Lasairiona Berry / Comments

  • Never! *Runs away shouting*
    September 16th, 2011 at 06:10pm
  • Lol. If I had a choice between outdoors or Zack’s glory we’d never go anywhere. :D
    September 16th, 2011 at 03:43am
  • He thinks it’s just an excuse to be lazy. :/ But he’s always been that way. Like when I was pregnant he didn’t believe I had morning sickness because he thought I just read about it and made it up. It wasn’t until he heard me hurling in the bathroom that he finally believed it. And since I don’t cry. Like ever. He assumes I’m not being serious about being panicked. He’s one of those “I need physical proof to believe something” individuals.
    September 14th, 2011 at 08:42pm
  • Yeah, I’ll have to talk to him. He doesn’t “believe” in anxiety though.
    September 14th, 2011 at 08:28pm
  • I definitely want to work on it. :/ It sucks not having a job and I want to take art classes. So I definitely have to do something about it. And obviously I don’t want to make an ass of myself in front of people I admire. Lol.
    September 14th, 2011 at 06:34pm
  • It’s a lot worse now than it was previously. I think I’ve had it for a long time because I remember getting panicky in high school but it wasn’t nearly as bad. I went on homeschool because of it. And I had it when I met my husband but it was more of just severe shyness that gradually grew to extreme discomfort.
    September 14th, 2011 at 06:00pm
  • I’ll have to try it. I’m okay around people for the most part as long as they’re not talking to me. Like my husband gets mad at me when we go to a fast food place and I refuse to tell them what I want. There are some days where I’m totally okay with talking to people and others where I don’t even want to get out of the car and be near anyone at all. It freaking sucks.
    September 14th, 2011 at 06:47am
  • I’m not a fan of meds either. I don’t really know how to work on it. My husband thinks that if I just “get over it” and go places I’ll get better. But it seems like the more he tries to do that the worse it gets. :/
    September 14th, 2011 at 05:48am
  • I don’t take anything for it. :/
    September 14th, 2011 at 02:36am
  • Lmao. This is true. Which is why I try to be cool about it. But I pretty much panic when the cashier at the grocery store addresses me personally. So if it’s someone I admire I’m pretty sure I’m going to do something like cry and then feel really stupid because I couldn’t control it. But I do plan to tell them about the anxiety thing so they’re not like “What a freak.” I can at least be like “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m just horribly terrified of people.” See, I can manage concerts and things as long as someone doesn’t talk to me directly. And I had a dream once that UnderOath was in the same Subway as me and I refused to look at them and then later had my sister go back and get their autographs because I was too scared. It would probably happen and that kind of scares me.

    They’re okay. They’re not like amazing or anything. But we bought their CD and I like them better than Neon Trees.
    September 13th, 2011 at 10:23pm
  • Lol. Things will progress soon enough. I actually originally had it so that he asked her to move in with him. But then I was like “Maybe it’s too soon.” And since that was originally going to be the ending chapter I changed it so I could continue the story. :D
    September 13th, 2011 at 08:43pm
  • Lol. Momma’s comments coming right up. :D
    September 13th, 2011 at 06:58am
  • I haven’t met hardly anyone. It kind of sucks. But then again I’m glad I haven’t because I’m pretty sure I’ll make an ass of myself since I do that on a daily basis anyway. I get freaking starstruck too easily. One time I kind of sort of met the singer from Journey in the grocery store one day. I didn’t even know who he was until the cashier pointed it out. And I’m not even a Journey fan and I still froze like “Omfg.” But then again there was the time I met this band that had a one hit wonder back when I was in high school but they were a local band. So my cousin and I were at this local show and they showed up to offer their support and we were just like “Hey.” But then a bunch of girls screamed and so we high tailed it out of there. But I really honestly think my starstruckness has more to do with the fact that I have major anxiety problems and I panic when I’m near anyone at all. So them being remotely famous just adds to it. They opened up for My Chemical Romance on the World Contamination tour. Their music is… I don’t know how to explain it. My husband describes them as “alternative rock with a hint of Southern rock.” So yeah. But they’re good. And once again the bassist… bellissimo.
    September 13th, 2011 at 06:39am
  • I’m pretty positive I’ll freeze up and not say anything at all. So I have nothing prepared. Lmao. Omg. You’re so lucky. I’ve only ever met Mel Gibson and I was wearing a Garfield shirt. That’s pretty much all I remember. Because I’m cool like that. Although I did meet the bassist from the Architects. I know they’re not really famous or anything. But I was proud of myself for not fainting at the sight of a hot bassist. And I managed to get his autograph without acting like a tool.
    September 13th, 2011 at 02:49am
  • Lol. He might appreciate it. But then again he might not. We will have to experiment.
    September 7th, 2011 at 05:37am
  • Aw. I love Freckles! *Squeezes him*
    September 7th, 2011 at 04:41am
  • Oh yeah! I’ve seen them. >.< *Pinches his cute freckly cheeks*
    September 7th, 2011 at 12:52am
  • That’s weird. But I know how you feel. My mom’s family is full of a bunch of Native American’s with dark hair, eyes, and medium skin complexions. My dad’s family is Italian and Irish. But my Irish grandpa had the ability to tan and has dark hair. He has two redheaded daughters and two brunette children. My dad looks Italian. He can get pale but never freakishly and he can tan like no one’s business. Then there’s me. The freak of nature. I’ve never ever had a tan and I’m so pale I glow in the dark. It’s totally unfair.
    September 6th, 2011 at 11:41pm
  • Yeah, mine aren’t completely gone. Some of them are still really dark but others are faded and you have to be kind of close to me to see them. And I have them everywhere. I just saw a new one form on the palm of my hand. I thought it was a piece of something and I kept trying to scratch it off but then it just got darker and darker and now it’s a freckle. It was kind of crazy. Yeah! Isn’t that stupid? Gah, she annoys me. I love her to death but she’s so freaking fake and everyone just kind of pretends it’s normal. She also wears fake eyelashes constantly but once again she’s not fooling anyone. No one’s eyelashes are that thick and curly just very suddenly. But then again I lived with her so I saw her without them. How did you get one on the bottom of your foot? And you were born with it? That’s insanity. I lived in Florida for like seven months and I swear all my freckles came back and then I freckled more on the way to the mailbox every day. Now I live in a place that’s always covered in clouds so they faded again.
    September 6th, 2011 at 06:11pm
  • Freckles rule! They’ve faded a bit over time. But I like them. :D I don’t think I have any moles though. My grandma has a mole on her face but it’s like a perfect Marilyn Monroe mole. And it really bothers me because I know its tattooed. (She has her lips and eyeliner tattooed too) But she goes around pretending its real and it annoys the hell out of me because she’s not fooling anyone. That woman is more plastic than a Barbie doll. Except oddly enough her boobs are real. *Shrugs*
    September 6th, 2011 at 05:29am