, ... That's really pathetic. I mean you might be albe to get jb away from the most viewed video place but are you really gonna be proud about the way you did it? You did it by spreading a stupid message instead of by showing your love for the music you do like. Yeah that's really the way to go people... >.< I also get a laugh out of people like that but I wouldn't react to them. It's good that you don't let their comments get to you. The guy certainly wasn't original or witty. Calling someone ugly, it's like it want to say something mean, but have no idea what, I'll just say she's ugly:p But just to make sure, you are no where near ugly!

    And about the concert/revenge plan, it so is a win win situation right! I wish we could actually make this plan come true. I would love every second of it:p maybe in our imagination...
    September 3rd, 2010 at 01:28pm
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I agree. I never really wanted to see the bad in my friends, I've lost so many friends that I'm just to the point of I'm better of alone. Yeah that's true,you just have to let them go and just hope one day they'll come around.Yeah cause I knew if I would have said something about it, it would have just turn into a fight as if we didn't have our fights already. She was never like this until she started dating her boyfriend. It's not worth my time honesty, that day when we stop being friends yeah I was sad and wanted us to be friends I hated it, but as the days went on I started to see it's not worth it anymore. There will be moments where I will miss her I won't lie but it's not worth being friends anymore, I just can't see it. For her it was for the worst, as she got older she did change but not a whole lot, the moment she change a whole is when she started dating him. I think some of her friends are getting tired of how she's acting, she doesn't hang with anyone anymore, she's always with her boyfriend. In 08&09 she was always at my house, it was like she lived here but this summer it wasn't like that,I think I knew something was wrong but I just didn't believe it. We can hope but I dont see it happening anytime soon.


    I hope you do :)
    September 3rd, 2010 at 03:33am
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    Yeah holding it in is pretty hard to do. I'm more of a shy person in real life and when people annoy me/laugh at me/... I keep it in for ages and dan some poor sucker pushes me over the edge and I just completely burst out xD People always say I have to stand up for myself and when I finally do they say I'm mean because everything seems worse out of my mouth because they don't expect it from me. Sometimes I just really don't know what to do >.<

    Maybe we should punish the guy from the jb thread by taking him to a jb concert. A) We prove that jb is indeed a real singer with lots of talent. B) The guy gets a terribly punishment, being surrounded by screaming girls all night. C) We, on the other hand, have the time of our lives. It's a win win situations if you ask me :D

    And I've been thinking about what you said earlier. I do tend to choose stories by the characters who are in it. So this way your story get's an honest chance because we just don't know who it is about. See... I told you you were a genius, haha =) We certainly all have our bads days. Lucky for us, our bad days come around more often than good days:p I can admire pretty girls but the people around me accept me for who I am and that's what's important!
    September 2nd, 2010 at 01:39pm
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    I don't know, I just didn't. I did to, I mean All Grown Up was still good, but the Rugrats was better. I know there are some episodes on dvd of certain shows, but not all of them.

    I've heard some of their songs, but not a lot of them. Some of the stuff that All Time Low jokes about it hilarious. On one of the live shows that they did, they were joking around about how Princess Peach was a whore and that every time she got kidnapped by Bowser, she went with him cause he had a big dick. lol.

    I can't stand Justin Beiber. That's a good idea doing that. That way anybody can read it.
    September 2nd, 2010 at 07:16am
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    I loved all those shows too, minus Ren & Stimpy. I have season 1 & 2 of Dinosaurs. I found it at FYE, so I had to get it. lol. I loved Rugrats. Even All Grown Up was good. They need to put dvds of those out.

    Same with me. I keep listening to the concert cd on repeat. It gets funnier everytime. I love how they can say stuff to each other in a joking manner.

    As long as I'm not reading stuff about Justin Beiber, I'll be fine.
    September 1st, 2010 at 07:08am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I think I was seeing her slowly change I just didn't' wont to believe it. I think that's what I was trying to do now that I think about it, I just didn't wont to believe my best friend was changing. I hope she will, I know it wont be anytime soon though but maybe one day she will see all the friends she lost. I know,right? She couldn't go one day without talking about her boyfriend, I never said anything cause I knew if I did it would have turn into a fight. And all she did really was stayed in the room, if it wasn't for me asking to come out to the beach she would have never left the room. It was a mistake taking her with me, I should have learn my lesson the first time but I thought maybe this time would be different I was way wrong.It's like she'll talk to people for a while and then one day just wont talk to them again, and I have no idea why. It seems like as she's getting older she's just not the same person she use to be. I still kind of hope the person I once knew will come back, that she will be her old self again, but I don't see that happening.

    Alright :). But yeah if u do get some let me know if it works.

    Thanks for the comment, and I do hope you write something :)
    August 31st, 2010 at 09:01pm
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    I'm not sure if I should be relieved now to not know a red-head or not. Because I would like to see one in 'action' now to be honest xD I can get pretty aggresive too from time to time, but mostely I just keep it inside or get it out by kicking the nearest object I find xD

    After I saw the comment of that guy in the jb thread, about Justin not singing for real, I was certain you would reacting. I just had the feeling you weren't going to be able to keep it in. The kid did pass an important line by saying he coudn't really sing. But after the best rant I've read on here all week posted by you, I bet we won't be seeing him around anymore :p

    And your welcome for the story comment. I am really liking it so far. But I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to guess who the charachters are, I'll see. Anyways a good story deserves a nice comment =)
    Oooh and you look really pretty on that new picture under your username on your profile!!! *jealous*
    August 31st, 2010 at 02:10pm
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    BTW, on your new story, will I know who the mystery people are?
    August 31st, 2010 at 07:11am
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    I hope they win. Fortune needs to be put in their place. They need to realize that a lot of the TNA wrestlers have wrestled for a different company, including their beloved Ric Flair.

    I watch it all the time. I miss some of them too. I remember watching Doug, The Angry Beavers, and Hey Arnold. I even remember watching the show Dinosaurs when I was younger. lol.

    They say weird, funny crap all the time. I love it.
    August 31st, 2010 at 07:10am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I think so too. I agree. Me either, he told me since she's got together with her boyfriend that she's change, I didn't see it at first but now I do. I think by her ending our friendship had done it for him. Haha I know, I agree with you. Boyfriends do come and go but friends last forever, I guess she doesn't think that. Me and her have been friends for three years almost four, and she just decides that our friendship isn't the same, that's not right. Like at the beach that's all she would talk about, she kept telling him " I wish I was there with you", You don't know how much I was there with you", I kept thinking why are you here then?, you know? I wanted her to come so we could have fun and just hang but she didn't let that happen, she honesty ruin my trip. I mean yeah if I had a boyfriend I would miss then but I wouldn't let it stop me from having fun, you know?. If they do and she does say sorry, I would really have to think about being her friend again. I don't think she ever will to be honest. She's not the same person I once knew, and I've been wishing she would be the same person I once met before. I really don't think she does either.

    Welcome :). Cant wait to read!

    That's cool. I know there's one around where I live I'm just not sure where it is. Alright, thanks :). If it does help then I'm going to buy me some. I need to check out that store just to see what they have. I agree with you on that.

    I posted mine and someone else's. I'm hoping more people will join.
    August 31st, 2010 at 06:26am
  • RachelRose523

    RachelRose523 (100)

    United States
    They totally did. I can't wiat to see what they do Thursday night. I have a feeling the tag match will blow up in their faces. Its gonna end badly.

    Yea, I watched all three of them. I loved and still love the Disney Channel. lol.

    I got it off of my All Time Low cd that they recorded for a dvd/cd combo. One of them members said it. Its really funny to listen too.
    August 31st, 2010 at 05:51am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I think she was trying to find some way to put the blame on me,to make it look like I didn't care about our friendship. No it doesn't, your right. Ryan done said he wasn't going to be her friend anymore, that his tired of it too. She just doesn't seem like she cares anymore, which is sad really. That sounds like her, she would talk about him all the time. Then spend hours on the phone with him, forgetting that she's suppose to be spending time with me. I really do this so to be honest because she has never change this much with a boyfriend before, and it's sad she's letting him change her. At first when they got together she didn't change, but slowly she started too. Thanks that makes me feel better now, I really don't think I can be friends with her again. If they do break up and she says sorry for treating me wrong, then I might can but I really don't think I will though or that she would say sorry for that. Honesty I do think it would happen again, I wouldn't put it pass her. I think really Iam better off with her.

    Ur welcome hun :). Alright, can't wait to read more.

    I haven't really been to stores like that, but I have heard of them and I know we have some stores like that around here. Oh I haven't heard of that before, I would like to try it out too, just to see if it would help my anxiety. Same here, I really do hate doctors do that. I don't see why doctors just dont suggest something like that instead of giving medicine that probably wont help.

    Thanks :). I already started the story, so we'll see.
    August 31st, 2010 at 05:43am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    Same here. I know,right? All she had to do was just say "hey I'm busy,text u later" that's all, it's not that hard to do. And I find it very weird she had time to text our friend Ryan but yet couldn't text me. She has really change she's no longer the same person she use to be and it's sad. She use to be happy all the time, always texting me every minute. She would stay at my house for days or even longer. This summer she hardly came over and when she did it was all about her boyfriend. I've been a good friend to her, I went with her places so she could see her boyfriend,even went out her when I was sick just so she could see her boyfriend. I find it stupid that people change who they are when there with someone. I don't either really and it's sad that she let it happen. If it does happen honesty I don't know if I should be friends with her again, I really dont. That might sound really mean of me but I just don't know if I coud. I have seen it too.

    Alright, I'll read it and comment :)

    Me too.

    I agree, there's other ways to cure something it doesn't have to be medicine like doctors think. It seems like everytime you go to the doctor now that's all the want to do is give you some kind of medicine.

    Thanks :). I really want to do since it's something I never done before. And if it doesn't work out then at least I tried.
    August 30th, 2010 at 08:18pm
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    OMG! I just laughed my ass off when I saw your rant against the kid who burst into the jb thread with negative comments xD
    August 30th, 2010 at 08:14pm
  • Hi Distant Star.

    Hi Distant Star. (100)

    Thanks for letting me know about the story! I'll check it out after writing this message =p So are red-heads suppose to be more aggresive or something? I can get pretty heated too once and a while. Especially when I'm driving. I mean sometimes I feel as the only person whole actually knows how the drive the correct and save way. Then some not so friendly words can come out of my mouth. In winter it's all good, but in summer I always forget my window is open and something people could hear me xD Guess it's really best not to bother to react, just ignore it.
    August 30th, 2010 at 05:52pm
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I think she did, I really do think she was just trying to find some excuse to say our friendship wasn't the same. Yes I did. I finally texted her Wednesday, when school started. She never texted me back. Finally on Friday I called her after I've been texting her for three days, she didn't answer. She sent me a text saying she's been busy. So Saturday I ask her if she wanted to go with to a concert, well soon after that I ask her if she was okay, or if something was wrong. And that's when it happen. Honestly ever since she's been with her new boyfriend she was really change. At first I didn't see it but now I do. Even my friend Ryan no longer wants to be her friend because of her ways. I mean yeah in some ways it does suck but I'm slowly seeing we might be better off. True fiends just dont end friendship just because one thinks we're no longer the same. She told me we've been trying to fix our friendship for a month now and I didn't even know we were.

    Alright that works :)

    I never wanted to have it again, and lucky I haven't. That was the worst cough I ever had. I honesty thought that cough would never go away. I'm glad too I was very happy when it went away. Haha yep.

    I'm glad I don't go no more either, that doctor didn't even help me. She thought if she would just give me medicine that it would cure me. And the whole it was all in my head did it for me, I didn't go back after that.

    Haha I agree on that it does. One of my ideas was to start a story, about saying goodbye. Letting people write a letter to someone when they never got a chance to say goodbye, anyone can join. Do you think that's a good idea?
    August 30th, 2010 at 06:35am